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  • BeezyScripts

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    1. the browser error means you have to restart the client cause if the browser for importing jagex accounts got closed one time you can't reopen it within the same instance of Dreambot
    2. But don't bot on your main account if you dont want to risk it getting banned
    3. is there a wiki link for this moneymaking method?
    4. It's a game issue that limits the hops until you get an error message. Seems also to appear random and not after the same amount of hops in a short time. If you don't hop on these moneymakers it is not worth doing it due to respawn time of the items
    5. you could create a timer, if the timer is finished, disable the login handler, set a new timer for how long you want to break and after that time enable the login timer.
    6. what is the problem with world hoping? if it would not hop the gp/hr would be pretty bad
    7. should not switch to 500ttl world. Could you open a ticket on the discord server please for that issue
    8. You need to file for an refund here https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php?/forum/188-request-a-refund/
    9. yeah that's a known problem. Can't really do anything about it. :/ It's not a script problem its some game restriction stuff
    10. you need lvl 31 prayer to get access to the first floor of the Monastery.
    11. what account type do you have? Is it an osrs account or rs3?
    12. i dont think that this would make a lot of sense because most of the methods use world hop or need to be in a specific world.
    13. please open a ticket in the discord if possible Depositing all items is a security feature to not loose the items because there is no active anti PK implementation
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