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    1. Prayer Flicking Script Overview This Prayer Flicking Script is designed to automatically flick protection prayers based on the attack speed of enemies. By toggling the prayer only when it's needed, this script maximizes prayer efficiency and prevents unnecessary prayer point drain, particularly for melee protection prayers. Features Automatic Prayer Flicking: The script intelligently detects the attack speed of enemies and flicks the melee protection prayer accordingly to minimize prayer point usage. Dynamic Enemy Detection: Automatically detects the enemy the player is currently interacting with and adjusts the prayer flicking behavior based on the specific enemy's attack speed. Modular Design: The script is structured into modular classes, allowing easy customization and extension for various enemies and attack speeds. Optimized Prayer Usage: Ensures protection prayers are only active during critical moments, optimizing prayer point conservation. Event-Driven Synchronization: Leverages game tick and hitsplat events to accurately synchronize prayer flicking with enemy attacks. How It Works The script is composed of several modular classes that work together to provide efficient and responsive prayer flicking: PrayerFlickingScript: The main class responsible for initializing the script, managing the overall flow, and registering the necessary event listeners. EnemyTracker: Tracks and manages the enemy that the player is currently interacting with. It handles enemy detection, synchronization, and updates the enemy's attack speed as needed. PrayerFlicker: Handles the toggling of the protection prayer based on the synchronized attack timings. It ensures that the prayer is flicked on and off at the precise moments to protect the player. HitSplatListenerImpl: A listener class that detects hitsplats on the player. It checks if the prayer is correctly timed and triggers a re-synchronization if a hitsplat occurs without the prayer being active. GameTickListenerImpl: A listener class that monitors game ticks, ensuring that the prayer flicking is synchronized with the enemy's attack cycle. EnemyAttackSpeed: An enum that defines various attack speeds (FAST, MEDIUM, SLOW, VERY_SLOW) and their corresponding tick values. EnemyAttackSpeedMapping: A utility class that maps enemy names to their respective attack speeds, allowing for easy customization and extension of the script to handle different enemies. Script Flow Initialization: The script begins by detecting the enemy the player is interacting with and determining its attack speed using the EnemyAttackSpeedMapping class. Event listeners (HitSplatListenerImpl and GameTickListenerImpl) are registered to handle synchronization and prayer flicking. Main Loop (onLoop) The script continuously checks if the player has switched to a different enemy and updates the prayer flicking accordingly. It manages the prayer flicking logic based on real-time events such as game ticks and hitsplats. Tick Synchronization (onGameTick) The script listens for game ticks to synchronize prayer flicking with the enemy's attack cycle, ensuring the prayer is toggled at the optimal time. Hitsplat Detection (onHitSplatAdded) The script detects hitsplats on the player and checks if the prayer was correctly active. If a hitsplat occurs without the prayer, it triggers a re-synchronization to correct the timing. Configuration Enemy Attack Speed Mapping The EnemyAttackSpeedMapping class allows you to easily map enemy names to predefined attack speeds. This makes it simple to extend the script to handle new enemies by adding them to the mapping. Example Mapping: public static EnemyAttackSpeed getAttackSpeedForEnemy(String enemyName) { switch (enemyName.toLowerCase()) { case "moss giant": return EnemyAttackSpeed.SLOW; case "green dragon": return EnemyAttackSpeed.MEDIUM; case "guard": return EnemyAttackSpeed.SLOW; // Add more NPCs as needed default: return EnemyAttackSpeed.MEDIUM; } } https://github.com/deepslayer/PrayerFlicker
      6 points
    2. Snarky

