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      • Date Purchased: 7/4/24 Script Purchased: Gains AIO F2P fighter v1.1  Script Creator (tag them with @): @Gains Reason for Refund: I bought this script without realizing it's f2p only.. completely my fault, it's just useless now on my p2p account. Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs): No issue, I'm just dumb Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies): https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php?/messenger/181337/&do=findComment&comment=265675&_rid=353630 Desired Outcome: Refund (back to payment method or store credit) / Issue Fixed / Script Swap: Store credit or script swap would be fine.
      • Script Refund Request Template: Date Purchased: 02/07/2024 Script Purchased: Grevs Script Creator (tag them with @): @Nuclear Nezz Reason for Refund: I don't have the requirements to use it and I realized it too late,I haven't even used the scrip for 1 hour and to have it unused, it is better to refund Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs):  Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies):  Desired Outcome: Refund Store credit
      • I agree with this... I have been running multiple bots in the same computer and network trying to learn about how the ban system works and how to prevent bans. All the characters are in the same Jagex account, 6 have been banned so far, the other 5 are running smoothly in this experiment. So, my humble opinion, I don't think this is related to the IP.
      • Good enough, I guess... I guarantee there is a better method to do the feathering effect but this is all I'm willing to play around with for now. The model area calculation doesn't noticeably impact performance anymore, but my for loop absolutely does. if(Players.getLocal().getModel() != null){ java.awt.geom.Area modelArea = Players.getLocal().getModel().calculateModelArea(); // Glowing effect: for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke(i * 2, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); // Create an expanded area for the glow effect java.awt.geom.Area expandedArea = new java.awt.geom.Area(stroke.createStrokedShape(modelArea)); expandedArea.subtract(modelArea); graphics2D.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 75 - (i * 20))); // Decrease alpha for each layer graphics2D.fill(expandedArea); // Fill the glow area outside the outline } // Draw the main outline graphics2D.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); graphics2D.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 100)); graphics2D.draw(modelArea); }
      • You got to this page: https://www.webshare.io/pricing and sign up for a new account. You will get 10 free proxies with a bandwidth of 1 GB/30days to use iirc.
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