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  • camelCase

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    camelCase last won the day on January 4

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    1. you dont have VIP which means you dont have menu manip, make sure your mouse speed is set to hop or your interactions probably wont be on time i havent seen any ban waves for it yet but its only been out a week
    2. unless you have ran it recently (~last 2 weeks?) i think thats fixed already when i updated blacklist a while ago, my script updates go to the ccscripts update thread thats why the message isnt in here
    3. Send em back to venezuela and make em build ds2 accounts...
    4. added to thread Reqs: prayer 44(70 rec) range 61 (75 for blowpipe 85+ for good kill time) 60 def 60 str 61 magic im excluding quest reqs in that like 15 agility, 4 firemaking and 18? slayer for avas questline & if you use nmz combat training whatever the reqs for the nmz quests are
    5. if you want to run more than 2 at a time yes, otherwise no it requires gold from mule
    6. cCBandosFarm (General Graardor) Reqs(script will train these to configurable levels) : prayer 44(70 rec) range 61 (75 for blowpipe 85+ for good kill time) 60 def 70 str 61 magic Getting there This script will complete eadgars ruse and uses the trollheim teleport spell (tablet will be available when cCNMZ is also owned) To access the bandos fight you need 40 bandos kill count, this script will get this by killing goblins or can be configured to use ecumenical keys acquired by killing aviansies when cCAviansieFarm is also owned. when using aviansies you can select threeKeysPerTrip setting to do avians until you have 3 keys, then do 3 bandos trips back to back if you already have ecumenical keys on the account it will use them regardless of what kill count setting you are using. Fight settings This fight uses the bandos 6 - 0 method (ranged) that requires a fairly low ping stable connection the maxWorldPing setting should be <350, this will keep you on a world you can fight the boss on the "sweatPrayer" setting when toggled on will not pray when no guards will attack on that tick, potentially saving 50-75% of prayer usage but is risky if your connection is unstable Lvl 3 Start This script will complete the questline to get access to god wars dungeon, death plateau, troll stronghold & eadgars ruse This script will complete Avas device quest line and all the required skills for it This script will train all combats required, ranged magic melee & prayer, when cCNMZ is owned it can be used to train combats
    7. i used a trail on cczombie pirateds filled it out for a pure 0 def and saved and it still used long ranged and trashed my account

      1. dabslabsz


        50 att pure all questing done i cant afford one of these 100$ fucking quest scripts i mise well quit fuck man im not doing that shit again


    8. you can set the mule off time to 500 hours and it wont mule off, theres no turning off muling for when it needs GP
    9. not cooks assistant, another cooks assistant, the quest that starts RFD.
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