Class Projectiles

  • public class Projectiles
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • all

        public static @NonNull java.util.List<@NonNull Projectile> all()
      • all

        public static @NonNull java.util.List<@NonNull Projectile> all​(@NonNull java.lang.Integer... ids)
      • closest

        public static @Nullable Projectile closest​(@NonNull java.lang.Integer... ids)
      • playerIsTargeted

        public static boolean playerIsTargeted​(Player player)
        Checks if there is a projectile targeting a given Player
        player - Player to check for a projectile targeting
        true if there exists a projectile targeting the player index, false if none found
      • npcIsTargeted

        public static boolean npcIsTargeted​(NPC npc)
        Checks if there is a projectile targeting a given NPC
        npc - NPC to check for a projectile targeting
        true if there exists a projectile targeting the npc index, false if none found
      • isWithCycleCheck

        public static boolean isWithCycleCheck()
        When true, all() will only return projectiles with an end cycle >= the current game cycle.
      • setWithCycleCheck

        public static void setWithCycleCheck​(boolean withCycleCheck)
        When true, all() will only return projectiles with an end cycle >= the current game cycle.