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I would second this, also want to mention that I have never seen it use redemption prayer when it runs out of foods but still has prayer pots. There were a few times where it could have finished the kill by using this but never did.2 points
https://github.com/TooTallNate/Java-WebSocket is included in the client & Ok http is included1 point
Beezy's AIO F2P Money Maker
venebrinha reacted to BeezyScripts for a topic
Beezy's AIO F2P Money Maker current version: 1.27 Multiple F2P Moneymaking methods supported, low requirements to none, lvl.3 ready All Items gained by the script are NOT trade restricted and can be sold on the Grand Exchange. 🚨🚨NOW WITH TASK RESELECTION BUTTON🚨🚨 To reselect the task and change it click on the red button with the text "Select Task". The Script will finish it current loop of the moneymaker and then gives you the option to select a new task from the list. The following methods are supported at the moment, with more to come soon: Fish Collector Spade Collector Bone Collector Ashe Collector F2P Wilderness Looter Monk Robes Collector Cadava berries Picker Kebab buyer GE begger Tinderbox Collector Fishfood Collector Ruby Ring Sheep shearing Ale buyer Cowhide tanner Garlic collector Potatoe picker Beer glass collector Symbol blesser More information on current money makers supported: Roadmap Changelog: Bugs & Help If you encounter any bug or need help with the script make sure to join the Discord Server. Discord Server1 point -
You can't include external libraries in SDN scripts. You can, however, use GSON and Lombok as those are included in the client and the sdn compiler.1 point
MaximusPrimo reacted to Efedrin for a topic
Looking great, will try!1 point -
Hey all, Since DB3 officially supports custom mouse algorithms I thought I would port over a classic one: WindMouse. WindMouse was written by BenLand100 for SCAR some years back (maybe 10 years?) and has been used on so many damn bots throughout the years because it functions really well so it only seemed right to bring it here. In the source code below, there are two implementations of WindMouse: Point windMouse(int x, int y) Which comes directly from the SMART github with minor adjustments to work with DB3. Better in fixed mode. void windMouse2(Point point) My tweaked version from years back that supports all screen sizes. I've added a random point between the original and the destination point if the distance between them is large to feel more human but has a 50% chance of happening. By default my implementation is the active algorithm (as it handles all sizes), swap the comments in handleMovement to change to the original. To use it, simply add the file WindMouse.java to your project and add the following to your onStart method: Client.getInstance().setMouseMovementAlgorithm(new WindMouse()); All credits go to Benjamin J. Land a.k.a. BenLand100 WindMouse.java: /** * WindMouse from SMART by Benland100 * Copyright to Benland100, (Benjamin J. Land) * * Prepped for DreamBot 3 **/ import org.dreambot.api.Client; import org.dreambot.api.input.Mouse; import org.dreambot.api.input.mouse.algorithm.MouseMovementAlgorithm; import org.dreambot.api.input.mouse.destination.AbstractMouseDestination; import org.dreambot.api.methods.Calculations; import org.dreambot.api.methods.input.mouse.MouseSettings; import java.awt.