Class Camera

  • public class Camera
    extends java.lang.Object
    Created by Nezz
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void firePitchAndYawEvent​(int pitch, int yaw)
      Fires the RuneScriptEvent to change camera pitch/yaw Does not verify your inputs
      static void fireZoomEvent​(int zoom)
      Fires the RuneScriptEvent to change camera zoom Does not verify your inputs
      static CameraMode getCameraMode()
      Returns the current camera mode, showing how the client will move the camera by default
      static int getLowestPitch()
      Gets the lowest availble pitch Recently updated to just be a flat 128
      static int getMaxZoom()
      Gets the maximum zoom value, this is the value representing being zoomed all the way out
      static int getMinZoom()
      Gets the minimum zoom value, this is the value representing being zoomed all the way in.
      static int getPitch()
      Gets the pitch of the camera
      static int getPitchForEntity​(Entity entity)
      Gets the pitch required to look at the given entity See getPitchForTile(Tile) where the tile is Entity.getTile()
      static int getPitchForTile​(Tile tile)
      Gets the pitch required to look at the given Tile
      static int getX()
      Gets the X of the camera
      static int getY()
      Gets the Y of the camera
      static int getYaw()
      Gets the yaw of the camera
      static int getYawForEntity​(Entity entity)
      Gets the yaw required to look at the given entity See getYawForTile(Tile) where the tile is Entity.getTile()
      static int getYawForTile​(Tile tile)
      Gets the yaw required to view the given tile
      static int getZ()
      Gets the Z of the camera
      static int getZoom()
      Gets the camera's current zoom level
      static boolean keyboardRotateTo​(int yaw, int pitch)
      Rotates camera to a particular yaw and pitch using the keyboard
      static boolean keyboardRotateToEntity​(Entity entity)
      Rotates camera to face an entity by using the keyboard
      static boolean keyboardRotateToPitch​(int pitch)
      Rotates camera pitch to specified angle using the keyboard
      static boolean keyboardRotateToTile​(Tile tile)
      Rotates camera to face a tile by using the keyboard
      static boolean keyboardRotateToYaw​(int yaw)
      Rotates camera yaw to specified angle using the keyboard
      static boolean mouseRotateTo​(int yaw, int pitch)
      Rotates camera to a particular yaw and pitch using the mouse scroll wheel
      static boolean mouseRotateToEntity​(Entity entity)
      Rotates camera to face an entity by using the mouse scroll wheel
      static boolean mouseRotateToPitch​(int pitch)
      Rotates camera pitch to specified angle using the mouse scroll wheel
      static boolean mouseRotateToTile​(Tile tile)
      Rotates camera to face a tile by using the mouse scroll wheel
      static boolean mouseRotateToYaw​(int yaw)
      Rotates camera yaw to specified angle using the mouse scroll wheel
      static boolean rotateTo​(int yaw, int pitch)
      Rotates camera to a particular yaw and pitch
      static boolean rotateToEntity​(Entity entity)
      Rotates the camera to face an entity
      static boolean rotateToEntity​(Entity entity, Condition interrupt)
      Rotates the camera to face an entity
      static CameraEvent rotateToEntityEvent​(Entity entity)
      Generates and runs a CameraEvent to rotate camera to specified entity
      static CameraEvent rotateToEvent​(int yaw, int pitch)
      Generates and runs a CameraEvent to rotate camera to specified yaw and pitch
      static boolean rotateToPitch​(int pitch)
      Rotates camera pitch to specified angle
      static CameraEvent rotateToPitchEvent​(int pitch)
      Generates and runs a CameraEvent to rotate camera to specified pitch
      static boolean rotateToTile​(Tile tile)
      Rotates the camera to face a tile
      static boolean rotateToTile​(Tile tile, Condition interrupt)
      Rotates camera to face a tile
      static CameraEvent rotateToTileEvent​(Tile tile)
      Generates and runs a CameraEvent to rotate camera to specified tile
      static boolean rotateToYaw​(int yaw)
      Rotates camera yaw to specified angle
      static CameraEvent rotateToYawEvent​(int yaw)
      Generates and runs a CameraEvent to rotate camera to specified yaw
      static void setCameraMode​(CameraMode mode)  
      static boolean setZoom​(int zoomLevel)
      Sets the camera's zoom level using the scroll wheel If the scrolling overshoots the target zoom level, the method will not re-adjust but the method may still return false if it overshoots by too far.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getCameraMode