      DreamBot 3.27.18

      There was an osrs update. Runelite is near broken rn too.
      6 points
    3. When making scripts its a common requirement to let users configure certain settings problem is that swing is annoying! it is easy to mess things up and easy to write in a way where adding another setting can mess up the entire ui for smalls scripts, a gui can easily be the majority of the complexity in the codebase instead we will make a framework to take a data class, use reflection and some custom annotations to generate a gui on the fly for us * this was written with functionality in mind, its to make writing scripts faster not to be pretty * this was written 10 minutes before posting this so theres probably edge cases usage: SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> new TabbedUI(TestScriptSettings.getData())); see below for examples on how UITab annotation works some examples: No sub tabs, just settings public static class Data { @SerializedName("hoursUntilMuleOff") public int hoursUntilMuleOff = 12; @SerializedName("initalGP") public int initalGP = 16_000_000; @SerializedName("slayerLvl") public int slayerLvl = 30; @SerializedName("slayDragons") public boolean slayDragons = false; @SerializedName("slayWithWhip") public boolean slayWithWhip = true; @SerializedName("prayerTarget") public int prayerTarget = 60; @SerializedName("prayInPOH") public boolean prayInPOH = true; @SerializedName("moneyLeftAfterMuling") public int moneyLeftAfterMuling = 1_000_000; @SerializedName("minLootValue") public int minLootValue = 1000; } results in: 1 tab, some in root: public static class Data { @SerializedName("hoursUntilMuleOff") public int hoursUntilMuleOff = 12; @SerializedName("initalGP") public int initalGP = 16_000_000; @SerializedName("slayerLvl") @UITab("skilling") public int slayerLvl = 30; @SerializedName("slayDragons") @UITab("skilling") public boolean slayDragons = false; @SerializedName("slayWithWhip") @UITab("skilling") public boolean slayWithWhip = true; @SerializedName("prayerTarget") @UITab("skilling") public int prayerTarget = 60; @SerializedName("prayInPOH") @UITab("skilling") public boolean prayInPOH = true; @SerializedName("moneyLeftAfterMuling") public int moneyLeftAfterMuling = 1_000_000; @SerializedName("minLootValue") public int minLootValue = 1000; } results in: some in root, skilling has 2 subtabs public static class Data { @SerializedName("hoursUntilMuleOff") public int hoursUntilMuleOff = 12; @SerializedName("initalGP") public int initalGP = 16_000_000; @SerializedName("slayerLvl") @UITab("skilling") public int slayerLvl = 30; @SerializedName("slayDragons") @UITab({"skilling", "slayer"} ) public boolean slayDragons = false; @SerializedName("slayWithWhip") @UITab({"skilling", "slayer"}) public boolean slayWithWhip = true; @SerializedName("prayerTarget") @UITab({"skilling", "prayer"}) public int prayerTarget = 60; @SerializedName("prayInPOH") @UITab({"skilling", "prayer"}) public boolean prayInPOH = true; @SerializedName("moneyLeftAfterMuling") public int moneyLeftAfterMuling = 1_000_000; @SerializedName("minLootValue") public int minLootValue = 1000; } results in: none in root: @SerializedName("hoursUntilMuleOff") @UITab("script") public int hoursUntilMuleOff = 12; @SerializedName("initalGP") @UITab("script") public int initalGP = 16_000_000; @SerializedName("slayerLvl") @UITab({"skilling", "slayer"}) public int slayerLvl = 30; @SerializedName("slayDragons") @UITab({"skilling", "slayer"} ) public boolean slayDragons = false; @SerializedName("slayWithWhip") @UITab({"skilling", "slayer"}) public boolean slayWithWhip = true; @SerializedName("prayerTarget") @UITab({"skilling", "prayer"}) public int prayerTarget = 60; @SerializedName("prayInPOH") @UITab({"skilling", "prayer"}) public boolean prayInPOH = true; @SerializedName("moneyLeftAfterMuling") @UITab("script") public int moneyLeftAfterMuling = 1_000_000; @SerializedName("minLootValue") @UITab("script") public int minLootValue = 1000; results in: hopefully its evident how this can be used from a quick script with only a couple of settings to a full blown aio with 10-20 settings per skill / activity without ever having to actually write and swing code and read about layouts for 15 hours and give yourself back pain some updates that are nice if you want to - remove requirement for serializedName and just use field name if its not ther - add an annotation that gives tooltips in the GuiOption component - anything to make it prettier contribute and yoink here:https://github.com/camelCaseDB/Reflective-GUI-Generator?tab=readme-ov-filehttps://github.com/Amoz3/Reflective-GUI-Generator
      5 points
    4. shmatshmane

