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  • Meteorite

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    Meteorite last won the day on March 12

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    1. What about with just the main line, no feathering/glowing?
    2. What's heavy about it, the model is complex and costly to paint or the calculateModelArea call? Can cache the calculateModelArea call and if it's too complex then could make it a little more simple?
    3. Would be very interesting to see something similar to RuneLite's ModelOutlineRenderer#drawOutline method that is used in some plugins like https://github.com/neilrush/Player-Outline
    4. Suggestion: Make the client run at 1fps when logged out and waiting for buy limits. See Client#setForcedFPS(int).
    5. Yes, see the front page.
    6. Looking good for a first script, I have high hopes for future ones!
    7. "Sub Account Builder V3"? @Zawy isn't the developer of that. @SubCZ is.
    8. Doesn't matter, it'll do all the walking.
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