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  • Eliot

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    Eliot last won the day on March 21 2015

    Eliot had the most liked content!

    About Eliot

    $25 Donor

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    1. Pretty disappointing to see rigged dicers on the SDN imo.
    2. is there still Vip free?

    3. Not as nice as your avatar.
    4. Should I expect DB3 before or after HL3?
    5. I'm unsure how ambitious you're feeling right now but could be courteous and instead of having an archive for applications create two sub forums named "Accepted" and "Denied" respectively. This way users don't feel as if they're being blown off or sent into the unknown abyss?

      1. Eliot


        Did you not have time to see my reply? The mods like to move things too fast.

      2. Whopper


        I actually didn't nor on the first attempt and I'm not throwing a fit by any means. I just feel as though either a 24 hour notice OR the said forums should be implemented. If you don't mind, could you please PM your response regarding my application? It would be greatly appreciated!

    6. Congratulations on the promotion!

    7. Congrats on the admin Eliot!

    8. 245
    9. May I suggest using the default text color so it is more readable on Basik, thanks.
    10. 118
    11. Yes its verified lol

    12. Sounds swell!
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