      DreamBot 3.27.18

      Same issue. Probably just have to wait until the dreambot client is fixed. Could take a few minutes, could take some hours. Just gotta wait it out unfortunately.
      5 points
    5. Consumable Cooldowns Plugin This Dreambot script demonstrates it's ability to track cooldowns on food and drink items in your inventory. It is inspired by Copy Pasta's plugin on RuneLite. Features Displays cooldown overlays on consumable items Tracks food, drink, and combo food items. Updates cooldowns in real-time based on game ticks. Listens for game messages to detect when the player consumes items. Provides a user-friendly overlay for cooldown visualization. Setup Open the project in your preferred Java IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA). Ensure that you have the DreamBot API installed and correctly set up in your project. Compile and run the script within the DreamBot environment. Usage Start the script from the DreamBot script manager. The plugin will automatically begin tracking consumable items and display cooldowns as overlays on the items in your inventory. https://github.com/deepslayer/ConsumableItemCooldownTracker/tree/main
      4 points
    6. Requirements Completed ghost ahoy Minimum 100k in bank or inventory Supports Regular accounts Group iron man accounts Regular & Hardcore ironman Ultimate iron man Future features Super glass make Giant seaweed How to use Start anywhere Select AUTO CRAFT or Item to smelt Auto craft will craft the item with the most exp Item to craft will always craft the selected item, E.g. Beer glass The bot will buy resources to make glass Run to the furnace and make molten glass The player will then run back to the charter store while blowing glass The player will sell the produce and buy new resources for a new run Video preview https://screenrec.com/share/lnxqfi4kGI
      3 points
    7. Pandemic

      DreamBot 3.27.20

      Hello everyone! A new version of DreamBot is now live! Changes: Added ClientSettings#getMinimumAlchWarningValue and ClientSettings#setMinimumAlchWarningValue Added Show World Ping debug tool Added new browser warning log Always remember, to be on the latest version of our client you must run DBLauncher.jar! The client does NOT update itself! Thanks, The Dream Team
      3 points
    8. Endeavour

      E Soul Wars

      E Soul Wars E Soul Wars is a comprehensive DreamBot script designed to automate the Soul Wars minigame. The script features intelligent decision-making to handle various in-game tasks, including collecting resources, fighting NPCs, offering fragments, and strategic world hopping. It aims to maximize Zeal points and ensure efficient gameplay. Features Usage Progress Reports !This is a semi private script only available to few people.. if your are intrested in purchasing or want a trial befor purchase Join My Discord Server
      3 points
    9. -- TOR Prayer Pro -- Check it Out on SDN TOR Prayer Pro is the ultimate RuneScape prayer bot, designed to maximize your prayer experience with unmatched efficiency and safety. TOR Prayer Pro delivers exceptional performance, enabling you to achieve up to 850k XP per hour. Whether you're using the Chaos Altar, Gilded Altar, or simply burying bones, this script has you covered with its robust and dynamic features. 🔧 TOR UTILITIES COMPATIBLE 🔧 Features 1-Tick Altar: Experience one of the fastest prayer training methods with precise 1-tick altar usage, achieving up to 850k XP/h. Chaos/Gilded/Bury: Supports multiple prayer methods including Chaos Altar, Gilded Altar, and burying bones. Anti-PK: Built-in anti-player killing measures to protect you while training. Restocking: Automatically restocks bones when needed up to a certain level. Level Cost Calculator: Calculate the cost of training to your desired level. Anti-Ban: Advanced anti-ban features to keep your account safe while botting. Passive/Active Modes: Switch between passive and active modes to suit your gameplay style. Tor Mule Support: Seamless integration with TOR Mule for efficient item and coin management. Custom Profiles: Quickly set up and switch to custom profiles for personalized prayer training. Startup - Start anywhere with adequate Gold or bones in inventory according to the calculator. Quickstart java -jar %userprofile%\Dreambot\BotData\client.jar -account "Account Name" -script "TOR Prayer Pro" -params prayerProfile Default muleProfile Default autoStart false Guide See discord for assistance: https://discord.gg/KzuPDy2mD5 Check Out Reviews Screenshots
      2 points
    10. You really saved my Mlm grind. Awesome script. In my countless hours of running the bot it only broke once in front of the Hopper, it just couldnt move until i moved the camera.
      2 points
    11. I use @MaximusPrimo Brimhaven script pretty frequently, I have yet to cop a ban there and even for idle times I still have it doing agility XP. I definitely recommend his script.
      2 points
    12. xVril

