Class Walking

  • public class Walking
    extends java.lang.Object
    A class containing every method you need to walk anywhere in the game.

    Some important terminology:

    • Region: An in game region is a grid of 64x64 tiles
    • Global: The global pathfinder (WebFinder) is used to find paths outside of the loaded regions
    • Local: The local pathfinder (LocalPathFinder is used only for paths within the loaded regions

    Generally you shouldn't need to use the pathfinders directly assuming our web contains a path. Most walking in game can be accomplished simply with a call to walk(Tile) which will take one step towards the goal tile. You can call walk(Tile) repeatedly in your script's onLoop until you're close to your destination:

     Tile destination = new Tile(3270, 3167);
     if (destination.distance() > 5 && Walking.shouldWalk()) {
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static boolean canWalk​(@NonNull Tile destination)
      Returns whether you are able to walk to the tile, only works with local tiles.
      static boolean canWalk​(@NonNull Entity destination)
      Checks whether you can walk to a given entity using local walk.
      static boolean clickTileOnMinimap​(@NonNull Tile tile)
      Clicks a tile on the minimap
      static @Nullable Tile getClosestTileOnMap​(@NonNull Tile tile)
      Returns the closest tile on the minimap to offset given tile.
      static @Nullable Tile getClosestTileOnScreen​(@NonNull Tile tile)
      Returns the closest tile on the screen to offset given tile.
      static @Nullable Tile getDestination()
      Gets destination tile (red mini map flag).
      static int getDestinationDistance()
      Gets the distance from the destination
      static int getMinimapTargetSize()  
      static int getRunEnergy()
      Gets the current run energy
      static int getRunThreshold()
      Gets energy level which run will be toggled when using default walk methods.
      static boolean isDisableMinimap()  
      static boolean isNoClickWalkEnabled()
      Checks whether the setting for no click walk is enabled or not
      static boolean isRunEnabled()
      Checks whether running is currently enabled via playerSettings.
      static boolean isStaminaActive()  
      static void reset()  
      static void setDisableMinimap​(boolean disableMinimap)  
      static void setGangplankHandling​(boolean active)
      Sets whether the walker should check for gangplanks before walking
      static void setMinimapTargetSize​(int sizeInPx)
      Sets the size of MiniMapTileDestination's target area when minimap walking
      static void setObstacleSleeping​(boolean shouldSleep)
      Sets whether the walker should sleep after interacting with an obstacle Setting this to false may result in spam clicking obstacles
      static void setRunThreshold​(int runThreshold)
      Sets energy level which run will be toggled when using default walk methods.
      static boolean shouldHandleGangplanks()
      Gets whether the walker should check for gangplanks before walking
      static boolean shouldObstacleSleep()
      Gets whether the walker should sleep after interacting with an obstacle
      static boolean shouldWalk()
      Calls shouldWalk(4) See shouldWalk(int)
      static boolean shouldWalk​(int distance)
      Returns whether you should walk - if you're moving, it'll check if your distance to destination is less than specified
      static void toggleNoClickWalk​(boolean toggle)  
      static boolean toggleRun()
      Turns on/off run.
      static boolean walk​(int x, int y)
      Walks to the tile at (x, y, 0)
      static boolean walk​(int x, int y, int z)
      Walks to the tile at (x, y, z)
      static boolean walk​(@NonNull Tile tile)
      Walks to the given tile, using a combination of web and local pathfinders, handling obstacles along the way as necessary.
      static boolean walk​(@NonNull Entity entity)
      Walks to the tile (or the nearest walkable tile) of the entity.
      static boolean walk​(@NonNull Locatable locatable)
      Walks to the given Locatable, using a combination of web and local pathfinders, handling obstacles along the way as necessary.
      static boolean walkExact​(@NonNull Tile tile)
      Attempts to walk to the exact tile
      static boolean walkOnScreen​(@NonNull Tile tile)
      Clicks on a tile on the main game screen
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • walk

        public static boolean walk​(int x,
                                   int y)
        Walks to the tile at (x, y, 0)
        x - The x position of the tile
        y - The y position of the tile
        True if successfully moved
      • walk

        public static boolean walk​(int x,
                                   int y,
                                   int z)
        Walks to the tile at (x, y, z)
        x - The x position of the tile
        y - The y position of the tile
        z - The z position of the tile
        True if successfully moved
      • walk

        public static boolean walk​(@NonNull Entity entity)
        Walks to the tile (or the nearest walkable tile) of the entity.
        entity - Entity to walk to.
        True if successfully moved
      • walk

        public static boolean walk​(@NonNull Tile tile)
        Walks to the given tile, using a combination of web and local pathfinders, handling obstacles along the way as necessary.

        If you find any obstacles that aren't handled, take a look at LocalPathFinder and WebFinder for adding custom obstacles or web nodes.

        Example usage:

         Tile tile = new Tile(1500, 1500);
         if (Walking.shouldWalk(5) && Walking.walk(tile)) {
             Sleep.sleep(1000, 1500);
        tile - the destination tile.
        true if the client made progress or reached the tile
      • walk

        public static boolean walk​(@NonNull Locatable locatable)
        Walks to the given Locatable, using a combination of web and local pathfinders, handling obstacles along the way as necessary.

