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      • Date Purchased: 6/15/24 Script Purchased:  F2P Master AI  Script Creator (tag them with @): @Aeglen Reason for Refund: Accidentally bought F2P Master AI instead of P2P Master AI Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs): Attached Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies):  Desired Outcome: Refund (store credit is fine)
      • I ran into a similar issue. After running Dreambot for the first time I could no longer launch Runelite without causing Dreambot to launch instead. I even clicked the unpatch option in the dreambot launcher but it said that it had never been patched. I was able to fix it by reinstalling Runelite. I'd recommend reinstalling the jagex client and seeing if that works.
      • Could you post a Install guide please
      • https://github.com/deepslayer/QLearningMiningBot/tree/main # QLearning Mining Bot ## Overview This is a Q-Learning-based bot that mines iron ore at two different locations and banks the collected ore. The bot uses reinforcement learning principles to optimize its mining activities, deciding which mining area is more valuable based on the success of mining attempts. If it fails to mine an ore (due to another player taking it), the model adjusts its Q-values to determine the most promising mining spot. ## Features - **Mining at Two Locations**: The bot can mine iron ore at two designated locations, Varrock East and Varrock West. - **Banking**: After collecting a full inventory of ore, the bot will bank the ores and then return to mining. - **Reinforcement Learning**: Uses Q-learning to make decisions on which mining spot to use based on previous successes and failures. - **Adaptive Learning**: Adjusts its strategy based on the availability of ores and the presence of other players. ## How It Works The bot is implemented using Q-learning for decision making. The bot's logic is divided into several key components: - **States**: Represents different states the bot can be in (e.g., at a mining spot, walking to a mining spot, in the bank). - **Actions**: Represents different actions the bot can take (e.g., mine ore, walk to spot 1, walk to spot 2, bank ores). - **Learning Agent**: Manages the Q-table and decides the best action to take based on the current state and learned Q-values. - **Main Bot Logic**: The main script that integrates all components and runs the bot. ## Files and Their Roles - **QLearningReinforcementBot.java**: The main script that runs the bot and handles the high-level logic and transitions between states. - **LearningAgent.java**: Implements the Q-learning algorithm, manages the Q-table, and provides methods to choose actions and update Q-values. - **State.java**: Enum defining the different states the bot can be in. - **Action.java**: Enum defining the different actions the bot can take.   ## Starting the Bot Before starting the bot, open the bank screen with a pickaxe in the inventory. The bot will take approximately 300 episodes or iterations before it learns the correct actions to take
      • Man I’m just done I left there discord I just wanna get my money back and invest in a different script that they’ll actually update and not buggy    like I said I’ll take whatever penalty I’ll even take all store credit over the 1.5 hr over the 6 you guys allow please just refund my money I just want away from this script.
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