      [Vril] Bank Sorter

      Thanks, its coming very soon.
      2 points
    13. Hey, If you want no fail, you'll have to use menu manipulation and no click walk injections (Note that you do need VIP for those features)
      2 points
    14. you should trial my script and see if you can survive the 4h in a row with it (so long as it's not a new account, bad new account creation will still get you banned in 2h)
      2 points
    15. So I just fucking died after using this script for like 5 minutes. I went to canifis, started the script and looked if it works and it completed a lap correctly. I went afk, came back 5 minutes later and I somehow died and lost my HC status. Fuck you.
      2 points
    16. I'm not entirely sure. TBH I'm reworking the whole script, i learned so much since i created this initial script, ATM it's not worth it for me to fix the bugs as i'm completely rewriting the script.
      2 points
    17. All accounts come with an unregistered email and no prior ban/mute history unless otherwise stated. Payment Methods: LTC USDT Monero OSRS GP Webshop | Discord 🛡️ 60 Melee Accounts Guaranteed on every account: ✔️ 60 Attack ✔️ 60 Strength ✔️ 60 Defence ✔️ Human-like Name ✔️ Non-Jagex Login ✔️ Unregistered Email ✔️ No Ban History ⚔️ High Melee Accounts (NMZ Unlocked + 3.25m Points) Account Types: 90-90-80 + more Also available: Accounts with a temporary ban on record. Guaranteed on every account: ✔️ High Melee Stats (Exact stats depend on account type) ✔️ 50+ Range ✔️ 43+ Prayer ✔️ 55+ Magic ✔️ 30+ Agility ✔️ Nightmare Zone Unlocked & Enough Potions to Keep Running It ✔️ Human-like Name ✔️ Non-Jagex Login ✔️ Unregistered Email ✔️ No Ban History Terms of Service: 🚫 NO REFUNDS. 📧 Since the emails are unregistered, I cannot unlock them. 🔄 I only replace accounts that were banned before the purchase date. 🔒 I don't save recovery information for the accounts, so I cannot assist with recoveries. 🛠️ These accounts were not created by me, only trained. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need more information.
      1 point
    18. Spidines have high value guaranteed loot, drop fully noted after Ardougne Diary II completion, and are killed extremely fast with 0 defence and low HP. They are located right next to a fairy ring which makes banking highly efficient. With the medium requirements and rare use of this method, ban rates are extremely low despite its high efficiency. The combination of profit and combat XP makes this method ideal as a gold farm as well as for training accounts. By the time you reach 90s in combat, you will have 100M+ in your bank. This script will complete all requirements from a fresh level 3 account. Training Stronghold of Security combat training (Ranged/Melee) Magic enchanting Crafting leather gear Cutting gems Agility rooftops Gilded altar prayer Silk stall thieving Fletching arrows Making potions Sorceress Garden (Farming) Sorceress Garden (Thieving) House construction Slayer tasks Progressive Woodcutting Progressive Firemaking Progressive Mining Fishing/Cooking combo Woodcutting/Firemaking combo Quests Tower of Life Dragon Slayer I Animal Magnetism Ernest the Chicken Lost City Fairytale II Fairytale I The Nature Spirit The Restless Ghost Priest in Peril The Grand Tree Shilo Village Jungle Potion The Hand in the Sand Rune Mysteries Enlightened Journey Watchtower Sea Slug Underground Pass X Marks the Spot The Tourist Trap Icthlarin's Little Helper Gertude's Cat Prince Ali Rescue Witch's House Plague City Biohazard Hazeel Cult Fight Arena Client of Kourend The Queen of Thieves The Knight's Sword Imp Catcher Druidic Ritual 1. Log in (or let the script log you in). 2. Use the graphical interface to set up the script: If you don't have the listed requirements, the script will train them for you. 3. Hit "Run". Required gold to train from level 3: ~6M Human Mouse All Sub™ scripts implement a unique, privately developed human mouse movement algorithm based on modified Bernstein polynomials. Mouse movement is calibrated using real human data to be fluid, natural, and efficient. Human Interactions Instead of using DreamBot's default methods of interaction, all Sub™ scripts implement a privately developed set of custom client interactions that distinguish it from all other public scripts. The goal is to make the signature of the script as unique as that of a private client. Behavioral Randomization With advanced reaction time distributions, data driven behavioral patterns, Gaussian walking, and banking/GE randomization, each script execution becomes unique. Quick Start / CLI Instructions Quick start will launch your last used configuration without opening the GUI. To launch with quick start add the following as the last command line parameter: -params "default" For a full guide on setting up and using Quick Start / CLI, see here.
      1 point
