Class Equipment

  • public class Equipment
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void add​(int index, Item t)  
      static boolean add​(Item t)  
      static @NonNull java.util.List<@Nullable Item> all()  
      static @NonNull java.util.List<@NonNull Item> all​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      A list of all the filtered items.
      static int capacity()
      Gets the capacity for the equipment interface
      static boolean contains​(int id)
      Contains boolean.
      static boolean contains​(int[] ids)  
      static boolean contains​(@NonNull java.lang.Object o)  
      static boolean contains​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      Checks if your equipment contains one item which meets the specified filter.
      static boolean contains​(java.lang.Integer... ids)
      Checks if your equipment contains one item which meets one of the specified ids.
      static boolean contains​(java.lang.String string)
      Determines if collection contains item with specified name.
      static boolean contains​(java.lang.String... names)
      Checks if your equipment contains one item which meets one of the specified names.
      static boolean containsAll​(int... ids)
      Checks if your equipment contains all of the items with specified IDs
      static boolean containsAll​(@NonNull java.util.Collection<?> collection)
      Checks if your equipment contains all of the items in the collections
      static boolean containsAll​(java.lang.String... names)
      Checks if your equipment contains all of the items with names specified
      static int count​(int id)
      Count of all the items that match the search.
      static int count​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      Count of all the items that match the search.
      static int count​(java.lang.String name)
      Count of all the items that match the search.
      static int emptySlotCount()
      Gets the number of slots that do not contain items
      static boolean equip​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, int[] ids)
      static boolean equip​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, @NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      Equips the first item that matches the given filter in the slot provided
      static boolean equip​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, java.lang.Integer... ids)
      Equips the first item that matches one of the given IDs in the slot provided
      static boolean equip​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, java.lang.String... names)
      Equips the first item that matches one of the given names in the slot provided
      static @NonNull java.util.List<@NonNull Item> except​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      Get all items which do not fit the given criteria.
      static int fullSlotCount()
      Gets the number of slots that contains items
      static @Nullable Item get​(int id)  
      static @Nullable Item get​(int[] ids)  
      static @Nullable Item get​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)  
      static @Nullable Item get​(java.lang.Integer... ids)  
      static @Nullable Item get​(java.lang.String name)
      Get item for specified name.
      static @Nullable Item get​(java.lang.String... names)  
      static int getFirstEmptySlot()
      Gets the first empty slot in your equipment.
      static int getFirstFullSlot()
      Gets the next full slot in your equipment
      static int getIdForSlot​(int slot)
      Gets the Id of the Item in the slot.
      static int getIdForSlot​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
      Gets the ID of the Item in the EquipmentSlot
      static @Nullable Item getItemInSlot​(int slot)
      Gets item in specified slot.
      static @Nullable Item getItemInSlot​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot equipmentSlot)
      Gets item in specified slot.
      static @NonNull java.lang.String getNameForSlot​(int slot)
      Gets the Name for the Item in the slot.
      static @NonNull java.lang.String getNameForSlot​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
      Gets the Name for the Item in the EquipmentSlot.
      static @Nullable java.awt.Rectangle getSlotBounds​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
      Gets the rectangular bounds of the WidgetChild for the given EquipmentSlot
      static @Nullable EquipmentSlot getSlotForItem​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      Gets the EquipmentSlot for a given item filter
      static @Nullable WidgetChild getWidgetForSlot​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
      Gets the WidgetChild for the EquipmentSlot given
      static boolean interact​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, @Nullable java.lang.String action)
      Interacts with the slot specified with the action specified Opens the Tab.EQUIPMENT tab if needed
      static boolean isEmpty()  
      static boolean isFull()
      Determines if equipment full.
      static boolean isLoaded()
      Checks if the internal equipment tables have been loaded Used primarily for ItemEventManagers
      static boolean isOpen()  
      static boolean isSlotEmpty​(int slot)
      Checks if the given slot is empty Uses the values from EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
      static boolean isSlotEmpty​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
      Checks if the given EquipmentSlot is empty
      static boolean isSlotFull​(int slot)
      Checks if the slot has an Item in it slot is based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
      static boolean isSlotFull​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
      Checks if the given EquipmentSlot is full
      static boolean onlyContains​(int[] ids)
      static boolean onlyContains​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      Checks if your Equipment only contains items that match the Filter
      static boolean onlyContains​(java.lang.Integer... ids)
      Checks if your Equipment only contains items with specified IDs
      static boolean onlyContains​(java.lang.String... names)
      Checks if your equipment only contains items with specified names
      static boolean open()
      Opens the equipment tab
      static @Nullable Item set​(int index, Item element)  
      static int size()  
      static int slot​(int id)
      Gets the slot for the item with specified ID.
      static int slot​(@NonNull java.lang.String name)
      Gets the slot for the item with specified name.
      static int slot​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      Gets the slot for the item with specified name.
      static boolean slotContains​(int slot, int[] ids)
      static boolean slotContains​(int slot, @NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      Checks if the slot contains items that matches the filter.
      static boolean slotContains​(int slot, @NonNull Item item)
      Checks if the slot contains the given Item slot based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
      static boolean slotContains​(int slot, java.lang.Integer... ids)
      Checks if the slot contains an item that matches any the given ids.
      static boolean slotContains​(int slot, java.lang.String name)
      Checks if the slot contains an Item that matches the given name.
      static boolean slotContains​(int slot, java.lang.String... names)
      Checks if the slot contains any items that match the given names.
      static boolean slotContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, int[] ids)
      static boolean slotContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, @NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      Checks if the EquipmentSlot contains items that matches the given filter.
      static boolean slotContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, @NonNull Item item)
      Checks if the EquipmentSlot contains the given Item
      static boolean slotContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, java.lang.Integer... ids)
      Checks if the EquipmentSlot contains an item that matches any the given ids.
      static boolean slotContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, java.lang.String name)
      Checks if the EquipmentSlot contains an item that matches the given name.
      static boolean slotContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, java.lang.String... names)
      Checks if the EquipmentSlot contains any items that match the given names.
      static boolean slotNameContains​(int slot, @NonNull java.lang.String sub)
      static boolean slotNameContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot, @NonNull java.lang.String sub)
      static @Nullable java.lang.Object @NonNull [] toArray()  
      static boolean unequip​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
      Unequips the equipment from the equipment slot
      static boolean unequip​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      Unequips an item that matches the given Filter
      static int widgetChildId()
      Gets the child ID of the WidgetChild for the equipment interface
      static int widgetParentId()
      Gets the ID of the parent Widget for the Equipment Interface
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • widgetParentId

