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  • miltonbrad

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    About miltonbrad

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    1. the script is kinda bugy yes but if u know how to run it and use it, its easy to figure out. i thought id be having alot of issues running at 256mb but i dont im on the 4th day at chaos druids and no issues. ive made a ton of 30 30 30 accounts with it, i use it for hcim in a isolated spot where others arent farming and i have made a ton of 35 magic 19 def accounts. if anyone is having issues with something let me know ill try to help u out with it. im one of the people on the donate page so i know alot about the script in terms of basic combat setups.
    2. this script still works fine for me. i sure hope people accept tos before starting the script and no empty lines at the top
    3. is there way to add like a break handler so when set to break it stops fighting so it can go on break easily or dose it tele home more often to allow breaks to happen?
    4. I have a question. i set the % chance to take mouse off screen to 0% and it still dose it. am i doing something wrong? i would like it if it didnt take mouse off screen it gets accounts locked.
    5. when set to long run time and u have db breaks dose it stop the runtime of the script? just wondering if i set run time to 1000 and it has breaks it wont count breaks part of its run time.
    6. so at draynor cource it like to most times walk across the fence and then once on the building try to click the fence again to use it again. Also when at al-kharid and it gose across the zip line to the small building it will spam rotate camera till u pause the script then resume it.
    7. doing knights sword got to bluerite lagged so much with fps lag did nothing died and gave up on the quest xD guess that quest is bugy to
    8. just a heads up did client of kourrend last night and it teleported to wintertodt spot and back to draynor over and over again back and forth till glory was out of charges when it was going to talk to veos again near the end of the quest idk if its suppose to do that
    9. whats with the really fast clicking to move when its already moving? it just spam clicks to move alot like going to ge
    10. i just have seperate settings for each spell. i never liked the progression part of the script. i know its a pain but all u really have to do is make the first one with wind strike save it like "goblinmagic1.ini" then another for the next spell u want say "goblinmagic2" for say fire strike.
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