*; import static java.lang.Thread.sleep; public class WindMouse implements MouseMovementAlgorithm { private int _mouseSpeed = MouseSettings.getSpeed() > 15 ? MouseSettings.getSpeed() - 10 : 15; private int _mouseSpeedLow = Math.round(_mouseSpeed / 2); private int _mouseGravity = Calculations.random(4, 20); private int _mouseWind = Calculations.random(1, 10); @Override public boolean handleMovement(AbstractMouseDestination abstractMouseDestination) { //Get a suitable point for the mouse's destination Point suitPos = abstractMouseDestination.getSuitablePoint(); // Select which implementation of WindMouse you'd like to use // by uncommenting out the line you want to use below: //windMouse(suitPos.x, suitPos.y); //Original implementation windMouse2(suitPos); //Tweaked implementation return distance(Client.getMousePosition(), suitPos) < 2; } public static void sleep(int min, int max) { try { Thread.sleep(Calculations.random(min,max)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log(e.getMessage()); } } public static void sleep(int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Tweaked implementation of WindMouse * Moves to a mid point on longer moves to seem a little more human-like * Remove the if statement below if you'd rather straighter movement * @param point The destination point */ public void windMouse2(Point point) { Point curPos = Client.getMousePosition(); if (distance(point, curPos) > 250 && Calculations.random(1) == 2) { Point rp = randomPoint(point, curPos); windMouse2(curPos.x, curPos.y, rp.x, rp.y, _mouseGravity, _mouseWind, _mouseSpeed, Calculations.random(5, 25)); sleep(1, 150); } windMouse2(curPos.x, curPos.y, point.x, point.y, _mouseGravity, _mouseWind, _mouseSpeed, Calculations.random(5, 25)); _mouseGravity = Calculations.random(4, 20); _mouseWind = Calculations.random(1, 10); _mouseSpeed = Calculations.random(_mouseSpeedLow, MouseSettings.getSpeed()); } /** * Tweaked implementation of WindMouse by holic * All credit to Benjamin J. Land for the original. (see below) * * @param xs The x start * @param ys The y start * @param xe The x destination * @param ye The y destination * @param gravity Strength pulling the position towards the destination * @param wind Strength pulling the position in random directions * @param targetArea Radius of area around the destination that should * trigger slowing, prevents spiraling */ private void windMouse2(double xs, double ys, double xe, double ye, double gravity, double wind, double speed, double targetArea) { double dist, veloX = 0, veloY = 0, windX = 0, windY = 0; double sqrt2 = Math.sqrt(2); double sqrt3 = Math.sqrt(3); double sqrt5 = Math.sqrt(5); int tDist = (int) distance(xs, ys, xe, ye); long t = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000; while (!(Math.hypot((xs - xe), (ys - ye)) < 1)) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > t) break; dist = Math.hypot((xs - xe), (ys - ye)); wind = Math.min(wind, dist); if ((dist < 1)) { dist = 1; } long d = (Math.round((Math.round(((double) (tDist))) * 0.3)) / 7); if ((d > 25)) { d = 25; } if ((d < 5)) { d = 5; } double rCnc = Calculations.random(6); if ((rCnc == 1)) { d = 2; } double maxStep = (Math.min(d, Math.round(dist))) * 1.5; if ((dist >= targetArea)) { windX = (windX / sqrt3) + ((Calculations.random((int) ((Math.round(wind) * 2) + 1)) - wind) / sqrt5); windY = (windY / sqrt3) + ((Calculations.random((int) ((Math.round(wind) * 2) + 1)) - wind) / sqrt5); } else { windX = (windX / sqrt2); windY = (windY / sqrt2); } veloX += windX + gravity * (xe - xs) / dist; veloY += windY + gravity * (ye - ys) / dist; if ((Math.hypot(veloX, veloY) > maxStep)) { maxStep = ((maxStep / 2) < 1) ? 