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  • Articron

    Global Moderator
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    Articron last won the day on May 12

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    About Articron

    • Birthday 04/08/1994

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      Programming, Computer networking, System administration,...

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    1. If you care about the account in any shape or form, you should not continue to bot on it ever. There's no real timeframe - bar 5 years(-ish?) for your offense to expire - to wait before you start botting again and for it to be considered "safe". It never is.
    2. Alright it's time to start taking this dispute a little more serious now considering OP and scripter are claiming different things and it's been going for a while now. @Nex, @igotscamed23 I've taken a more careful look at the screenshots of your conversations (redacted for regular users) and came to following conclusions: 1/ @igotscamed23 has been sending Nex messages about the initial script not working as intended for over two months. This however was ignored by Nex (change of Discord can not be an excuse here, as far as I can see in the screenshots you did not communicate your new one to him). 2/ @Nex claims the script was finished and delivered, however after this point OP has sent messages to get bug fixed which were ignored. 3/ Claiming you have "other people lined up to buy this script" is putting pressure on your customer not to start up this dispute. 4/ OP's been renting a server from Nex to run scripts on that are presumably delivered in a broken state or have not been receiving the required bugfixes. Conclusion: OP was given a script and reported issues with it, got ignored and ghosted for 2 months on end. @Nex You're to refund him the full amount for both the initial script and/or any additional plug-in he may have paid for that associate with the initial script. You have 72 hours to do this. His BTC address is bc1qdvpdy3er5p3l5q7dt6v24x5pcg37chupryhn5c Proof of refund can and should be posted by either party to make sure the case is settled.
    3. @igotscamed23 and @Nex Can you let us know when and if an agreement is made?
    4. Your baguette makes me wonder if you're compensating for something

    5. Hello this is the meme police and I'm afraid I'll have to take you into custody

      1. Zawy


        Hello meme police

        no thanks!!!!!!!!!!


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