        public static CameraMode getCameraMode()
        Returns the current camera mode, showing how the client will move the camera by default
        Camera mode, the default of which is CameraMode.MOUSE_OR_KEYBOARD which chooses randomly when moving the camera
      • setCameraMode

        public static void setCameraMode​(CameraMode mode)
        mode - Camera
      • getPitch

        public static int getPitch()
        Gets the pitch of the camera
        value of the pitch
      • getYaw

        public static int getYaw()
        Gets the yaw of the camera
        value of the yaw
      • getX

        public static int getX()
        Gets the X of the camera
        value of the camera X
      • getY

        public static int getY()
        Gets the Y of the camera
        value of the camera Y
      • getZ

        public static int getZ()
        Gets the Z of the camera
        value of the camera Z
      • getZoom

        public static int getZoom()
        Gets the camera's current zoom level
        Zoom level from about 330 (zoomed all the way out) to about 3000 (zoomed all the way in) Note: minimum and maximum zoom levels depend on your position in game
      • getLowestPitch

        public static int getLowestPitch()
        Gets the lowest availble pitch Recently updated to just be a flat 128
        128 constant
      • firePitchAndYawEvent

        public static void firePitchAndYawEvent​(int pitch,
                                                int yaw)
        Fires the RuneScriptEvent to change camera pitch/yaw Does not verify your inputs
        pitch - desired pitch
        yaw - desired yaw
      • fireZoomEvent

        public static void fireZoomEvent​(int zoom)
        Fires the RuneScriptEvent to change camera zoom Does not verify your inputs
        zoom - desired zoom
      • setZoom

        public static boolean setZoom​(int zoomLevel)
        Sets the camera's zoom level using the scroll wheel If the scrolling overshoots the target zoom level, the method will not re-adjust but the method may still return false if it overshoots by too far.
        zoomLevel - The desired zoom level, from about 330 (zoomed all the way out) to about 3000 (zoomed all the way in) Note: minimum and maximum zoom levels depend on your position in game
        true if the final zoom level is within an acceptable margin (within 3.4% or overshot within 8%), false otherwise
      • rotateToEntity

        public static boolean rotateToEntity​(Entity entity)
        Rotates the camera to face an entity
        entity - entity to rotate camera to
        true if successfully rotated
      • rotateToEntity

        public static boolean rotateToEntity​(Entity entity,
                                             Condition interrupt)
        Rotates the camera to face an entity
        entity - entity to rotate camera to
        true if successfully rotated
      • rotateToTile

        public static boolean rotateToTile​(Tile tile)
        Rotates the camera to face a tile
        tile - tile to rotate camera to
        true if successfully rotated
      • rotateToTile

        public static boolean rotateToTile​(Tile tile,
                                           Condition interrupt)
        Rotates camera to face a tile
        tile - Tile to rotate to
        interrupt - Condition to interrupt camera movement
        true if successfully rotated
      • rotateTo

        public static boolean rotateTo​(int yaw,
                                       int pitch)
        Rotates camera to a particular yaw and pitch
        yaw - yaw to rotate to (this is left-right)
        pitch - pitch to rotate to (this is up-down)
        true if successfully rotated
      • rotateToYaw

        public static boolean rotateToYaw​(int yaw)
        Rotates camera yaw to specified angle
        yaw - yaw to rotate to
        true if successfully rotated
      • rotateToPitch

        public static boolean rotateToPitch​(int pitch)
        Rotates camera pitch to specified angle
        pitch - pitch to rotate to
        true if successfully rotated
      • mouseRotateToEntity

