All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbsoluteHeuristic |
AbstractEvent |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
AbstractKeyEvent |
Abstract key event class to clean up implementations
AbstractMouseDestination<T> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
AbstractMouseEvent |
AbstractMouseEvent |
Abstract class for sending mouse events
AbstractPath<E> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
AbstractScript |
This is the base class of any script to be run on the client.
AbstractWebNode |
This is the base class of all web nodes in our WebFinder
AccountManager |
ActionEvent |
ActionFilter<E extends Entity> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
ActionListener |
This is an action listener used by scripts or other classes
Events sent by a threaded action listener, only dispatched while a script is running.
ActionMode |
AgilityWebNode |
Represents a agility node
Ancient |
Created by Pandemic
AnimableGameObject |
AnimationListener |
This is an animation listener used by scripts or other classes
Events sent by a threaded animation listener, only dispatched while a script is running.
Animations |
A helper class containing certain, commonly used animation ids.
AnimationSequenceWrapper |
Deprecated. |
AnyRequirement |
Deprecated. |
Arceus |
Arceuus |
Created by Pandemic
ArdougneDiary |
Area |
AreaDestination |
AreaFilter<E extends Locatable> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Bank |
BankItemEvent |
BankLocation |
BankMode |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
BankPinConfirmSolver |
BankPinSolver |
BankQuantitySelection |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
BankScroll |
BankTab |
Enum holding Bank Tab information such as configs and widget ID's
BankType |
BankWebNode |
Bank web node
BasicWebNode |
Basic web node, which stores connections and location.
Bond |
BoundaryObject |
Branch |
Branch of the framework, holds on to leaf children
BreakEvent |
BreakListener |
BreakSolver |
Break Solver/Handler class.
CacheNode |
CacheSettings |
Calculations |
Camera |
Created by Nezz
CameraEvent |
CameraEvent.CameraType |
CameraMode |
Camera mode for deciding how the client will make any default camera movements.
Category |
Character |
The type Character.
CharterWebNode |
ChatListener |
Clan |
Clan |
ClanChat |
ClanChatMember |
ClanChatMember.Rank |
ClanChatTab |
ClanMember |
ClanMember |
ClanMember.Rank |
ClanMemberHandler |
ClickEvent |
ClickEvent |
Sends a MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED event
Removes this mouse button from mouse modifiers
Does NOT handle press/release events
ClickMode |
Client |
ClientLayout |
ClientSettings |
Created by Nezz on 10/25/2015.
ClientSettings.SettingsTab |
ClimbableObstacle |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
ClimbableObstacle.ClimbableObstacleBuilder |
Builder class used to create a new ClimbableObstacleBuilder
new ClimbableObstacle.ClimbableObstacleBuilder("Staircase","Climb-up").createClimbableObstacle();
CollisionMap |
Collision map wrapper class.
ColorPicker |
Created by Pandemic
Combat |
A class used to handle and retrieve data related to combat.
CombatRequirement |
CombatRequirement |
Deprecated. |
CombatStyle |
CombinedSkillRequirement |
Deprecated. |
Condition |
ConditionalLocation |
ConditionalRequirement |
ContainerType |
CrosshairState |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
CustomWebPath |
CustomWebPath is a helper class that makes creating and attaching custom web nodes to our standard web nodes easier
DBKeyEvent |
Represents a DreamBot implementation of KeyEvent
Will set the internal fields required for a key event to emulate a system level event
Primarily for internal use, please see implementations of AbstractKeyEvent for sending keyboard events
DBMouseEvent |
DreamBot implementation of MouseEvent
Sets all required internal fields
Primarily used internally, you should be using AbstractMouseEvent implementations for sending mouse events
DBMouseWheelEvent |
DreamBot implementation of MouseWheelEvent
Sets all required internal fields
Primarily used internally, you should be using AbstractMouseEvent implementations for sending mouse events
Sets abs x/y to 0 as expected, if your OS/JVM behaves differently please report your OS and JVM to one of the developers so we can research it in more depth
DeathsDoor |
DepositBox |
DesertDiary |
DestructableObstacle |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
DestructableObstacle.DestructableObstacleBuilder |
Dialogues |
Diaries |
Diary |
DiaryRequirement |
Deprecated. |
Direction |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
DismissBankNotificationTutorial |
DismissBankTutorial |
DismissSolver |
DropPattern |
The drop pattern interface used in Inventory dropAll methods for determining which item we should drop first.
Emote |
Emotes |
EnterEvent |
Creates and sends a MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED
Entity |
The wrapper for all interactable game objects.
EntityDestination |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
EntityFilter<E extends Entity> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
EntranceWebNode |
Web node that uses an object to go somewhere on a different plane or far away
Default weight of 25
Equipment |
EquipmentItemEvent |
EquipmentSlot |
ExitEvent |
creates and sends a MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED event
Sets DreamBot's Mouse.setPosition(int, int) to -1,-1
Destination point does NOT get altered
ExperienceEvent |
An event based on any experience/level changes in the game.