    19. ScarScripts - Rangers Guild Training 85 hour progress - 3.31M range xp gained! Welcome to ScarRangingGuild, a DreamBot script designed to automate the Ranging Guild minigame in Old School RuneScape. This script is perfect for training your Ranged skill while earning Ranged experience and Archery tickets, without gaining any Hitpoints. Features - Fully automates the Archers Guild minigame - Handles all dialogue options automatically - Tracks Ranged XP gained and arrows fired - Anti-ban measures implemented for safety Requirements - Minimum Ranged level: 40 Instructions 1. Start the script at the Rangers Guild in East Ardougne 2. Ensure you have a bow equipped 3. Ensure you have GP in your inventory 4. Make sure to have "ESC to close interface" setting enabled in the Runescape game settings Support If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please post in this thread or send me a private message. I'm committed to maintaining and improving this script based on user feedback.
      1 point
    20. import org.dreambot.api.input.Mouse; import org.dreambot.api.input.event.impl.mouse.MouseButton; import org.dreambot.api.input.mouse.algorithm.MouseAlgorithm; import org.dreambot.api.input.mouse.destination.AbstractMouseDestination; import org.dreambot.api.methods.Calculations; import org.dreambot.api.utilities.Logger; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Random; /** * Modified WindMouse with customized Bézier curves and overshooting for human like movement */ public class WindMouseCustom implements MouseAlgorithm { private Random random = new Random(); @Override public boolean handleMovement(AbstractMouseDestination abstractMouseDestination) { Point suitPos = abstractMouseDestination.getSuitablePoint(); mouseMovement(suitPos); return distance(Mouse.getPosition(), suitPos) < 2; } @Override public boolean handleClick(MouseButton mouseButton) { return Mouse.getDefaultMouseAlgorithm().handleClick(mouseButton); } public static void sleep(int min, int max) { try { Thread.sleep(Calculations.random(min, max)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Logger.log(e.getMessage()); } } public static void sleep(int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Logger.log(e.getMessage()); } } /** * enhanced mouse movement using Bézier curves for smooth, human like pathing * * @param point The destination point */ public void mouseMovement(Point point) { Point curPos = Mouse.getPosition(); boolean shouldOvershoot = random.nextBoolean(); // Random chance to overshoot if (shouldOvershoot) { Point overshootPoint = getOvershootPoint(curPos, point); moveMouseBezier(curPos, overshootPoint); // First move to the overshoot point moveMouseBezier(overshootPoint, point); // Then correct to the target point } else { moveMouseBezier(curPos, point); // Directly move to the target point } } /** * Generate control points for Bezier curve * * @param start The start point * @param end The end point * @return Array of control points */ private Point[] generateControlPoints(Point start, Point end) { Point[] controlPoints = new Point[4]; controlPoints[0] = start; controlPoints[3] = end; int midX = (start.x + end.x) / 2; int midY = (start.y + end.y) / 2; controlPoints[1] = new Point(midX + random.nextInt(100) - 50, midY + random.nextInt(100) - 50); controlPoints[2] = new Point(midX + random.nextInt(100) - 50, midY + random.nextInt(100) - 50); return controlPoints; } /** * Move mouse using a Bezier curve * * @param start The start point * @param end The end point */ private void moveMouseBezier(Point start, Point end) { Point[] controlPoints = generateControlPoints(start, end); int steps = Calculations.random(30, 50); // Increase steps for smoother curves for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { double t = (double) i / (double) steps; int x = (int) (Math.pow(1 - t, 3) * controlPoints[0].x + 3 * Math.pow(1 - t, 2) * t * controlPoints[1].x + 3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * controlPoints[2].x + Math.pow(t, 3) * controlPoints[3].x); int y = (int) (Math.pow(1 - t, 3) * controlPoints[0].y + 3 * Math.pow(1 - t, 2) * t * controlPoints[1].y + 3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * controlPoints[2].y + Math.pow(t, 3) * controlPoints[3].y); Mouse.hop(new Point(x, y)); try { Thread.sleep(Calculations.random(5, 15)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Logger.log(e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Calculate an overshoot point past the target for more human like behavior * * @param start The start point * @param end The end point * @return The overshoot point */ private Point getOvershootPoint(Point start, Point end) { int overshootDistance = 30 + random.nextInt(31); // Random overshoot between 30 and 60 pixels double angle = Math.atan2(end.y - start.y, end.x - start.x); int overshootX = (int) (end.x + overshootDistance * Math.cos(angle)); int overshootY = (int) (end.y + overshootDistance * Math.sin(angle)); return new Point(overshootX, overshootY); } public double distance(Point p1, Point p2) { return Math.sqrt((p2.y - p1.y) * (p2.y - p1.y) + (p2.x - p1.x) * (p2.x - p1.x)); } }
      1 point
    21. Beezy's F2P AIO Money Maker has been updated and is now live on the SDN! It's currently at v1.13 and is available in the client! Changes:- Fixed monk robes world switching to a not full world Time since request was made: 15 hours, 10 minutes, 31 seconds Thanks!
      1 point
    22. good point, will look into it
      1 point
    23. wooodchoppin3

