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  • 5 Weeks, 5 Scripts - Vorkath, Zulrah, and more! [Dev Blog]


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    Over the last 10 months I have been running a large scale gold farm (see here) to support my college tuition. Starting with this blog I will begin releasing the formerly private scripts that have allowed me to study Engineering in the U.S.

    The purpose of this blog is to post updates on the progress, announcements on releases, and most importantly take feature requests and suggestions from the comments.

    Releases are planned for every week on Friday, starting this week.



    Work in Progress:






    - 400k/h Money Maker
    - Obscure and unknown (not listed on any wiki)
    - Low requirements
    - All in one: fresh level 3 support
    - Integrated muling.


    This is one of my most successful money makers to this day - the low level requirements and obscurity of the method make it ideal to level accounts past the risky early phase and up to 99 in all combats, all while making a large amount of money. With full All-In-One support, this script can be started on a fresh level 3 account and will complete all requirements for the method. When you hit your first 99, you will have 120M+ in your bank.

    More details on release day.





    - 500k/h Money Maker
    - Rarely used (low bans)
    - Medium requirements
    - All in one: fresh level 3 support

    - Integrated muling

    Much like the previous script, this method is ideal to train combat levels while making tons of money. This method too was chosen for its low usage and therefore low ban rates. The script can be started on a fresh level 3 account and will complete 34 quests, aquire a total level of 750, and complete the easy and medium Ardougne diaries before beginning to kill Spidines in the Tower of Life at maximum efficiency.





    - Creates any account with any skills (up to 99)
    - Will create pures
    - Handcrafted to avoid ban triggers
    - Highly customizable


    Work in Progress GUI:


    In this GUI you will be able to enter the stats of any account you want, and the script will build it for you. This user interface is work in progress - customizable options and savable presets will be added to the right.







    One of the purposes of this post is to collect feature requests for these scripts - if you have any questions or requests that have not been mentioned in this post, leave a comment below and chances are it will be included by release. Let me know which scripts you're looking forward to!


    Happy botting,




    Looks wonderful man.

    Sub Account Factory handcrafted to avoid ban triggers sounds like a dream come true


    keep up the gr8 work m8


    This gonna be amazing  !!
    Cant wait to see it in action , you doing a insane worki man  !!!
    Much love .


    Damn this is insane

    Can I ask how much experience you have with programming / scripting? As in how long have you been doing this


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