ExperienceListener |
This is an experience listener used by scripts or other classes
Events sent by a threaded experience listener, only dispatched while a script is running.
FairyLocation |
Created by Nezz on 10/4/2016.
FairyRings |
Created by Nezz on 10/4/2016.
FairyRingWebNode |
FaladorDiary |
FavourRequirement |
FavourRequirement |
Deprecated. |
FavourRequirement.House |
Filter<T> |
The generic Filter.
FloorDecoration |
Food |
ForumRank |
Created by Nezz on 4/6/2015.
ForumUser |
Created by Nezz on 4/11/2015.
FreeQuest |
Created by Nezz 9/26/2019
Quests with a setting ID of -1 are unknown
Quests with settings values of {-1} are unknown
Quest Progress is found via widget text color.
FremennikDiary |
Friend |
Created by Nezz on 1/12/2015.
FriendHandler |
Created by Nezz on 2/1/2018.
Friends |
GameLayoutSolver |
GameMenu |
GameObject |
GameObjects |
GameObjectSpawnEvent |
GameState |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
GameStateEvent |
GameStateListener |
GameTickListener |
Fires an event on each game tick processed
GenieSolver |
GlobalPath<T extends AbstractWebNode> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
GnomeGliderWebNode |
GrandExchange |
Created by Nezz on 12/10/2014.
GrandExchangeItem |
GraphicsObject |
GraphicsObjects are certain graphical animations that do not move.
GraphicsObjects |
GroundItem |
GroundItems |
GroundItemSpawnEvent |
Hash |
HealthBar |
HealthBarComposite |
HealthBarData |
Created by Pandemic on 7/14/16.
Heuristic |
HintArrow |
HintArrowType |
HitSplatEvent |
HitSplatListener |
HoldKey |
Event to handle holding a key
Does not create a new thread on its own, you must put this call inside a thread if you require it to be threaded.
Hotkey |
Created by Nezz on 5/24/2016.
House |
HousePortal |
HumanMouseEvent |
HumanMouseListener |
This is a human mouse listener, designed to capture user mouse clicks while a script is running
Events sent by a threaded experience listener, only dispatched while a script is running.
Identifiable |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
IdFilter<E extends Identifiable> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Ignored |
IgnoredProvider |
Images |
Instance |
Interactable |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Interactables<T extends Entity> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
InteractionEvent |
Created by Chris on 2/22/2015.
InteractionSetting |
Created by Nezz on 3/15/2015.
Inventory |
InventoryItemEvent |
InventoryMonitor |
ISAACCipher |
Item |
ItemComposite |
ItemContainer |
ItemContainer node, contains a list of items
Examples of ItemContainers are Bank, Inventory, Equipment
Known ID's can be found at ItemContainerId
This will not set Item.getDestination() when building the items
ItemContainerId |
ItemContainerListener |
Item container listener, holds events for Inventory, Bank, and Equipment.
ItemContainers |
Used to grab an item container based on ItemContainerId id's, or any that you know that we don't have listed
ItemFilter<E extends Item> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
ItemLayer |
ItemProcessing |
This helper class makes processing / crafting / creating items easier
ItemTeleport |
JewelryBox |
Not currently implemented
JSocket |
KandarinDiary |
KaramjaDiary |
Key |
Enum representing the possible keys to press
Alphabet will automatically adjust to upper/lowercase based on whether shift is currently being held if you use Key.getChar()
Keyboard |
Keyboard API class.
Keyboard |
KeyboardEvent |
Event to handle typing messages on the keyboard
Uses the implementation of Keyboard.getKeyboardTypingAlgorithm()
Automatically stops if script is stopped or paused when no random solver is active.
KeyboardEvent |
KeyboardProfile |
Contains various fields for a typing profile, uses a seeded random in order to give each account a unique profile
Auto rebuilds the profile based on newly set words per minute
KeyboardTypingAlgorithm |
Interface for keyboard typing algorithm/behavior of the client.
KeyEventGenerator |
Generates a KeyEvent using the given information.
KeyLocation |
Key location on the keyboard.
KourendKebosDiary |
Leaf |
Base leaf of the framework, abstract class to be extended on for behavior functionality
LivePrices |
This class can be used for getting a current Grand Exchange price of items
LoadingStateEvent |
LocalLoader |
Created by Pandemic
LocalPath<T extends Locatable> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
LocalPathFinder |
The local pathfinder used for navigating within the local region
Locatable |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Location |
LocationRequirement |
Logger |
Logger.LogType |
LoginListener |
LoginResponseEvent |
LoginSolver |
LoginStage |
Created by Nezz on 2/20/2018.
