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    1. Click here for your 1 hour free trials! Following scripts are included # Rock Crabs # Sand Crabs # Ammonite Crabs # Swamp Crabs Smart Aggro The script's Smart Aggro option emulates the powerful RuneLite plugin for resetting your aggressivity the smart way. No more running a mile away from the crabs just to get them to attack you again. Instead, the script detects the nearest tile that resets the aggressivity of the crabs. Quickstart form: -params "path to config file.json" rock/sand/ammonite For example: -params "C:/Users/You/DreamBot/Scripts/# AIO Crabs/RockCrabsProfile.json" rock
      2 points
    2. Hey all, Since DB3 officially supports custom mouse algorithms I thought I would port over a classic one: WindMouse. WindMouse was written by BenLand100 for SCAR some years back (maybe 10 years?) and has been used on so many damn bots throughout the years because it functions really well so it only seemed right to bring it here. In the source code below, there are two implementations of WindMouse: Point windMouse(int x, int y) Which comes directly from the SMART github with minor adjustments to work with DB3. Better in fixed mode. void windMouse2(Point point) My tweaked version from years back that supports all screen sizes. I've added a random point between the original and the destination point if the distance between them is large to feel more human but has a 50% chance of happening. By default my implementation is the active algorithm (as it handles all sizes), swap the comments in handleMovement to change to the original. To use it, simply add the file WindMouse.java to your project and add the following to your onStart method: Client.getInstance().setMouseMovementAlgorithm(new WindMouse()); All credits go to Benjamin J. Land a.k.a. BenLand100 WindMouse.java: /** * WindMouse from SMART by Benland100 * Copyright to Benland100, (Benjamin J. Land) * * Prepped for DreamBot 3 **/ import org.dreambot.api.Client; import org.dreambot.api.input.Mouse; import org.dreambot.api.input.mouse.algorithm.MouseMovementAlgorithm; import org.dreambot.api.input.mouse.destination.AbstractMouseDestination; import org.dreambot.api.methods.Calculations; import org.dreambot.api.methods.input.mouse.MouseSettings; import java.awt.*; import static java.lang.Thread.sleep; public class WindMouse implements MouseMovementAlgorithm { private int _mouseSpeed = MouseSettings.getSpeed() > 15 ? MouseSettings.getSpeed() - 10 : 15; private int _mouseSpeedLow = Math.round(_mouseSpeed / 2); private int _mouseGravity = Calculations.random(4, 20); private int _mouseWind = Calculations.random(1, 10); @Override public boolean handleMovement(AbstractMouseDestination abstractMouseDestination) { //Get a suitable point for the mouse's destination Point suitPos = abstractMouseDestination.getSuitablePoint(); // Select which implementation of WindMouse you'd like to use // by uncommenting out the line you want to use below: //windMouse(suitPos.x, suitPos.y); //Original implementation windMouse2(suitPos); //Tweaked implementation return distance(Client.getMousePosition(), suitPos) < 2; } public static void sleep(int min, int max) { try { Thread.sleep(Calculations.random(min,max)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log(e.getMessage()); } } public static void sleep(int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Tweaked implementation of WindMouse * Moves to a mid point on longer moves to seem a little more human-like * Remove the if statement below if you'd rather straighter movement * @param point The destination point */ public void windMouse2(Point point) { Point curPos = Client.getMousePosition(); if (distance(point, curPos) > 250 && Calculations.random(1) == 2) { Point rp = randomPoint(point, curPos); windMouse2(curPos.x, curPos.y, rp.x, rp.y, _mouseGravity, _mouseWind, _mouseSpeed, Calculations.random(5, 25)); sleep(1, 150); } windMouse2(curPos.x, curPos.y, point.x, point.y, _mouseGravity, _mouseWind, _mouseSpeed, Calculations.random(5, 25)); _mouseGravity = Calculations.random(4, 20); _mouseWind = Calculations.random(1, 10); _mouseSpeed = Calculations.random(_mouseSpeedLow, MouseSettings.getSpeed()); } /** * Tweaked implementation of WindMouse by holic * All credit to Benjamin J. Land for the original. (see below) * * @param xs The x start * @param ys The y start * @param xe The x destination * @param ye The y destination * @param gravity Strength pulling the position towards the destination * @param wind Strength pulling the position in random directions * @param targetArea Radius of area around the destination that should * trigger slowing, prevents spiraling */ private void windMouse2(double xs, double ys, double xe, double ye, double gravity, double wind, double speed, double targetArea) { double dist, veloX = 0, veloY = 0, windX = 0, windY = 0; double sqrt2 = Math.sqrt(2); double sqrt3 = Math.sqrt(3); double sqrt5 = Math.sqrt(5); int tDist = (int) distance(xs, ys, xe, ye); long t = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000; while (!