      Luxe Lite Woodcutting

      god script btw!!!!
      1 point
    24. 1 point
    25. i just bought the script ...... in the mm1 tunnels its isnt using the optimal spot to stack them and its not even stacking them .... its attack 3-4 at a time instead of the needed 9 edit : its seemed to have fixed itself now sorry!
      1 point
    26. I agree with Bigblue. can you remove 301 from most of the ones that hop multiple worlds? berries, monks robes & bone pickup?
      1 point
    27. pkdaily2

      Client Help

      Hello @aswolls97 The best method I figured out is to just uninstall the RuneScape or Runelite client and reinstall it, this will clear any injections. I'm sure there's a way to find it iand delete it in the official client folders but this might save you time. I hope this helps.
      1 point
    28. Block0r

      Lifetime VIP?

      Ah. i see. Lifetime sponsor. I got it. thx
      1 point
    29. Thank you very much i will try next time, looks like it was just a 24h lock, back to normal now.
      1 point
    30. Okay no problem, just thought it would be nice for the few people that do have the ability to do it. Thanks either way love the work you are doing
      1 point
    31. 1 point
    32. All objects with a name should have an examine option. List<GameObject> examinables = GameObjects.all(o -> !o.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("null"));
      1 point
    33. Hashtag

      Refund Request

      Refunded to your account credit. Have a nice day!
      1 point
    34. Hashtag

      Forum name change

      I believe it's one of the benefits of the VIP/Sponsor subscription.
      1 point
    35. Tile Marker Script for DreamBot This project provides a script for the DreamBot framework that allows users to mark tiles in the game using a graphical overlay. The script stores the marked tiles and remembers them even when the player enters or exits an instanced area. Features Mark tiles by pressing the Shift key while hovering the mouse over the desired tile. (Make sure to allow user input while the script is running) The marked tiles are saved and loaded automatically. Supports dynamic/instanced regions, ensuring marked tiles are remembered correctly. Prevents duplicate marking of tiles. How to Use Add Script to DreamBot: Copy the src folder to the Scripts directory of your DreamBot installation. Compile the Script: Open the DreamBot client. Go to the Scripts tab. Click Refresh to compile the new script. Run the Script: Start Old School RuneScape from the DreamBot client. Select the Tile Marker script from the script manager and run it. Usage Instructions Marking Tiles: Press the Shift key with the mouse over the tile you want to mark. will be marked with a semi-transparent red overlay. If the tile is already marked, it will not be marked again. Exiting the Script: The script automatically saves the marked tiles when it stops running. Project Structure src/MarkedTile.java: Class representing a marked tile with coordinates and color. src/TileManager.java: Class for managing marked tiles, including saving and loading from a file. src/TileMarkerScript.java: The main script class that integrates with DreamBot and provides the tile marking functionality. https://github.com/deepslayer/TrackingMarkedTilesInstance
      1 point