2 : maxStep; double randomDist = (maxStep / 2) + Calculations.random((int) (Math.round(maxStep) / 2)); double veloMag = Math.sqrt(((veloX * veloX) + (veloY * veloY))); veloX = (veloX / veloMag) * randomDist; veloY = (veloY / veloMag) * randomDist; } int lastX = ((int) (Math.round(xs))); int lastY = ((int) (Math.round(ys))); xs += veloX; ys += veloY; if ((lastX != Math.round(xs)) || (lastY != Math.round(ys))) { Mouse.hop(new Point((int) Math.round(xs), (int) Math.round(ys))); } int w = Calculations.random((int) (Math.round(100 / speed))) * 6; if ((w < 5)) { w = 5; } w = (int) Math.round(w * 0.9); sleep(w); } if (((Math.round(xe) != Math.round(xs)) || (Math.round(ye) != Math.round(ys)))) { Mouse.hop(new Point(((int) (Math.round(xe))), ((int) (Math.round(ye))))); } } /** * Internal mouse movement algorithm from SMART. Do not use this without credit to either * Benjamin J. Land or BenLand100. This was originally synchronized to prevent multiple * motions and bannage but functions poorly with DB3. * * BEST USED IN FIXED MODE * * @param xs The x start * @param ys The y start * @param xe The x destination * @param ye The y destination * @param gravity Strength pulling the position towards the destination * @param wind Strength pulling the position in random directions * @param minWait Minimum relative time per step * @param maxWait Maximum relative time per step * @param maxStep Maximum size of a step, prevents out of control motion * @param targetArea Radius of area around the destination that should * trigger slowing, prevents spiraling * @result The actual end point */ private Point windMouseImpl(double xs, double ys, double xe, double ye, double gravity, double wind, double minWait, double maxWait, double maxStep, double targetArea) { final double sqrt3 = Math.sqrt(3); final double sqrt5 = Math.sqrt(5); double dist, veloX = 0, veloY = 0, windX = 0, windY = 0; while ((dist = Math.hypot(xs - xe, ys - ye)) >= 1) { wind = Math.min(wind, dist); if (dist >= targetArea) { windX = windX / sqrt3 + (2D * Math.random() - 1D) * wind / sqrt5; windY = windY / sqrt3 + (2D * Math.random() - 1D) * wind / sqrt5; } else { windX /= sqrt3; windY /= sqrt3; if (maxStep < 3) { maxStep = Math.random() * 3D + 3D; } else { maxStep /= sqrt5; } } veloX += windX + gravity * (xe - xs) / dist; veloY += windY + gravity * (ye - ys) / dist; double veloMag = Math.hypot(veloX, veloY); if (veloMag > maxStep) { double randomDist = maxStep / 2D + Math.random() * maxStep / 2D; veloX = (veloX / veloMag) * randomDist; veloY = (veloY / veloMag) * randomDist; } int lastX = ((int) (Math.round(xs))); int lastY = ((int) (Math.round(ys))); xs += veloX; ys += veloY; if ((lastX != Math.round(xs)) || (lastY != Math.round(ys))) { setMousePosition(new Point((int) Math.round(xs), (int) Math.round(ys))); } double step = Math.hypot(xs - lastX, ys - lastY); sleep((int) Math.round((maxWait - minWait) * (step / maxStep) + minWait)); } return new Point((int) xs, (int) ys); } /** * Moves the mouse from the current position to the specified position. * Approximates human movement in a way where smoothness and accuracy are * relative to speed, as it should be. * * @param x The x destination * @param y The y destination * @result The actual end point */ public Point windMouse(int x, int y) { Point c = Client.getMousePosition(); double speed = (Math.random() * 15D + 15D) / 10D; return windMouseImpl(c.x, c.y, x, y, 9D, 3D, 5D / speed, 10D / speed, 10D * speed, 8D * speed); } private void setMousePosition(Point p) { Mouse.hop(p.x, p.y); } private static double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { return Math.sqrt((Math.pow((Math.round(x2) - Math.round(x1)), 2) + Math.pow((Math.round(y2) - Math.round(y1)), 2))); } public double distance(Point p1, Point p2) { return Math.sqrt((p2.y - p1.y) * (p2.y - p1.y) + (p2.x - p1.x) * (p2.x - p1.x)); } public static float randomPointBetween(float corner1, float corner2) { if (corner1 == corner2) { return corner1; } float delta = corner2 - corner1; float offset = Calculations.getRandom().nextFloat() * delta; return corner1 + offset; } public Point randomPoint(Point p1, Point p2) { int randomX = (int) randomPointBetween(p1.x, p2.x); int randomY = (int) randomPointBetween(p1.y, p2.y); return new Point(randomX, randomY); } } Happy botting!1 point
Do you have to reset script after script update?
