Class WebFinder

  • public class WebFinder
    extends java.lang.Object
    Web pathfinding class, generally shouldn't need to be accessed directly
    • Method Detail

      • getWebFinder

        public static WebFinder getWebFinder()
      • loadWebNodes

        public static void loadWebNodes()
      • isLoaded

        public static boolean isLoaded()
        Checks if the base web nodes have been loaded into the client
        true if loaded, false if still loading
      • setWebNodeVersion

        public static void setWebNodeVersion​(@NonNull java.lang.String version)
        This can be used to load web nodes from a prior version, allowing you to ensure any future node updates don't affect your custom web nodes. This method will do a full reset of the WebFinder and then load the nodes, any customization to any walking related methods will need to happen AFTER calling this method.
        version - The string version, "latest" is default and will grab the newest available nodes. All versions can be found in the Discord's #client-updates channel.
      • getWebNodeVersion

        public static @NonNull java.lang.String getWebNodeVersion()
      • isWebNodeVersionAtLeast

        public static boolean isWebNodeVersionAtLeast​(@NonNull java.lang.String version)
      • calculate

        public @Nullable GlobalPath<AbstractWebNode> calculate​(@Nullable AbstractWebNode start,
                                                               @NonNull AbstractWebNode destination,
                                                               int maxDepth)
        Calculates a web path with a given start node, destination node, and a maximum depth
        start - Starting node
        destination - Destination node
        maxDepth - Maximum depth, -1 if no max
        GlobalPath if found, null if not found or maximum depth reached
      • disableTeleport

        public void disableTeleport​(@NonNull Teleport teleport)
        Disables a teleport from being used in the pathfinder
        teleport - the Teleport to disable
      • enableTeleport

        public void enableTeleport​(@NonNull Teleport teleport)
        Re-enables a previously disabled teleport to be used in the pathfinder
        teleport - the Teleport to re-enable
      • disableWebNodeType

        public void disableWebNodeType​(@NonNull WebNodeType type)
        Disables a type of web nodes from being used in the pathfinder
        type - the WebNodeType to disable
      • isWebNodeTypeEnabled

        public boolean isWebNodeTypeEnabled​(@NonNull WebNodeType type)
      • enableWebNodeType

        public void enableWebNodeType​(@NonNull WebNodeType type)
        Re-enables a previously disabled type of web nodes to be used in the pathfinder
        type - the WebNodeType to re-enable
      • canEquipTeleports

        public boolean canEquipTeleports()
      • disableEquippingTeleports

        public void disableEquippingTeleports()
      • enableEquippingTeleports

        public void enableEquippingTeleports()
      • canUseInventoryTeleports

        public boolean canUseInventoryTeleports()
      • canUseEquipmentTeleports

        public boolean canUseEquipmentTeleports()
      • disableInventoryTeleports

        public void disableInventoryTeleports()
      • enableInventoryTeleports

        public void enableInventoryTeleports()
      • disableEquipmentTeleports

        public void disableEquipmentTeleports()
      • enableEquipmentTeleports

        public void enableEquipmentTeleports()
      • getNearest

        public @Nullable AbstractWebNode getNearest​(@NonNull AbstractWebNode target)
        Gets the closest BasicWebNode to the given AbstractWebNode that's within five tiles of the given node
        target - the target you wish to find the nearest web node of.
        the closest basic web node to the given tile if found, otherwise null.
      • getNearest

        public @Nullable AbstractWebNode getNearest​(@NonNull AbstractWebNode target,
                                                    int threshold)
        Gets the closest BasicWebNode to the given AbstractWebNode within the threshold

        To find AbstractWebNode's of any type, you can use getNodesWithin(int, Tile)

        target - the target you wish to find the nearest web node of.
        threshold - the threshold of search you would like to perform.
        the closest basic web node to the given tile if found, otherwise null.
      • getNearest

        public @Nullable AbstractWebNode getNearest​(@NonNull Tile target,
                                                    int threshold)
        Gets the closest BasicWebNode to the given tile within the threshold

        To find AbstractWebNode's of any type, you can use getNodesWithin(int, Tile)

        Note: If the target tile is local (in your current region), this will return the nearest node based on the actual path distance. If you want the nearest based on straight distance, use getNearestGlobal(Tile, int) instead.

        target - the target you wish to find the nearest web node of.
        threshold - the threshold of search you would like to perform.
        the closest basic web node to the given tile if found, otherwise null.
      • addNode

        public boolean addNode​(@NonNull Tile newNodeTarget)
        Creates and adds a new BasicWebNode at the provided tile and connects it to the nearest web node in our web
        newNodeTarget - The tile to create a BasicWebNode at
        true if successful
      • createAndAddNode

        public @Nullable AbstractWebNode createAndAddNode​(@NonNull Tile newNodeTarget)
        Creates and adds a new BasicWebNode at the provided tile and connects it to the nearest web node in our web
        newNodeTarget - The tile to create a BasicWebNode at
        the created AbstractWebNode if it successfully finds a nearby node to connect to, null otherwise
      • getNearestGlobal

        public @Nullable AbstractWebNode getNearestGlobal​(@NonNull Tile target,
                                                          int threshold)
      • getNodesWithin

        public @NonNull java.util.ArrayList<AbstractWebNode> getNodesWithin​(int distance,
                                                                            @NonNull Tile tile)
        Returns a list of all AbstractWebNode's within the given distance on any plane
        distance - the furthest a node can be from the tile
        tile - the tile to check against
        a list of all AbstractWebNode's that are within the distance in no particular order
      • removeNode

        public void removeNode​(int idx)
      • addCustomWebPath

        public void addCustomWebPath​(@NonNull CustomWebPath customWebPath)
      • addBlacklistedNode

        public void addBlacklistedNode​(@NonNull AbstractWebNode node)
      • clearBlacklist

        public void clearBlacklist()
      • clearCustomNodes

        public void clearCustomNodes()
      • addWebNode

        public void addWebNode​(@NonNull AbstractWebNode node)
        This adds a custom web node to our standard web nodes without adding any connections automatically
        node - The web node to add to our web
      • addWebNodes

        public void addWebNodes​(@NonNull AbstractWebNode... nodes)
        This just calls addWebNode for each web node passed in
        nodes - the web nodes to add
      • get

        public @Nullable AbstractWebNode get​(int index)

        Returns the web node with the given index

        NOTE: You shouldn't be connecting to our web nodes using this method, as the index can change at any time. You should use getNearest(Tile, int) to find the correct node.

        index - the index of the web node
        The web node if it exists, null if the nodes haven't been loaded or if it's not found
      • resetWebNodes

        public void resetWebNodes()
      • setPathRandomization

        public void setPathRandomization​(double randomization)
        Sets the randomization factor used when web pathfinding.

        A value of 0.0 will disable any randomization, and any positive value will allow for less optimal paths to be generated. The default value of this is 0, meaning we'll only return the most optimal path.

        randomization - the randomization factor
      • toggleWebNodeDebug

        public static void toggleWebNodeDebug​(boolean enable)
      • isWebNodeDebugEnabled

        public static boolean isWebNodeDebugEnabled()
      • getPathRandomization

        public double getPathRandomization()
      • getCurrentPathQuery

        public WebPathQuery getCurrentPathQuery()
      • setCurrentPathQuery

        public void setCurrentPathQuery​(WebPathQuery currentPathQuery)