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      • Looking quickly at the documentation, forum and dreambot discord I couldnt find any concrete info / guides to this, so posting hopefully to de-mystify the topic for whoever is curious going onwards. Dreambot already makes doing this very easy, heres a sample function for example: public int[] getOpponentEquipment(String oppnentIgn) { Player opponent = Players.closest(oppnentIgn); if (opponent != null) { return opponent.getComposite().getAppearance(); } return null; } However, the array that is returned is populated with item id's that arent necessarily accurate, not sure why this is exactly. But if you substract a known items id from all the returned values you can quickly find the offset value of which you need to get the real item id. While having a DDS(p++) equipped these values are returned: I then substracted the known item id of the dds from each entry. int[] equiment = getOpponentEquipment(Players.getLocal().getName()); for (int i = 0; i < equiment.length; i++) { Logger.log(equiment[i] - 5698); } I then tested each entry as an offset using the method above, however one of the entries stuck out to me: 2048 int[] equiment = getOpponentEquipment(Players.getLocal().getName()); for (int i = 0; i < equiment.length; i++) { Logger.log(equiment[i] - 2048); } With the new offset substracted from each entry, i now get an array with the correct Item ID's. And the order seems to be the following: Index[0] = Helmet slot Index[1] = Cape slot Index[2] = Amulet slot Index[3] = Weapon Slot Index[4] = Chestplate Slot Index[5] = Shield slot Index[6] = Unknown Index[7] = Legs slot Index[8] = Unknown Index[9] = Gloves slot Index[10] = Boots slot Index[11] = Unknown Hope this helps
      • Dreambot has HWID spoofing. Jagex can't detect if you're using a proxy, but they probably run some kind of proxy score check. If you just use high quality ISP proxies you wont have any issues.
      • cannot make it work, can someone help?  
      • It is clear that you are getting bans or are otherwise unhappy. However, I track bans across all users, and they are pretty rare (let alone instant bans). Therefore, although it may not look like it from your perspective, the only reasonable conclusion is that it IS something on your end, perhaps beyond the scope of the guide, otherwise you could expect EVERYONE to be getting instantly banned and nobody to use the script. If you need further convincing, this is the most popular script on dreambot (measured in active unique users/day ish), which would certainly not be the case if it got everyone banned.  Personally and unprofessionally, I think it is the height of rudeness to (1) make baseless accusations of false advertising, (2) assume that your experience is what everyone is getting and essentially say "you are not considering this possibility therefore you suck", (3) leave bad trade feedback on the matter, but sure, suit yourself. Furthermore, I mentioned I track bans, I can see that the account you started at 1380 got banned after ~130h in-game and a fresh starter after ~80h in-game. Your claim that bans are "almost immediate" on "every account" is dishonest... and you accuse me of false advertising? Good luck with your botting and please never buy my stuff again; consider trying "Sub Account Builder" instead.
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