Class HoldKey

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HoldKey
    extends AbstractKeyEvent
    Event to handle holding a key Does not create a new thread on its own, you must put this call inside a thread if you require it to be threaded. Will repeatedly call pressed and typed(if needed) during hold process. This is the current expected behavior for the Windows OS with most implementations of the JVM If you find that is incorrect, please report to a client developer what your OS and JVM is, so we can do more testing. Runs until the release condition is met, it times out, or is forcefully stopped using Keyboard.markHeld(Key, boolean) with false Calls a key released event at the end
    • Constructor Detail

      • HoldKey

        public HoldKey​(char character)
      • HoldKey

        public HoldKey​(char character,
                       Condition release)
      • HoldKey

        public HoldKey​(char character,
                       Condition release,
                       long timeout)
      • HoldKey

        public HoldKey​(Key key)
      • HoldKey

        public HoldKey​(Key key,
                       Condition release,
                       long timeout)