        public static int widgetParentId()
        Gets the ID of the parent Widget for the Equipment Interface
        ID of the parent widget for equipment interface
      • widgetChildId

        public static int widgetChildId()
        Gets the child ID of the WidgetChild for the equipment interface
        Child ID of the WidgetChild for equipment interface
      • capacity

        public static int capacity()
        Gets the capacity for the equipment interface
      • all

        public static @NonNull java.util.List<@Nullable Item> all()
      • isLoaded

        public static boolean isLoaded()
        Checks if the internal equipment tables have been loaded Used primarily for ItemEventManagers
        True if the equipment tables have been loaded
      • equip

        public static boolean equip​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot,
                                    java.lang.Integer... ids)
        Equips the first item that matches one of the given IDs in the slot provided
        slot - EquipmentSlot of the item to equip
        ids - IDs of the Items to search for to equip
        true if equipped successfully or already equipped, else false
      • equip

        public static boolean equip​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot,
                                    java.lang.String... names)
        Equips the first item that matches one of the given names in the slot provided
        slot - EquipmentSlot of the item to equip
        names - names of the Items to search for to equip
        true if equipped successfully or already equipped, else false
      • equip

        public static boolean equip​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot,
                                    @NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
        Equips the first item that matches the given filter in the slot provided
        slot - EquipmentSlot of the item to equip
        filter - filter of the Items to search for to equip
        true if equipped successfully or already equipped, else false
      • getSlotForItem

        public static @Nullable EquipmentSlot getSlotForItem​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
        Gets the EquipmentSlot for a given item filter
        filter - Filter to match an item with
        the EquipmentSlot of the item if found, otherwise null
      • unequip

        public static boolean unequip​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
        Unequips the equipment from the equipment slot
        slot - EquipmentSlot to unequip from
        true if successfully unequipped
      • unequip

        public static boolean unequip​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
        Unequips an item that matches the given Filter
        filter - Filter of the item to unequip
        True if can't find item slot or successfully unequipped
      • open

        public static boolean open()
        Opens the equipment tab
        true if successfully opened or already open
      • interact

        public static boolean interact​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot,
                                       @Nullable java.lang.String action)
        Interacts with the slot specified with the action specified Opens the Tab.EQUIPMENT tab if needed
        slot - EquipmentSlot to interact with
        action - Action to use for the interaction
        True if EquipmentSlot contains an item and interaction is successful, else false
      • getWidgetForSlot

        public static @Nullable WidgetChild getWidgetForSlot​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
        Gets the WidgetChild for the EquipmentSlot given
        slot - slot to get WidgetChild of
        WidgetChild of the given equipment slot
      • getSlotBounds

