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  • Gains

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    Gains last won the day on March 22

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    1. Make sure to have (4) versions of all of the potions not (3). You can decant them quickly in the G.E. Let me know if this isn't your problem. I tested super combats not too long ago so they should be working.
    2. Are you sure you have Harralander potion (unf) and Goat horn dust in the bank? I just tried it and it works.
    3. Check that you have "Layout: No preference" in the client's settings. It idles every now and then unless you turn the setting off from the settings form.
    4. Maybe not but I'm not really sure. If you want you can try without menu manipulation + with default mouse speed and let me know if it helps. If menu manipulation causes the problem then I believe I can't do much about it since it's a client thing.
    5. There is no Leaping fish in Barbarian Outpost only in Otto's Grotto which is below the outpost and also Mount Quidamortem.
    6. What is your client's mouse speed? Can you capture a video of the problem because I just tried the script and it works well.
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