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  • Still not working? Try downloading and running JarFix
  • Help! My bot doesn't do anything! Enable fresh start in client settings and restart the client
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  • Pandemic's Script Creator | Create Your Own Private Scripts Without Programming | Record Your Gameplay | ChatGPT Support


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    Buy lifetime today for only $49.99!

    There's also a monthly version available for $14.99/mo!

    Pandemic's Script Creator

    Create your own private scripts with ZERO programming using simple building blocks.


    Join the Discord

    Guides, tips, and shared user scripts can all be found on the Discord.


    Script Network and Community Scripts

    Pandemic's Script Creator also gives you access to a variety of free scripts uploaded by community members that can be found both on the Scripts page and in our Discord's scripts forum!



    An updated list of tutorials can be found on the site, as well a FAQ and a Getting Started guide.


    Hundreds of Available Actions

    You can do nearly anything you can do using traditional programming with the DreamBot API.

    You can view the full list of actions and some more information here.


    Buy Pandemic's Automator to Unlock More!

    If you own both Pandemic's Script Creator and Pandemic's Automator, you get to access ALL actions when you use either.

    This means you can use the Automator's Muling and Restocking actions inside of your Pandemic's Script Creator Scripts or use any PSC action in your Automations!


    Privately Sell or Share Your Scripts

    You can use PSC Pro Tools to turn your PSC scripts into a local script jar for use with DreamBot. The end users do not need Pandemic's Script Creator to run it! Learn more on the thread here:

    Now with Gameplay Recording!

    Speed up script development by simply pressing the "Record Actions" button and manually play the game, and watch as all of your manual actions are translated to Pandemic's Script Creator actions!

    Gameplay recording is a significant time saver when making your own scripts and a solid starting point for your script. Recorded actions usually still need to be manually tweaked to be efficient, but in simple cases you usually don't need to do anything!


    In Editor Action Search

    Forgot where that action was in the menus, or just more of a keyboard power user? There's no longer a need to look through many levels of menus with the in editor Action Search (Shift+Shift):





    WIP PK Script: https://streamable.com/kztih5





















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    Can't wait to try it. Make personal scripts that fit your style of play. I have some Java knowledge from making Android apps.


    Suggestion is make user built scripts shareable as well if they want.

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