        If you find any obstacles that aren't handled, take a look at LocalPathFinder and WebFinder for adding custom obstacles or web nodes.

        Example usage:

         Tile tile = new Tile(1500, 1500);
         if (Walking.shouldWalk(5) && Walking.walk(tile)) {
             Sleep.sleep(1000, 1500);
        locatable - the destination
        true if the client made progress or reached the tile
      • clickTileOnMinimap

        public static boolean clickTileOnMinimap​(@NonNull Tile tile)
        Clicks a tile on the minimap
        tile - tile to click on
        true if clicked on successfully
      • walkOnScreen

        public static boolean walkOnScreen​(@NonNull Tile tile)
        Clicks on a tile on the main game screen

        Note: This method will not handle obstacles like walk(Tile) does, it'll only click on the tile

        tile - the tile to click on screen
        true if successfully interacted with Tile
      • walkExact

        public static boolean walkExact​(@NonNull Tile tile)
        Attempts to walk to the exact tile
        tile - Tile to walk to
        true if successfully interacted with Tile
      • shouldWalk

        public static boolean shouldWalk​(int distance)
        Returns whether you should walk - if you're moving, it'll check if your distance to destination is less than specified
        distance - Distance to check from destination
        True if distance to current destination is less than specified, True if not moving, else false.
      • shouldWalk

        public static boolean shouldWalk()
        Calls shouldWalk(4) See shouldWalk(int)
        true if it should walk or not based off movement and distance to the destination flag
      • toggleRun

        public static boolean toggleRun()
        Turns on/off run.
        true if run setting was successfully changed.
      • isRunEnabled

        public static boolean isRunEnabled()
        Checks whether running is currently enabled via playerSettings.
        true if the run option is enabled.
      • getRunEnergy

        public static int getRunEnergy()
        Gets the current run energy
        0 to 100
      • getClosestTileOnMap

        public static @Nullable Tile getClosestTileOnMap​(@NonNull Tile tile)
        Returns the closest tile on the minimap to offset given tile. Will return null if isDisableMinimap().
        tile - The destination tile.
        Returns the closest tile to the destination on the minimap, or null if the tile is null or isDisableMinimap()
      • getClosestTileOnScreen

        public static @Nullable Tile getClosestTileOnScreen​(@NonNull Tile tile)
        Returns the closest tile on the screen to offset given tile.
        tile - The destination tile.
        Returns the closest tile to the destination on the screen, or null if the tile is null
      • getRunThreshold

        public static int getRunThreshold()
        Gets energy level which run will be toggled when using default walk methods.
        runThreshold the energy level which you would like to start running.
      • setRunThreshold

        public static void setRunThreshold​(int runThreshold)
        Sets energy level which run will be toggled when using default walk methods.
        runThreshold - the energy level which you would like to start running.
      • getDestinationDistance

        public static int getDestinationDistance()
        Gets the distance from the destination
        Distance from destination, -1 if there is no destination
      • getDestination

        public static @Nullable Tile getDestination()
        Gets destination tile (red mini map flag).
        Your player's destination, null if not moving
      • canWalk

        public static boolean canWalk​(@NonNull Tile destination)
        Returns whether you are able to walk to the tile, only works with local tiles.
        destination - Tile to check if you can walk to
        True if able to find a path, false if not local or unable to find a path to tile.
      • canWalk

        public static boolean canWalk​(@NonNull Entity destination)
        Checks whether you can walk to a given entity using local walk.
        destination - Entity to check against
        True if able to find a path to entity, false if entity is null, not local, or not able to find a path
      • setObstacleSleeping

        public static void setObstacleSleeping​(boolean shouldSleep)
        Sets whether the walker should sleep after interacting with an obstacle Setting this to false may result in spam clicking obstacles
      • shouldObstacleSleep

        public static boolean shouldObstacleSleep()
        Gets whether the walker should sleep after interacting with an obstacle
      • setGangplankHandling

        public static void setGangplankHandling​(boolean active)
        Sets whether the walker should check for gangplanks before walking
      • shouldHandleGangplanks

        public static boolean shouldHandleGangplanks()
        Gets whether the walker should check for gangplanks before walking
      • isStaminaActive

        public static boolean isStaminaActive()
      • getMinimapTargetSize

        public static int getMinimapTargetSize()
      • setMinimapTargetSize

        public static void setMinimapTargetSize​(int sizeInPx)
        Sets the size of MiniMapTileDestination's target area when minimap walking
        sizeInPx - The length of one side of a square for minimap tile destinations
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - when given a non-positive size
      • reset

        public static void reset()
      • isNoClickWalkEnabled

        public static boolean isNoClickWalkEnabled()
        Checks whether the setting for no click walk is enabled or not
      • toggleNoClickWalk

        public static void toggleNoClickWalk​(boolean toggle)
      • isDisableMinimap

        public static boolean isDisableMinimap()
      • setDisableMinimap

        public static void setDisableMinimap​(boolean disableMinimap)