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  • AutoMan

    Lifetime Sponsor
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    AutoMan last won the day on December 8 2022

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    About AutoMan

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    1. NMZ is pretty awesome for that ngl (using that atm to get to 99 combats on my main heh) but no, i dont think there's anything else like that. nmz works because the monsters are always aggro, its not the same in other places, they stop around 5-20 mins or something. next best thing probably is making a afk script but thats pretty much it imo unless im missing something
    2. tried doing that too and it doesnt let me add new accounts, tried it on different devices and ip (even original ip) but no go. on a side note, can dreambot add a 2fa on the logging on to the cilent on first start up as well? or a history of logged accounts on the website? to make sure no one else is using your dreambot account. nvm db fixed it, woooooooo
    3. can you guys add stuff like adamant armors or rune armors for smithing as well? that'll be the bees knees
    4. can't write a review for the quest script for some reason but wow, definitely a top 5 purchase for me bwahaha

    5. AutoMan

      Covert mode

      it does something cool that does lower ban rates; that is all. you guys should just test out your own if you're keen on it imo
    6. same with me as above, happens with necklaces. I haven't tried the other ones yet 😧 * the update fixed it for me woooo, nice script btw
    7. ahh it been working for me sense the cilent updated with the osrs update a while back o.o
    8. would be a neat option to have though is all im saying, like if they had extra extra free time but yeah its not needed. should be used by those who wont lose their devices so Admins wont have to keep track or generate the recovery keys.
    9. actually can this idea be reopen? would make users more knowing about the safety concerns here, even more.
    10. i get locked accounts when i use bad vpn or proxies, but u said u werent using anything so idk. dreambot works fine for me, not making 1k-4k a month like the youtubers or anything but its getting there heh
    11. no! no i can't show you! ....uhh....yeah i have 5 tabs str;20;1 def;20;2 str;40;3 def;40;4 atk;40;5 (not how its really written but eh lol) might be me then...anyway no biggie, its just me being lazy to set it on start up , the fewer the clicks the better imo haha
    12. eyy the saving part for the target level doesn't save properly, if i set 5 priority's and save it, once i load it, 2-3 gets deleted and the remaining gets all switched around just a heads up
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