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  • kramnik

    Lifetime Sponsor
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    kramnik last won the day on June 28 2023

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    1. No, usually proxies make you more detectable than your home ip. Because sometimes Jagex can see you that you are using proxy and immediately think that you are doing something fishy
    2. I think it is somewhere in between of "Easy peasy lemon squezy" and "Oh god why I got myself in to this"
    3. Ban waves happen every single day. It's not some special occasion. If you got banned it means that ton of people did too
    4. Honestly, 25 usd/mo for 300k/hr method is crazy. Thats 166M cost per month + 28M for bonds and in the end you would make 200M of income per month if you run 24/7 if you manage not get banned
    5. Current ban rate is 7
    6. You are right that sometimes botting is not an option. When people tell me they want to get into botting to make gold for main I say just buy the gold. It will take you some much time, effort and money before you start making any gp thats its easier just to buy the GP you need.
    7. High chance that it will be permanent one. So you better off not botting your main account
    8. You can't appeal RWT ban. The account is a goner.
    9. Why the hell do you need sound for botting? It just takes out extra resources.
    10. 10$ for ISP proxy? 4$ for DC proxy? These prices are insane lmao
    11. Bans happen everyday, not some kind of special event. Thousands account got banned on same ban wave as you
    12. Create refund request or create a new osrs account. No botters are using Jagex Launcher atm
    13. What should you do is just create a new account fully for purpose of botting. This way if you lose it your time investment loss would be minimal
    14. Put it in this perspective. You have 1000 hours on your main and you bot for some time and get banned. You just lost 1000 hours of your life for nothing. Or if you earn like 10 usd per hour you can also say you lost 10k worth of time.
    15. How long have you been using the same password? If you even used the same combination of password and email ever in your life it could have been database breached in the website you haven't used in years. Then someone got the list and cracked your account. Highly doubt that Dreambot has anything to do with this.
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