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  • Pseudo

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    Pseudo last won the day on January 8 2023

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    About Pseudo

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    1. Haven't been active recently, anyone used this lately and can confirm it's still working/have any issues to report?
    2. Pseudo

      @ Crabs

      Nice release fam👍
    3. ^ This. Nobody here is going to tell you osb is better (partly because we're biased, mostly because it's shit).
    4. Good to hear, let me know how it performs! The jury is still out, I haven't personally found it to be more detectable, but each to their own. It increases efficiency very slightly. Both bud, but obviously 3 ticking (and barb fishing) is p2p only.
    5. We live boys @norbe420 @techingo69420 LMK how you get on!
    6. If it's pushed while I'm online and I notice, I shall retag you both. Preview of the kind of rates I'm hitting atm:
    7. Strange. Bare with me boys, will look into the issue. @techingo69420 @norbe420 E:/ I've pushed a fix gentlemen, hopefully be live shortly (depending on Hashtag's availability to process the request). When you see the version update from 0.13 > 0.14 it's live.
    8. Newest version is live with modifications to banking and some tweaks to three-ticking logic. @HelloGoodGirl
    9. Thanks for the feedback pal, I've just noticed this locally too. I'll fix the issue pertaining to the 'spot selection' and push it tomorrow, and will also try tweaking timings to reduce likelihood of making tar (latency plays a big factor, sometimes I go ages without it happening, sometimes it's several times within minutes!). I'll tag you when an update is pushed, I appreciate the response!
    10. Thanks, Dad. v0.11 has been pushed which includes a few efficacy improvements to movement of items in the Inventory and detection of next fishing spot. Also includes restocking if you run out of materials (feathers if reg. fishing, swamp tar/herbs if three-ticking).
    11. Pseudo's Fly Fisher Live SDN version: 0.1 Currently pending approval: v0.11 - Restocking from the bank, and minor efficacy improvements. Features: - Ability to toggle mouse between hopping or moving functionality. (Hopping always for near instant, accurate interactions). - Ability to toggle between regular or three-tick fishing. (Found the simple to use 'paint-based UI handy in local usage, I would toggle three-ticking for short periods whilst present at my pc then disable it, for more human-like playing patterns). - Informative paint. - Works at any barbarian or fly fishing spot. - Restockin system that retrieves feathers/grimy guams/swamp tar/pestle and mortar from the bank depending on specified fishing method if none present in the Inventory. Requirements: Three-ticking: - Barbarian/Fly fishing rod, pestle and mortar, GRIMY guams (the script will clean one needed for usage) or one clean guam (note during latency this can be lost), swamp tar and feathers. Regular fishing: - Barbarian/Fly fishing rod, feathers. Setup: Simply toggle the functions of choice in the paint as shown below. Potential future features:




    13. https://prnt.sc/vj9621 That shit got me good. Good job on your first release bud.
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