(Math.hypot((xs - xe), (ys - ye)) < 1)) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > t) break; dist = Math.hypot((xs - xe), (ys - ye)); wind = Math.min(wind, dist); if ((dist < 1)) { dist = 1; } long d = (Math.round((Math.round(((double) (tDist))) * 0.3)) / 7); if ((d > 25)) { d = 25; } if ((d < 5)) { d = 5; } double rCnc = Calculations.random(6); if ((rCnc == 1)) { d = 2; } double maxStep = (Math.min(d, Math.round(dist))) * 1.5; if ((dist >= targetArea)) { windX = (windX / sqrt3) + ((Calculations.random((int) ((Math.round(wind) * 2) + 1)) - wind) / sqrt5); windY = (windY / sqrt3) + ((Calculations.random((int) ((Math.round(wind) * 2) + 1)) - wind) / sqrt5); } else { windX = (windX / sqrt2); windY = (windY / sqrt2); } veloX += windX + gravity * (xe - xs) / dist; veloY += windY + gravity * (ye - ys) / dist; if ((Math.hypot(veloX, veloY) > maxStep)) { maxStep = ((maxStep / 2) < 1) ? 2 : maxStep; double randomDist = (maxStep / 2) + Calculations.random((int) (Math.round(maxStep) / 2)); double veloMag = Math.sqrt(((veloX * veloX) + (veloY * veloY))); veloX = (veloX / veloMag) * randomDist; veloY = (veloY / veloMag) * randomDist; } int lastX = ((int) (Math.round(xs))); int lastY = ((int) (Math.round(ys))); xs += veloX; ys += veloY; if ((lastX != Math.round(xs)) || (lastY != Math.round(ys))) { Mouse.hop(new Point((int) Math.round(xs), (int) Math.round(ys))); } int w = Calculations.random((int) (Math.round(100 / speed))) * 6; if ((w < 5)) { w = 5; } w = (int) Math.round(w * 0.9); sleep(w); } if (((Math.round(xe) != Math.round(xs)) || (Math.round(ye) != Math.round(ys)))) { Mouse.hop(new Point(((int) (Math.round(xe))), ((int) (Math.round(ye))))); } } /** * Internal mouse movement algorithm from SMART. Do not use this without credit to either * Benjamin J. Land or BenLand100. This was originally synchronized to prevent multiple * motions and bannage but functions poorly with DB3. * * BEST USED IN FIXED MODE * * @param xs The x start * @param ys The y start * @param xe The x destination * @param ye The y destination * @param gravity Strength pulling the position towards the destination * @param wind Strength pulling the position in random directions * @param minWait Minimum relative time per step * @param maxWait Maximum relative time per step * @param maxStep Maximum size of a step, prevents out of control motion * @param targetArea Radius of area around the destination that should * trigger slowing, prevents spiraling * @result The actual end point */ private Point windMouseImpl(double xs, double ys, double xe, double ye, double gravity, double wind, double minWait, double maxWait, double maxStep, double targetArea) { final double sqrt3 = Math.sqrt(3); final double sqrt5 = Math.sqrt(5); double dist, veloX = 0, veloY = 0, windX = 0, windY = 0; while ((dist = Math.hypot(xs - xe, ys - ye)) >= 1) { wind = Math.min(wind, dist); if (dist >= targetArea) { windX = windX / sqrt3 + (2D * Math.random() - 1D) * wind / sqrt5; windY = windY / sqrt3 + (2D * Math.random() - 1D) * wind / sqrt5; } else { windX /= sqrt3; windY /= sqrt3; if (maxStep < 3) { maxStep = Math.random() * 3D + 3D; } else { maxStep /= sqrt5; } } veloX += windX + gravity * (xe - xs) / dist; veloY += windY + gravity * (ye - ys) / dist; double veloMag = Math.hypot(veloX, veloY); if (veloMag > maxStep) { double randomDist = maxStep / 2D + Math.random() * maxStep / 2D; veloX = (veloX / veloMag) * randomDist; veloY = (veloY / veloMag) * randomDist; } int lastX = ((int) (Math.round(xs))); int lastY = ((int) (Math.round(ys))); xs += veloX; ys += veloY; if ((lastX != Math.round(xs)) || (lastY != Math.round(ys))) { setMousePosition(new Point((int) Math.round(xs), (int) Math.round(ys))); } double step = Math.hypot(xs - lastX, ys - lastY); sleep((int) Math.round((maxWait - minWait) * (step / maxStep) + minWait)); } return new Point((int) xs, (int) ys); } /** * Moves the mouse from the current position to the specified position. * Approximates human movement in a way where smoothness and accuracy are * relative to speed, as it should be. * * @param x The x destination * @param y The y destination * @result The actual end point */ public Point windMouse(int x, int y) { Point c = Client.getMousePosition(); double speed = (Math.random() * 15D + 15D) / 10D; return windMouseImpl(c.x, c.y, x, y, 9D, 3D, 5D / speed, 10D / speed, 10D * speed, 8D * speed); } private void setMousePosition(Point p) { Mouse.hop(p.x, p.y); } private static