        public static @Nullable java.awt.Rectangle getSlotBounds​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
        Gets the rectangular bounds of the WidgetChild for the given EquipmentSlot
        slot - Slot to get the bounds of
        Rectangular bounds of the slot, null if WidgetChild is not found.
      • fullSlotCount

        public static int fullSlotCount()
        Gets the number of slots that contains items
      • emptySlotCount

        public static int emptySlotCount()
        Gets the number of slots that do not contain items
      • isSlotEmpty

        public static boolean isSlotEmpty​(int slot)
        Checks if the given slot is empty Uses the values from EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        slot - slot to check, based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        True if slot empty or if given slot is larger than the number of available slots, else false.
      • isSlotEmpty

        public static boolean isSlotEmpty​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
        Checks if the given EquipmentSlot is empty
        slot - EquipmentSlot to check if empty
        True if empty, else false.
      • isSlotFull

        public static boolean isSlotFull​(int slot)
        Checks if the slot has an Item in it slot is based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        slot - slot to check
        True if there's an item there, else False
      • isSlotFull

        public static boolean isSlotFull​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
        Checks if the given EquipmentSlot is full
        slot - EquipmentSlot to check
        True if given slot contains an item, else false.
      • onlyContains

        public static boolean onlyContains​(java.lang.String... names)
        Checks if your equipment only contains items with specified names
        names - Names of items to look for
        True if Equipment only contains items with the given names, else False
      • onlyContains

        public static boolean onlyContains​(java.lang.Integer... ids)
        Checks if your Equipment only contains items with specified IDs
        ids - IDs of items to check for
        True if Equipment only contains items with specified IDs, else False
      • onlyContains

        public static boolean onlyContains​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
        Checks if your Equipment only contains items that match the Filter
        filter - Filter to pass items through
        True if Equipment only contains items matching Filter, else False
      • slotContains

        public static boolean slotContains​(int slot,
                                           java.lang.String... names)
        Checks if the slot contains any items that match the given names. slot is based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        slot - slot to check, based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        names - names of the items to check
        true if the given slot contains an item that matches any of the given names, else false
      • slotContains

        public static boolean slotContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot,
                                           java.lang.String... names)
        Checks if the EquipmentSlot contains any items that match the given names.
        slot - EquipmentSlot to check
        names - names of the items to check
        true if given slot contains any items matching the given names, else false
      • slotContains

        public static boolean slotContains​(int slot,
                                           java.lang.String name)
        Checks if the slot contains an Item that matches the given name. slot is based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        slot - slot to check, based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        name - name of the item to check
        true if the given slot contains an item that contains the given name, else false
      • slotContains

        public static boolean slotContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot,
                                           java.lang.String name)
        Checks if the EquipmentSlot contains an item that matches the given name.
        slot - EquipmentSlot to check
        name - name of the item to check
        true if given slot contains an item that contains the given name, else false
      • slotNameContains

        public static boolean slotNameContains​(int slot,
                                               @NonNull java.lang.String sub)
      • slotContains

        public static boolean slotContains​(int slot,
                                           java.lang.Integer... ids)
        Checks if the slot contains an item that matches any the given ids. slot based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        slot - slot to check
        ids - ids of the items to check.
        True if slot contains an item that matches any of the given ids, else false.
      • slotContains

        public static boolean slotContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot,
                                           java.lang.Integer... ids)
        Checks if the EquipmentSlot contains an item that matches any the given ids.
        slot - slot to check
        ids - ids of the items to check.
        True if slot contains an item that matches any of the given ids, else false.
      • slotContains

        public static boolean slotContains​(int slot,
                                           @NonNull Item item)
        Checks if the slot contains the given Item slot based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        slot - slot to check
        item - The Item to check.
        True if slot contains the given item, else false.
      • slotContains

        public static boolean slotContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot,
                                           @NonNull Item item)
        Checks if the EquipmentSlot contains the given Item
        slot - slot to check
        item - The Item to check.
        True if slot contains the given item, else false.
      • slotContains

        public static boolean slotContains​(int slot,
                                           @NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
        Checks if the slot contains items that matches the filter. slot based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        slot - slot to check for the given filter
        filter - Filter to check
        True if slot contains an Item matching the given filter, else false.
      • slotContains

        public static boolean slotContains​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot,
                                           @NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
        Checks if the EquipmentSlot contains items that matches the given filter.
        slot - slot to check for the given filter
        filter - Filter to check
        True if slot contains an Item matching the given filter, else false.
      • getFirstEmptySlot

        public static int getFirstEmptySlot()
        Gets the first empty slot in your equipment.
        slot number, if equipment is full -1.
      • getFirstFullSlot

        public static int getFirstFullSlot()
        Gets the next full slot in your equipment
        slot number, if equipment is empty -1
      • getIdForSlot

