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  • Luxe

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    Luxe last won the day on March 27

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    1. For other readers and googlers on this topic this is the code I used for GUI when setting an icon on a jlabel headerLogo.setIcon(new ImageIcon(loadImage("https://i.ibb.co/NZZtR7r/Finishing-Logo-LUXE.png"))); this is the code i use for loading paint image = loadImage("https://i.ibb.co/MhKGfmG/paint.jpg"); if(getSettings().shouldUseStartTile) { getSettings().startArea = new Area( new Tile(Players.getLocal().getX() + getSettings().radius, Players.getLocal().getY() + getSettings().radius), new Tile(Players.getLocal().getX() - getSettings().radius, Players.getLocal().getY() -getSettings().radius) ); } This is the key: loadImage("https://UR URL HERE!!.jpg"); https://dreambot.org/javadocs/org/dreambot/api/utilities/Images.html#loadImage(java.lang.String)
    2. pretty sure you dont need Root.java if you just have a loop in your main class that instantiates the tree its extending package behavior; import org.dreambot.api.script.frameworks.treebranch.Branch; public class Root extends Branch { @Override public boolean isValid() { return true; } } And for GUI I highly recommend that you use the IntelliJ swing designer
    3. I have no clue how lifetime variables work in java, this was what i gathered from other scripts on github as well as talking with mr. GPT. I have used it in about 10 scripts and i think this method works fine. I have never tried static variables.
    4. You're welcome, hit me up in this thread if you got any more questions!
    5. C# .NET guy here this is how i make global vars: package Settings; import org.dreambot.api.methods.map.Area; public class ScriptSettings { public static final ScriptSettings scriptSettings = new ScriptSettings(); public static ScriptSettings getSettings() { return scriptSettings; } public int radius = 5; public boolean shouldLoop = true; public boolean shouldFletch = true; public boolean shouldDrop = false; public boolean shouldFiremake = false; public boolean shouldUseStartTile = true; public boolean isDeveloperMode = false; public Area startArea = new Area(); } then I just call getSettings() For heavy duty scripts I enjoy tree branch framework, I write all my scripts with that layout instead of AbstractScripts here are some resources I used: https://github.com/inubot-scripters/doga-sandstone-miner https://github.com/rroarings/dreambot_scripts And in general just look here for good tips https://github.com/search?q=dreambot+language%3AJava&type=repositories&l=Java&s=updated&o=desc
    6. usually they dont need to update. last LONG downtime was 2 hours iirc.
    7. devs are updating it rn. a new db client update will come once they've updated the changes
    8. never seen it before, seems like an intellisense problem more than dreambot.
    9. No, my accounts are far from there. Currently just making bots to progress the accounts. will probably release some of them soon
    10. it isnt that hard, but its too specific to push a script to the store for imo
    11. Hey, i've been doing some research regarding varp id's/varbits in slayer I know you have slayermaster: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/RuneScape:Varbit/4067 slayer task kill count: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/RuneScape:Varplayer/394 but I feel like some varbits are missing such as: - Farming contracts - Hunter rumors - Slayer task (monster) Are these variables not varbits? If so, where can I find them?
    12. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-your-screen-resolution-in-windows-5effefe3-2eac-e306-0b5d-2073b765876b#ID0EBD=Windows_11
    13. Said it many times before, but dreamy scripts are not that great in general. i have the same issue with many of his/their scripts (along other scripts they/he have) The only way to fix it is to change your screen resolution if you want to see full gui
    14. Not saying i disagree, but what would you think is a fair price? I'd also like to note: that Hashtag's scripts are some of the most expensive ones on Dreambot, but for good reason. The code is great, the script is almost always flawless. Compare dreamy wintertodt to hashtags, hashtags is I think 5-10x the price. but also works 100x better.
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