double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { return Math.sqrt((Math.pow((Math.round(x2) - Math.round(x1)), 2) + Math.pow((Math.round(y2) - Math.round(y1)), 2))); } public double distance(Point p1, Point p2) { return Math.sqrt((p2.y - p1.y) * (p2.y - p1.y) + (p2.x - p1.x) * (p2.x - p1.x)); } public static float randomPointBetween(float corner1, float corner2) { if (corner1 == corner2) { return corner1; } float delta = corner2 - corner1; float offset = Calculations.getRandom().nextFloat() * delta; return corner1 + offset; } public Point randomPoint(Point p1, Point p2) { int randomX = (int) randomPointBetween(p1.x, p2.x); int randomY = (int) randomPointBetween(p1.y, p2.y); return new Point(randomX, randomY); } } Happy botting!
      1 point
    3. Features Quest In Progress Support Unlike most other questers, Cloakd Quester FULLY supports quests that are partially completed. - Built For DB3 The script has been designed from the ground up for DB3 to provide better performance, reliability and all the latest functionality DB3 brings with it. MultiBrain Technology Cloakd Scripts utilize its unique Multi-Brain technology to provide the most fluid and efficient actions - Intelligent Combat Handling All quests are designed around 10HP support. Where applicable the script will use combat techniques to bypass any hard to kill mobs (such as tagging) and also pray if it has the required prayer level. Feature Breakdown - Grand Exchange Support - Purchases required Quest items - Purchases any additional supplies needed (Teleports/Jewelry/Food) - Realtime price updates - never get stuck trying to buy an item - 10HP + Death Support - Built from the ground up to support 10HP accounts in the most efficient way for questing - Upon bot death the script will recover its items and continue questing. - Humanlike Idles Script emulates human like breaks, idles and reaction times. - Turing Complete By utilizing logic validation and MultiBrain technology, the script will never stop or idle - Quest Queuing Easily queue up multiple quests to run that will run back to back - Intuative GUI Adjust the paramaters and quests all in an easy to use GUI Antiban/AntiPattern Randomized positioning Randomized pathing Human Like Idling & Afk Randomized collection & banking Zoom/Camera Support Resizable Mode Real-Time Pattern Heuristics Advanced Fatigue System modelled from Human data - Over 30 datapoints of variation Requirements This script can be started from pretty much anywhere. Simply ensure that the account has enough Gold to purchase the required items or make sure the items are in the bots inventory/bank. As this script does traverse the entire map its worth having Varrock Tablets in the bank to ensure it can always recover CLI Options Progress Reports - Script Trials 12 hour trials are available, simply like the page and comment here! Bug Reports Provide as much info on the bug as possible Provide a print screen of the client + the debug console Release Notes
      1 point
    4. Love to hear that! I am planning to add integrations into DreamBot (such as tut island as you mentioned) as I actually just saw an account creator/manager program that someone is selling which includes this feature as well as AI based captcha solving. It definitely inspired me to expand this program out to have even more features! Best of all, I never plan to sell this program, it will *always* be FREEWARE. Currently in my spare time I've been working on the VPN support (hooking into OpenVPN) and some final improvements. Once this is done I'll release v1.0.0. From there, we are out of alpha and all minor builds will simply be bug fixes and QOL improvements. The manager suite for automatically sending to tut island and Captcha solving will be part of a v2 release in the future
      1 point
    5. I love this program! Im using it to produce a good amt of tuts per day. One thing I would love to be added is an option for users to add their tutorial island script (if owned) to a quickstart params menu so it would launch the accounts on dreambot and put them through tut island after creating them
      1 point
    6. Still not working 100% fishing swordfish in karamja
      1 point
    7. this is a very good script i will keep building a farm with this premium script for free! i cant wait for the day this script is finalized very good complete AIO script. currently have 3 accounts att/str/def 75+ with most of the other skills the script supports around 50s managed to get 73 mining with 1 account highest progg i have so far was 32hrs(much longer tho but due to power outages in my region) thank you very much for the time you put into this script you got an auth sold here =D
      1 point
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