    36. IffyOurania Altar has been updated and is now live on the SDN! It's currently at v1.1 and is available in the client! Changes:Fixed banking issuesMore reliably follows the queueAdded TP supportNO LONGER SETS UP AUTO PAYMENT, DO THIS YOURSELF. Time since request was made: 2 hours, 45 seconds Thanks!
      1 point
    37. SimpleScripts

      Simple AIO Woodcutter

      Thank you all for your support!
      1 point
    38. How Runescape catches botters, and why they didn’t catch me | secret club Pretty sure they use the same way of detecting bots which is mostly through clicks and social data
      1 point
    39. I got a girlfriend in the time I wasn't playing Runescape. Thanks Aeglen!
      1 point
    40. Dreamy AIO Minigames has been updated and is now live on the SDN! It's currently at v0.8 and is available in the client! Changes:Dreamy Wintertodt:Irons will now restock cakes at the ardougne stall Time since request was made: 22 minutes, 11 seconds Thanks!
      1 point
    41. Fury Fruit & Veggie Picker This script will pick: Cabbages - Edgeville, South Falador, Rimmington, Varrock Onions - Lumbridge, Rimmington Potato - Lumbridge, Draynor Wheat - Grand Exchange, Draynor, Lumbridge Windmill, South Varrock, Rimmington, North Falador, Berries - Cadava berries, Redberries, or both (South Varrock).
      1 point
    42. Hey folks I think I found the issue for the GUI not opening. "C:\DreamBot\Scripts\Fightaholic". Delete the photos in the fightaholic and replace them with these photos. I saved Dreambot in a different folder when I installed so I think the script generate a new folder pathway hence the issue. Chances are you had two different dreambot pathways. ALSO @holic your zip file is missing the btcqr. @brent5006 @Stan Woods @kingtomato @rottentomatoe Fightaholic.zip
      1 point
    43. faygo

      Faygos Gold Rings

      Faygos's Gold Jewelry By Faygos Profit Profit per hour ranges based off prices and what piece of jewelry being made but the range is 100k - 150k What you need to run the script Levels needed crafting Ring: lvl 5 Necklace: lvl 6 Bracelet: lvl 7 Resources needed Mould for the jewelry you want to make gold bars to craft it with How to use it Step one: Hit start on the script Step two: Select what you want to craft, Options: Ring,Necklace,Bracelet Step three: Let it run
      1 point
    44. Dreambot in Docker / Dreambot in Browse I have created a Docker image for everyone to use. Most people won't ever need this (or want). But for some it might be easier then going through the hassle of installing Java and trying fix various errors while getting the Dreambot client up and running. Everything you need is explained in the README You will: Never have to mess with Java again Have to update the client manually Figure out why the Dreambot client is not starting Example image of Dreambot in your browser: Some technical details for those interested: Started from existing and proven to work image with vnc support Override entrypoint from that image to start the vnc server etc.. to start the dreambot launcher Github repo for you to look at Github Actions to automatically deploy new images to public Docker Hub repository If this is useful, enjoy! Comments, suggestions, criticism, post here. Pull requests appreciated.
      1 point
    45. Installed script and banned within 30 seconds. It was a fresh account straight off tutorial island running on a VPN, so I didn't like my chances.
      1 point
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