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      • Hello everyone! A new version of DreamBot is now live! Changes: Fixed issue with script set FPS being saved to the settings file until next script stop Fixed obf issue with Entity#getReference Always remember, to be on the latest version of our client you must run DBLauncher.jar! The client does NOT update itself! Thanks, The Dream Team
      • Date Purchased: 07/01/24 Script Purchased: GLms Script Creator (tag them with @):  @Nuclear Nezz Reason for Refund: Ran 3 accounts to see if the bug that was occuring happend on all accounts, all 3 accounts got wiped and still no reaction in bug report after 6 days.  Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs): See point 6. Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies):  Desired Outcome: Refund (back to payment method or store credit) / Issue Fixed / Script Swap: Store credit.
      • I struggled to find some good and recent examples of how to add webnodes on the forums so i decided to share my code and how i went about it. If you have any improvements, feel free to post a comment. Start by enabling webnodes in the client When you do this you should be able to see webnodes in the mini map and you'll be able to see your added nodes once you start your script ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   To start off there are different types of nodes you can add: I dont know the difference between an abstract and basic webnode, but i'll be using abstract webnodes for the general locations (e.g. Tiles). If you happen to know the difference, please leave a comment. I start off by mapping the Tiles for the gameobjects that are interactable to get to a location.   Tile agilityStartGameObjectTile = new Tile(2843, 3693, 0); Tile caveStartGameObjectTile = new Tile(2839, 3689, 0); Tile trollLadderGameObjectTile = new Tile(2831, 10077, 2);     Then i add a webnode next to them (e.g. a walkable tile next to the object)   AbstractWebNode agilityStartBN = new BasicWebNode(2844,3693,0); agilityStartBN.addDualConnections(WebFinder.getWebFinder().getNearestGlobal(agilityStartBN.getTile(), 15)); Now that i added the abstract web node for the shortcut, i need to add the shortcut.   AgilityWebNode trollheimAgility = new AgilityWebNode(agilityStartGameObjectTile.getX(), agilityStartGameObjectTile.getY(), agilityStartGameObjectTile.getZ()); trollheimAgility.setObjectName("Rocks"); trollheimAgility.setAction("Climb"); trollheimAgility.setLevel(73); agilityStartBN.addDualConnections(trollheimAgility); And finally i have to add it to my webfinder   webFinder.addWebNodes(trollheimAgility); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   The full code to get to the herb patch includes going through the cave, using the ladder inside the cave and the agility shortcut. I start off by declaring my webfinder in my main method:   public static final WebFinder webFinder = WebFinder.getWebFinder();   then i create a function for my webnodes   package Webnodes; import org.dreambot.api.methods.map.Tile; import org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.pathfinding.impl.web.WebFinder; import org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.web.node.AbstractWebNode; import org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.web.node.impl.AgilityWebNode; import org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.web.node.impl.BasicWebNode; import org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.web.node.impl.EntranceWebNode; public class TrollheimPatch { public static void WebnodeAdditionTrollheimPatch(WebFinder webFinder) { Tile agilityStartGameObjectTile = new Tile(2843, 3693, 0); Tile caveStartGameObjectTile = new Tile(2839, 3689, 0); Tile trollLadderGameObjectTile = new Tile(2831, 10077, 2); AbstractWebNode agilityStartBN = new BasicWebNode(2844,3693,0); AbstractWebNode agilityEndBN = new BasicWebNode(2838,3693,0); AbstractWebNode trollLadderInsideCaveBN = new BasicWebNode(2831,10076,2); AbstractWebNode trollLadderOutsideCaveBN = new BasicWebNode(2831,3676,0); AbstractWebNode trollHeimToolLeprechaunBN = new BasicWebNode(2827,3685,0); AbstractWebNode trollHeimherbPatchBN = new BasicWebNode(2826,3693,0); AbstractWebNode caveStartBN = new BasicWebNode(2840,3690,0); AbstractWebNode insideCave = new BasicWebNode(2837,10090,2); AbstractWebNode middleCave1 = new BasicWebNode(2836,10078,2); AbstractWebNode middleCave2 = new BasicWebNode(2839,10063,2); AbstractWebNode middleCave3 = new BasicWebNode(2839,10057,2); AbstractWebNode kobCave = new BasicWebNode(2831,10063,2); agilityStartBN.addDualConnections(WebFinder.getWebFinder().getNearestGlobal(agilityStartBN.getTile(), 15)); caveStartBN.addDualConnections(WebFinder.getWebFinder().getNearestGlobal(caveStartBN.getTile(), 15)); EntranceWebNode cave = new EntranceWebNode(caveStartGameObjectTile.getX(), caveStartGameObjectTile.getY(), caveStartGameObjectTile.getZ()); cave.setEntityName("Stronghold"); // Name of entrance 1 cave.setAction("Enter"); cave.addDualConnections(insideCave); insideCave.addDualConnections(middleCave1); caveStartBN.addDualConnections(cave); // AbstractWebNode enterCaveBN = new BasicWebNode(caveStartGameObjectTile.getX(),caveStartGameObjectTile.getY(),0); middleCave1.addDualConnections(middleCave2); middleCave2.addDualConnections(middleCave3); middleCave3.addDualConnections(kobCave); kobCave.addDualConnections(trollLadderInsideCaveBN); EntranceWebNode ladder = new EntranceWebNode(trollLadderGameObjectTile.getX(), trollLadderGameObjectTile.getY(), trollLadderGameObjectTile.getZ()); ladder.setEntityName("Troll ladder"); // Name of entrance 1 ladder.setAction("Climb-up"); ladder.addDualConnections(trollLadderInsideCaveBN,trollLadderOutsideCaveBN); AgilityWebNode trollheimAgility = new AgilityWebNode(agilityStartGameObjectTile.getX(), agilityStartGameObjectTile.getY(), agilityStartGameObjectTile.getZ()); trollheimAgility.setObjectName("Rocks"); trollheimAgility.setAction("Climb"); trollheimAgility.setLevel(73); agilityStartBN.addDualConnections(trollheimAgility); trollheimAgility.addDualConnections(agilityEndBN); agilityEndBN.addDualConnections(trollHeimherbPatchBN, trollHeimToolLeprechaunBN); trollLadderOutsideCaveBN.addDualConnections(trollHeimToolLeprechaunBN); trollHeimToolLeprechaunBN.addDualConnections(trollHeimherbPatchBN); AbstractWebNode[] webNodes = { trollLadderInsideCaveBN, trollLadderOutsideCaveBN, trollHeimToolLeprechaunBN, trollHeimherbPatchBN, caveStartBN, insideCave, middleCave1, middleCave3, kobCave, agilityStartBN, agilityEndBN }; webFinder.addWebNodes(cave, ladder, trollheimAgility); webFinder.addWebNodes(trollheimAgility); webFinder.addWebNodes(webNodes); } } And finally i call the function in my OnStart in main   WebnodeAdditionTrollheimPatch(webFinder);   Based on requirements, this code will now take the shortest path to the destination. Agility is shortest IF the user has 73 agility.      
      • Did you end up getting a benchmark for fps?
      • 11:15:53 AM: [WARN] It appears the character has already reached this web node, but it was executed again meaning that the web finder can't find a complete path to the destination. You should either report this if it's in a common area webbed by DreamBot, or extend your custom nodes to include the destination from this position. this script works over 1000 hours after update stuck in custom webnodes
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