        public static boolean mouseRotateToEntity​(Entity entity)
        Rotates camera to face an entity by using the mouse scroll wheel
        entity - entity to rotate camera to
        true if successfully rotated
      • mouseRotateToTile

        public static boolean mouseRotateToTile​(Tile tile)
        Rotates camera to face a tile by using the mouse scroll wheel
        tile - tile to rotate camera to
        true if successfully rotated
      • mouseRotateTo

        public static boolean mouseRotateTo​(int yaw,
                                            int pitch)
        Rotates camera to a particular yaw and pitch using the mouse scroll wheel
        yaw - yaw to rotate to (this is left-right)
        pitch - pitch to rotate to (this is up-down)
        true if successfully rotated
      • mouseRotateToYaw

        public static boolean mouseRotateToYaw​(int yaw)
        Rotates camera yaw to specified angle using the mouse scroll wheel
        yaw - yaw to rotate to
        true if successfully rotated
      • mouseRotateToPitch

        public static boolean mouseRotateToPitch​(int pitch)
        Rotates camera pitch to specified angle using the mouse scroll wheel
        pitch - pitch to rotate to
        true if successfully rotated
      • keyboardRotateToEntity

        public static boolean keyboardRotateToEntity​(Entity entity)
        Rotates camera to face an entity by using the keyboard
        entity - entity to rotate camera to
        true if successfully rotated
      • keyboardRotateToTile

        public static boolean keyboardRotateToTile​(Tile tile)
        Rotates camera to face a tile by using the keyboard
        tile - tile to rotate camera to
        true if successfully rotated
      • keyboardRotateTo

        public static boolean keyboardRotateTo​(int yaw,
                                               int pitch)
        Rotates camera to a particular yaw and pitch using the keyboard
        yaw - yaw to rotate to (this is left-right)
        pitch - pitch to rotate to (this is up-down)
        true if successfully rotated
      • keyboardRotateToYaw

        public static boolean keyboardRotateToYaw​(int yaw)
        Rotates camera yaw to specified angle using the keyboard
        yaw - yaw to rotate to
        true if successfully rotated
      • keyboardRotateToPitch

        public static boolean keyboardRotateToPitch​(int pitch)
        Rotates camera pitch to specified angle using the keyboard
        pitch - pitch to rotate to
        true if successfully rotated
      • rotateToEntityEvent

        public static CameraEvent rotateToEntityEvent​(Entity entity)
        Generates and runs a CameraEvent to rotate camera to specified entity
        entity - entity to rotate camera to
      • rotateToTileEvent

        public static CameraEvent rotateToTileEvent​(Tile tile)
        Generates and runs a CameraEvent to rotate camera to specified tile
        tile - tile to rotate camera to
        true if successfully rotated
      • rotateToEvent

        public static CameraEvent rotateToEvent​(int yaw,
                                                int pitch)
        Generates and runs a CameraEvent to rotate camera to specified yaw and pitch
        yaw - yaw to rotate camera to
        pitch - pitch to rotate camera to
      • rotateToYawEvent

        public static CameraEvent rotateToYawEvent​(int yaw)
        Generates and runs a CameraEvent to rotate camera to specified yaw
        yaw - to rotate camera to
      • rotateToPitchEvent

        public static CameraEvent rotateToPitchEvent​(int pitch)
        Generates and runs a CameraEvent to rotate camera to specified pitch
        pitch - pitch to rotate camera to
      • getYawForTile

        public static int getYawForTile​(Tile tile)
        Gets the yaw required to view the given tile
        tile - Tile to get yaw for
        Yaw required to be looking at the given tile, returns getYaw() if local player is null or tile is not local
      • getPitchForTile

        public static int getPitchForTile​(Tile tile)
        Gets the pitch required to look at the given Tile
        tile - Tile to check pitch for
        Pitch required to be looking at the given tile, returns getPitch() if local player is null or tile is not local
      • getMaxZoom

        public static int getMaxZoom()
        Gets the maximum zoom value, this is the value representing being zoomed all the way out
      • getMinZoom

        public static int getMinZoom()
        Gets the minimum zoom value, this is the value representing being zoomed all the way in.