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      • https://github.com/deepslayer/TreeScriptExample/   TreeScriptExample This repository demonstrates a hierarchical tree structure for scripting in DreamBot, an Old School RuneScape botting framework. The project showcases a Tree Branch Leaf framework that organizes bot tasks into a tree structure for better modularity and scalability. Project Structure The project is divided into packages that represent different levels of the tree hierarchy: high-level branches, low-level branches, and leaves. Packages and Classes highBranch CombatBranch.java: This class represents a high-level branch in the tree structure. It contains logic for combat-related tasks and aggregates lower-level branches like MeleeCowBranch and RangeCowBranch. SkillingBranch.java: This class represents a high-level branch for skilling tasks and aggregates branches like MiningBranch and WoodcuttingBranch. leaves AttackCowMeleeLeaf.java: This leaf class handles the logic for attacking cows using melee combat. AttackCowRangeLeaf.java: This leaf class handles the logic for attacking cows using ranged combat. BankInventoryLeaf.java: This leaf class handles the logic for banking inventory items. ChopTreeLeaf.java: This leaf class handles the logic for chopping trees. EatFoodLeaf.java: This leaf class handles the logic for eating food when the player's health is low. MineOreLeaf.java: This leaf class handles the logic for mining ores. lowBranch MeleeCowBranch.java: This branch class checks if the player has a sword equipped and contains leaves that handle eating food and attacking cows with melee. MiningBranch.java: This branch class checks if the player is equipped for mining and contains leaves that handle mining ores and related tasks. RangeCowBranch.java: This branch class checks if the player has a bow equipped and contains leaves that handle eating food and attacking cows with ranged weapons. WoodcuttingBranch.java: This branch class checks if the player is equipped for woodcutting and contains leaves that handle chopping trees and related tasks. myscript MyTreeScript.java: The main script class that initializes the tree structure and starts the script. It contains the root node and adds the top-level branches to it. Framework Overview The DreamBot Tree Branch Leaf framework is a hierarchical system where tasks are organized into a tree structure with a root node, branches, and leaves. Here's how the framework works: TreeScript: The main class that initializes the tree structure and starts the script. It contains the root node. Root: The top-level node that contains branches. Branches: Intermediate nodes that contain other branches or leaves. Leaves: The executable actions or tasks. Execution Flow The TreeScript class initializes the root node and adds top-level branches. Each branch's isValid() method determines if it should be executed. If a branch is valid, it iterates through its leaves to find a valid leaf. The first valid leaf's onLoop() method is executed.   PLEASE NOTE THIS EXAMPLE IS OVER SIMPLIFIED FOR LEARNING PURPOSES
      • You're still not understanding undetectable and undetected are not the same things. At any moment now, Jagex could "detect" menu manipulation, and that would cripple DreamBot as well as many other providers, that means their scripts private and public, are detectable. Just haven't been detected yet. Making them..... ding ding ding; undetected. It's not word play, it's proper knowledge of the word you're using. Otherwise known as intelligence. All I'm trying to do is tell the other dude undetectable scripts are not real, currently undetected scripts are. It's not word play, just trying to stop dude from getting scammed. You're not helping that.
      • It certainly won't be on me because I did not promise it was undetectable, nor did I code it. I code as well and if you go UNDETECTED, you are UNDETECTABLE. Your word play helps no one on this post with anything other than being a grammar nazzi.
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