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  • Where our client stands


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    Hello DreamBot members.


    We'd like to give you a brief rundown on where our client stands right now and how DreamBot will operate in the future.


    DreamBot is backed by a group of highly dedicated and skilled developers. We have very high goals and aspiration for the bot and community (namely to become #1). Our bot is different from the others because we built it with antiban in mind. The client is purely reflection, and features numerous antiban measures to ensure as humanlike behavior as possible. More details will come on this later.


    Our client is very close to being finished. We have most of the major components complete: interactions with characters, widgets, other api (banking, walking, mouse+keyboard), script loading and SDN, and have just tackled our last major hurdle. Over the next couple weeks, we will be working towards completing the client and backend. We'll keep you guys up to date on our progress.


    Once our client is complete, we will open it for a private beta. This beta will be accessible to select scripters and users, as chosen by us. Once we pass the beta stage, we will release the client to the general public.


    As of right now, plan to release the client publicly with a developer backed repository of scripts that will be free to all members for the first week, then become VIP+. Of course, scripters are welcome to create and release their scripts through our SDN.



    Just in case you're wondering, our dev team is:







    1st!! NICE!! cant wait to try it out and get some 99's again! 


    I'd like to thank all you fancy and intelligent Devs for working your asses off to complete the client.


    Thank you Llama overlord and friends. :)


    I am excited :)

    I might order a fresh server to bot on, hmu


    Any type of pictures/videos we could see? Loved the little video on twitter you posted :)


    Any type of pictures/videos we could see? Loved the little video on twitter you posted :)

    I'll work on getting some proggies of my scripts, and some gifs of different things in action today. ;)


    This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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