        public static int getIdForSlot​(int slot)
        Gets the Id of the Item in the slot. slot based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        slot - Slot to get item id of.
        Item ID or -1 if no item.
      • getIdForSlot

        public static int getIdForSlot​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
        Gets the ID of the Item in the EquipmentSlot
        slot - slot to get item id of
        Item ID or -1 if slot does not contain an item
      • getNameForSlot

        public static @NonNull java.lang.String getNameForSlot​(int slot)
        Gets the Name for the Item in the slot. slot based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        slot - Slot to get item name of.
        Item name or "" if item is null.
      • getNameForSlot

        public static @NonNull java.lang.String getNameForSlot​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot slot)
        Gets the Name for the Item in the EquipmentSlot. NOTE: Does not return null if slot is empty.
        slot - Slot to get item name of.
        Item name or empty String if slot does not contain an item
      • slot

        public static int slot​(int id)
        Gets the slot for the item with specified ID.
        id - ID of item to get slot of.
        Item slot or -1 if Item is null.
      • slot

        public static int slot​(@NonNull java.lang.String name)
        Gets the slot for the item with specified name.
        name - Name of item to get slot of.
        Item slot or -1 if Item is null.
      • slot

        public static int slot​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
        Gets the slot for the item with specified name.
        filter - filter of the item to get slot of.
        Item slot or -1 if Item is null.
      • add

        public static boolean add​(Item t)
      • toArray

        public static @Nullable java.lang.Object @NonNull [] toArray()
      • add

        public static void add​(int index,
                               Item t)
      • all

        public static @NonNull java.util.List<@NonNull Item> all​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
        A list of all the filtered items.
        filter - the filter to search with.
        the list of all filtered items.
      • getItemInSlot

        public static @Nullable Item getItemInSlot​(int slot)
        Gets item in specified slot. slot based on EquipmentSlot.getSlot()
        slot - the index.
        the item in slot.
      • getItemInSlot

        public static @Nullable Item getItemInSlot​(@NonNull EquipmentSlot equipmentSlot)
        Gets item in specified slot.
        equipmentSlot - the EquipmentSlot.
        the item in slot.
      • get

        public static @Nullable Item get​(int id)
      • get

        public static @Nullable Item get​(java.lang.Integer... ids)
      • get

        public static @Nullable Item get​(int[] ids)
      • get

        public static @Nullable Item get​(java.lang.String name)
        Get item for specified name.
        name - the name of the item.
        the item if list contains it, otherwise null.
      • get

        public static @Nullable Item get​(java.lang.String... names)
      • get

        public static @Nullable Item get​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
      • except

        public static @NonNull java.util.List<@NonNull Item> except​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
        Get all items which do not fit the given criteria.
        filter - The filter of the items to ignore.
        The list of items found which do not match the given criteria.
      • size

        public static int size()
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty()
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(int id)
        Contains boolean.
        id - the id
        the boolean
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(java.lang.String string)
        Determines if collection contains item with specified name.
        string - the name of the item.
        true if collection contains item, otherwise false.
      • containsAll

        public static boolean containsAll​(java.lang.String... names)
        Checks if your equipment contains all of the items with names specified
        names - Names of items to check for
        True if equipment contains all names, else False
      • containsAll

        public static boolean containsAll​(int... ids)
        Checks if your equipment contains all of the items with specified IDs
        ids - IDs of items to check for
        True if equipment contains all IDs, else false.
      • containsAll

        public static boolean containsAll​(@NonNull java.util.Collection<?> collection)
        Checks if your equipment contains all of the items in the collections
        collection - The collection of items to compare against
        True if equipment contains all of the items, else false.
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(java.lang.Integer... ids)
        Checks if your equipment contains one item which meets one of the specified ids.
        ids - Item IDs to check for
        True if equipment contains one of, else false
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(int[] ids)
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(java.lang.String... names)
        Checks if your equipment contains one item which meets one of the specified names.
        names - names to check for
        true if equipment contains one of, else false.
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
        Checks if your equipment contains one item which meets the specified filter.
        filter - the filter to search with.
        true if equipment contains one of, else false.
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(@NonNull java.lang.Object o)
      • isFull

        public static boolean isFull()
        Determines if equipment full.
      • count

        public static int count​(java.lang.String name)
        Count of all the items that match the search.
        name - the name of the item.
        the total count of matching items.
      • count

        public static int count​(int id)
        Count of all the items that match the search.
        id - the id of them item.
        the total count of matching items.
      • count

        public static int count​(@NonNull Filter<Item> filter)
        Count of all the items that match the search.
        filter - the filter to count with
        the total count of matching items.
      • set

        public static @Nullable Item set​(int index,
                                         Item element)
      • isOpen

        public static boolean isOpen()