LoginStageEvent |
LoginStats |
LoginUtility |
This is an API class used to give easier access to scripters to writing their own login handlers.
LootBagItemEvent |
LumbridgeDraynorDiary |
Lunar |
Created by Pandemic
Magic |
Created by Pandemic
MagicCarpetWebNode |
MagicTeleport |
Map |
A class which houses methods related to Region and Map.
Menu |
Static class to interact with the top level Menu
MenuAddedEvent |
MenuRow |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
MenuRowBuilder |
Created by Nezz on 7/10/2022
Utility class to help create MenuRows to use in the new menu interactions
MenuRowListener |
This is an menu listener used by scripts or other classes
Events sent by a threaded menu listener, only dispatched while a script is running.
MenuRowQueue |
Deprecated. |
Message |
Created by Pandemic
MessageEvent |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
MessageNode |
Created by Pandemic
MessageType |
Created by Nezz on 1/17/2015.
MethodProvider |
Minigame |
MinigameTeleports |
This class can be used to teleport via the Grouping tab
MiniMapTileDestination |
MiniQuest |
Created by Nezz 9/26/2019
Quests with a setting ID of -1 are unknown
Quests with settings values of {-1} are unknown
Quest Progress is found via widget text color.
Model |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
ModelWrapper |
MorytaniaDiary |
MountainGuideWebNode |
Mouse |
Please note: In general you do not have to concern yourself with these methods.
The methods here will be called from interact methods by the API (such as the interact method in RectangleDestination )
MouseAlgorithm |
Mouse Algorithm to handle both movement and click implementations
MouseButton |
Mouse button to use when clicking
Using NULL will mean it will not click
MouseEvent<T extends AbstractMouseDestination> |
Mouse event that handles the full movement and click process based on the fields you pass in.
MouseEventGenerator |
Utility class to generate a MouseEvent for the given parameters.
MouseKeys |
Created by Chris on 1/25/2015.
MouseMode |
Mode to use for MouseEvent s
Note: If you want the mouse to do the full press, release, click series of events, use the mode MouseMode.FULL_CLICK
Mode NONE will do only mouse movement.
MouseMovementAlgorithm |
MouseProfile |
Profile for mouse movement and click settings
Not yet implemented.
MouseSetting |
Created by Dreamliner on 10/20/2014.
MouseSettings |
Do not worry about this class too much.
MouseSettings.Hand |
MouseTiming |
MouseTracker |
MouseVector |
MoveEvent<T> |
MoveEvent |
NameComposite |
Deprecated. |
NameFilter<E extends Identifiable> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
NameProvider |
Created by Nezz on 1/12/2015.
NameProviderHandler |
Created by Nezz on 2/1/2018.
NetworkLoader |
Deprecated. |
Node |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
NodeContainerUtilities |
NodeSub |
NodeWrapper |
Normal |
Created by Pandemic
NpcAnimationEvent |
NPCAttackOption |
Created by Nezz on 5/24/2016.
NpcComposite |
NpcOverride |
Contains data for overriding model information such as colors and textures
NPCs |
A class containing methods which are used to retrieve local
NPC from the game.
PaidQuest |
Created by Nezz 9/26/2019
Quests with a setting ID of -1 are unknown
Quests with settings values of {-1} are unknown
Quest Progress is found via widget text color.
PaintEvent |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
PaintListener |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
PassableObstacle |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
PassableObstacle.PassableObstacleBuilder |
PathAwareWebNode |
PathDirection |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
PathFinder<T extends Locatable> |
PathNode |
A path node in the current region.
PathObstacle |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Player |
PlayerAnimationEvent |
PlayerAttackOption |
Created by Nezz on 5/24/2016.
PlayerComposite |
Deprecated. |
Players |
PlayerSettings |
PointDestination |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
PolygonDestination |
Prayer |
Prayers |
PressEvent |
PressKey |
Creates a KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED event
Marks the key as pressed internally and marks the last key location that was used for the press on that key where available
Projectile |
ProjectileListener |
Projectiles |
ProjectileTargetEvent |
Quest |
Created by Nezz 9/26/2019
Quest.State |
Quest.Type |
QuestPointRequirement |
QuestPointRequirement |
Deprecated. |
QuestRequirement |
QuestRequirement |
Deprecated. |
QuestRequirement |
Deprecated. |
Quests |
RandomEvent |
RandomManager |
RandomManager.State |
Randoms |
RandomSolver |
RectangleDestination |
Region |
RegionLoadEvent |
RegionLoadListener |
This is a region load listener used by scripts or other classes
Events sent by a threaded region listener, only dispatched while a script is running.
