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  • camelCase

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    camelCase last won the day on May 1

    camelCase had the most liked content!

    About camelCase


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    camelCase's Achievements

    1. cCGrayChinchompaFarm completes 1-53 hunter completes eagles peak quest to unlock box traps catches gray chinchompas at multiple available locations, kourend, piscatrois or isle of souls mules off to cCMule every X configurable hours Want to pay with crypto?
    2. iirc there's a level in the settings where you can configure what level you want it to train to before motherlode
    3. cCCalvarionFarm unlimited instances This script trains from level 3 to a melee level and a custom prayer level, trains all skills and quests required for easy and medium wilderness completes easy and medium wilderness diarys support for multiple loadouts with wilderness weapons, full auto recharging muling off profit every configurable amount of hours with cCMule Click above photo to join discord for all bug reports and suggestions Want to pay with crypto?
    4. yes, but might take a week or 2 for me to get around to it, i have to keep doing 2 new scripts a week or i will explode
    5. cCSpectreFarm from level 3 trains to configurable combat levels, 60 slayer, 58 herblore and unlocks herb pouch @ tithe farm, 43 prayer kills aberrant spectres muling off loot every X hours to cCMule pray flicks for efficient resource usage from level 3 you will need bond + ~5m gp slayer to 60 takes 1-2 days, farming ~4 hours costs ~1m additional time and expense if you train to a very high combat level Click above photo to join discord for all bug reports and suggestions Want to pay with crypto?
    6. looks like dreambot changed webnodes in that area since i last ran, fixed in next update
    7. cCSpindelFarm unlimited instances This script trains from level 3 to a custom range / melee level and a custom prayer level, trains all skills and quests required for easy and medium wilderness completes easy and medium wilderness diarys support for multiple loadouts with wilderness weapons, full auto recharging muling off profit every configurable amount of hours with cCMule Click above photo to join discord for all bug reports and suggestions Want to pay with crypto?
    8. just make your def target lower if you dont have to def cast
    9. dont mouse speed is in client settings new trap spots no reaction times are in the reaction time tab of the settings ui, button on top right opens it
    10. been running a test account, script seems to be running fine (gp/hr is low because this account is like base 60s) so ill need some more info
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