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  • Hashtag

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    Hashtag last won the day on February 7

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    About Hashtag

    SDN Manager

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    1. I'm sorry to hear about the ban. Yes, I'm afraid getting banned is not a valid reason for a refund 🙁
    2. Hey, we're sorry to hear about the ban. However, getting banned is not a valid reason for a refund per our terms. Not needing the product anymore isn't a valid reason either. I'm afraid you're not eligible for a refund for this purchase.
    3. Refunded. Note that we offer free trials for scripts so you can try them for free before purchasing. Have a nice day!
    4. All refunds are handled by DreamBot staff and not by the script authors. So yes, even with the author's approval.
    5. Hi I think you are checking my script requests, if you are, then I really appreciate it, and the very useful advice I'm getting. I hadn't figured out how to do some of the logic you have shared with me! Thanks!

    6. I believe that was purchased over 14 days ago and is no longer refundable/swappable.
    7. Refunded to your account credit. Have a nice day!
    8. Swapped. Have a nice day!
    9. Refunded. Have a nice day! @MeBotNoNever be sure to check up on the script and update it if necessary to fix any issues.
    10. Hello, your runtime for the scripts are Dreamy Fletching: over 11 hours GSlayer: over 15 hours GAIOAccountBuilder: 24 minutes P2P Master AI: over 28 hours Sub Mining: 8 minutes We have a runtime limit of 6 hours for refunds. For that reason, you're not eligible for a refund for the following purchases: Dreamy Fletchinf, GSlayer, P2P Master AI. I've refunded GAIOAccountBuilder and Sub Mining to your account credit. I'm closing this as resolved because no proof of script issues and proof of attempted scripter contact were included.
    11. Thanks for the suggestion. I don't have it on my account but I'll look into it
    12. Hi there - I am waiting for someone to reply to my request its been over a day

    13. Refunded to your account credit. Have a nice day! @GZero be sure to check up on the script and fix any issues regarding those potions.
    14. Refunded to your account credit. Have a nice day!
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