ReleaseEvent |
ReleaseKey |
Creates a KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED event
Marks the key as released internally
Resets the last key location used to press this key
If no location is passed in for this event, it will default to either the key's default location or the last pressed location
RenderableNode |
RequiredItem |
RequiredItem.RequiredItemBuilder |
Requirement |
Requirement |
Deprecated. |
Requirement |
Deprecated. |
RoofDisabler |
Root |
The root of the framework, can be given branches or leaves as children.
RSAction |
RSCanvasFocusEvent |
RSCanvasKeyboardEvent |
RSCanvasMouseEvent |
RSLoginResponse |
Created by Nezz on 6/6/2015.
RSScriptEventListener |
Fires an event at the start of the runScript method
Rune |
Created by Nezz on 6/30/2016.
RuneScriptEvent |
RuneScriptListener |
Fires an event on each game tick processed
RunningTime |
SceneObject |
ScheduledScript |
ScheduleSettings |
ScriptEvent |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
ScriptId |
ScriptManager |
ScriptManager.State |
ScriptManifest |
The ScriptManifest is required for all scripts to have, and provides needed information about the script for the Script
Manager and QuickStart.
ScriptPrefiredEvent |
ScriptSchedule |
ScriptScheduler |
ScriptSettings |
ScriptStop |
SelfConnectingWebNode |
ServerTickEvent |
ShapeDestination<T extends java.awt.Shape> |
A generic Shape destination, which can be used with any Shape .
ShiftKeys |
ShipWebNode |
Shop |
Skill |
SkillBased |
SkillReq |
Deprecated. |
SkillRequirement |
SkillRequirement |
Deprecated. |
SkillRequirement |
Deprecated. |
Skills |
SkillTotalRequirement |
SkillTracker |
Created by Nezz on 11/3/2014.
Sleep |
Contains static methods for sleeping
Smithing |
This helper class makes smithing items easier
SocialHandler |
Created by Nezz on 2/1/2018.
SOSDoor |
SpawnEvent |
SpawnListener |
This is a spawn listener used by scripts or other classes
Events sent by an injected spawn listener, only dispatched while a script is running.
Spell |
Created by Pandemic
Spellbook |
SpiritTreeWebNode |
SpotAnimation |
SpotAnimationEvent |
StandardDropPattern |
This class can be used to create drop patterns based on slot position easily.
StandardKeyboardAlgorithm |
StandardMouseAlgorithm |
DreamBot's default implementation of mouse movement
Currently implements MouseMovementAlgorithm for backwards compatibility
Status |
StatusBar |
Global manager for showing messages to users through the status bar
StopCondition |
Tab |
TabKey |
Created by Nezz on 5/24/2016.
Tabs |
TaskNode |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
TaskScript |
New replacement for NodeScript.
Teleport |
TeleportObstacle |
Teleport obstacle is one that on completion teleports you to an end tile
EX: Abyss obstacles
TeleportSettings |
TeleportWebNode |
TickEvent |
Tile |
TileDestination |
Created by Pandemic
TileFlags |
Defines the TileMap collision flags.
TileMap |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
TileObstacle |
TileObstacle.Type |
TileReference |
Timer |
TollWebNode |
Represents a toll node such as a gate
Trade |
TradeUser |
TreeScript |
Framework implementation of AbstractScript based on the Tree Branch Leaf framework created by LostVirt
Creates a Root node, which has a linked list of Branch , each of which has a linked list of Leaf
TypeKey |
Creates a KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED event
Does NOT handle press or release events.
Unobfuscated |
You can mark your classes, fields, or methods with this annotation to not have them obfuscated or renamed in the SDN
VarBit |
VarBitEvent |
VarClientInt |
VarClientString |
Varcs |
VarListener |
Fires an event when vars change
VarpEvent |
VarPlayer |
VarrockDiary |
Vector |
Vector |
Verified |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Viewport |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
ViewportTools |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Walking |
A class containing every method you need to walk anywhere in the game.
WalkingQueueSpeed |
WallObject |
WebFinder |
Web pathfinding class, generally shouldn't need to be accessed directly
WebNodeBuilder |
Created by Nezz on 8/11/2016.
WebNodeType |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
WebPathNode |
WebPathQuery |
Web Path Query to calculate a possible web path from a tile to a tile with the option of including the bank cache for required items.
WebPathQuery.WebPathQueryBuilder |
WebPathResponse |
WebPathResponse.WebPathResponseBuilder |
WelcomeScreenSolver |
WesternProvincesDiary |
WheelEvent |
WheelEvent |
Creates and sends a MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL event based on the given WheelMode
WheelMode |
WheelMode |
Wheel mode for whether to scroll up or down
Widget |
WidgetChild |
WidgetDecodedEvent |
WidgetEventListener |
Widgets |
WildernessDiary |
World |
Created by Nezz on 1/5/2015.
World.WorldBuilder |
WorldHopper |
Created by Pandemic
Worlds |
Created by Nezz on 1/5/2015.
WorldType |