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      • Hello, I'm uploading this repeat style topic to hopefully show people an easier way to get up and running with Eclipse. So lets get started! First follow, https://dreambot.org/guides/scripter-guide/script-dev/installing-jdk/ and download a .zip of w/e version you want. I use 21 LTS Eclipse Temurin also grab the same version of the jre. Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from https://www.eclipse.org/ It comes in a zip format so extract it and put it where you want. Open it up and configure where you want the workspace to be, "This is where your projects will save to." Once it is open select new Java Project. This will Appear! First lets Configure JRE to our downloaded and extracted JDK folder, "I normally put this in the workspace where my projects are saved but not inside my project." Now make sure that Use default JRE is selected. Click Next! Now this will appear. Click Libraries, Click Modulepath, and then click Add External Jars.   Now this will appear. Nav yourself to the default installed path after running the DBLauncher and letting it update. Select the clinet.jar and click OK   Now click finish. Your all set to now follow this guide, except we are going to be using Eclipse to export our Script. https://dreambot.org/guides/scripter-guide/script-dev/running-first-script/ So nav yourself to your Package editor, and right click.   Now select Export. This will appear. Expand the Java option with a folder by click the arrow. Highlight JAR file and click next.   This will appear now. "Not on your first export!!" Click Yes     The last appear I swear XD. Click OK.   Congrats check you DreamBot scripts folder to make sure it exported. Fire up DreamBot through the Jagex launcher with your patched in DreamBot on either clinet. NOTE if you patch runelite it comes with a stand alone jre @ 1.8, which gives you a miss match jre error! In this case follow this to solve it. Happy Botting!!!     Up vote it and I'll make a video. I''ll get around to cleaning it up and making it more professional looking.
      • Hello, are you having this problem. Here's how to solve it. Nav yourself to your RuneLite stand alone jre install dir mine in this case is. C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\RuneLite\jre Download a version of the jre, in my case I downloaded 21-lts eclipse temurin as a zip extract it locate the same folders and files or similar, that matchs what is in the C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\RuneLite\jre folder. Copy, paste, and replace files and folders. Clean up your mess and close out of everything. now open runelite, which will cause the patched dreambot to open instead. No more error happy botting!!!   The problem presets because RuneLite comes with jre 1.8. The dev on the other hand is using a newer version of the jdk which comes packed with the newer jre. When compiled it compiles for the jre version that the jdk is using.   Let me know if you would like a video clip of how it's done.
      • After seeing people in the EDU discord requesting an example of a "tree branch framework" script I've decided to make my woodcutting script open source. https://github.com/StanlyLife/LuxeLiteWoodcutting I learned tree branch framework by looking at examples from other open-source projects and hopefully, this repository will help others to write with TreeScript instead of AbstractScript and write better scripts. Any questions are welcome. if you want to try the script you can find it here 
      • Awesome share! I will definitely look into this script and see if I can rebuild it "my way" once I get to complete Dragon Slayer 2. Thanks for sharing with the community, should be more posts like these! In the spirit of your post, I will also be making one of my scripts public: https://github.com/StanlyLife/LuxeLiteWoodcutting Sorry about losing your account!
      • Hey y'all there used to be a post with a tool that made it so you didn't have to run the game in order to build your onPaint. I can't seem to remember nor find where this tool has gone.   It was a jar file that when opened would show the static user interface of the game aka the chat box, mini map, inventory.
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