camelCase reacted to RudyShields for a topic
Thanks for answering.1 point -
1 point
[Vril] Bank Sorter
EvilCabbage reacted to xVril for a topic
I appreciate the feedback. It depends how you define it, neck slot will get all amulets regardless of quest of not. Choose more specific categories to avoid this. Look I know its not perfect, the idea is it gets your bank to the point where only a few manual adjustments will make it perfect. The overwhelming feedback the script gets is very positive. I am working on improving it all the time, please feel free to drop suggestions in my discord channel and I will see about implementing them. Thanks.1 point -
The following fixes have now been published: FIXED Flaws in the boss room pathing algorithm (Gauntlet) FIXED Flaws in the preparation phase pathing (Gauntlet) FIXED Some inefficiency flaws in preparation (Gauntlet) FIXED Getting stuck after being teleported in boss room while cooking (Gauntlet) FIXED Cooking priority is now higher when time is running out (Gauntlet) Thank you guys for all the bug reports you've submitted. Be sure to send me more of those if you still encounter issues with the script. @zachp855 @Praye r @pandaellokon @scout 4 wild I've reset your trial access to # AIO Gauntlet.1 point
Update is looking good so this solution works for me. Thx!1 point
1 point
Hey, the script has now been updated and the issue with pouches you were experiencing should now be fixed. It was a bug that apparently didn't happen to everyone (me included) so reproducing and debugging the bug took longer than anticipated. Yet, that's no excuse for me to take 2 weeks to fix the bug. For this reason, I've extended your # Guardians of the Rift subscription by 2 weeks for free.1 point
|l| LUXE premium motherlode mine |l| Normal, Iron man & UIM support
dreambot11111 reacted to Luxe for a topic
That is super weird. I'll try to replicate it today. Thanks for giving a heads up, I'll extend your trial for another week when I push a new release1 point -
Hey, thanks for the feedback! I'll need to do some tests to see if I can reproduce that issue with time running out and being teleported in. Oh, and for future reference, in case you encounter any issues like that and you notice it, you can use the "Report a bug" button in the paint overlay (bottom right corner of chatbox) to submit a bug report with ease.1 point
cCLavaDragonFarm [1 mil / hr][Lvl 3 Start][Muling][Auto Bonding]
dls1994555 reacted to camelCase for a topic
cCLavaDragonFarm This script trains a brand new account to base requirements to kill lava dragons, 35 magic and a configurable amount of hp and defence, then kills lava dragons muling off profits ever user set interval Trident support Multiple AntiPk modes (see discord for more information) Click above photo to join discord for all bug reports and suggestions Want to pay with crypto? some proggs1 point -
Is Covert Mode outdated? Is it worth getting VIP?
BeezyScripts reacted to Efedrin for a topic
I have to try out atleast one month i guess1 point -
|l| LUXE premium motherlode mine |l| Normal, Iron man & UIM support
Luxe reacted to dreambot11111 for a topic
Hello, I tried this script again and it was working without a problem for hours. After feeling that it's reliable, I left it alone, but I came back and it was trying to deposit the pay-dirt into the bank, and it attempted to do it about 50 times before I noticed it, so although I don't know what exactly caused this to happen (upgrades: empty sack, upper mine and upper hopper access), is there a need to recognise this and then end the script.1 point -
grim_sabith reacted to Aeglen for a topic
FYI i am actively working on this, but no promises as to when it'll be done1 point -
Failed to login please try again.
abouhanafy87 reacted to Whizz4life for a topic
I'm having the same exact issue as well the last two days and haven't been able to run anything because of it. [ERROR] Error: Login authentication error. Response code: 429 Too Many Requests Response body: error code: 10151 point -
Hi everyone, hope y'all are doing well. I made a simple leagues bot that auto withdraws the friendly forager pouch when full and mines the rune rocks, along with automatically running to a depleted ore that will spawn soon. I'll attach a video shortly where you will it getting nerd logged and logging right back in. I was going to keep this private for my own use but I've been banned, so was thinking of releasing the code if anyone else wanted to work on it and if there was enough interest in this. I'm still learning Java so most of this was done with Claude. It only works with menu manip and no click walk at the moment.1 point
so i decided to do a trial and out of the 2 hours it completed 2. the prep is very good but the fight is very bad, the scripts path is very bad and decides to go into nados and sits at a very low hp roughly 20 then it will eat if its hit. it would be nice to have the option to go for tier 2 armour + tier 3 bow/staff also. - copied from "report a bug"1 point
Was a fun ride!
MaximusPrimo reacted to biekma7 for a topic
Finally banned :)! Around 1700 total level and all gear from minigames. Almost all quests and diaries finish You know what the fun part is. I didn't lift a finger once. All this was achieved from the free scripts and trials on here. GEEGEE! bye1 point -
The script's been updated with the following fixes: FIXED Dangerous tile avoidance when performing an unarmed attack. FIXED Dungeon not resetting properly after a round which caused very bad subsequent rounds. FIXED Toggling run on while searching for resources. ADDED Avoidance for getting hit by low level monster while fighting demi boss. @evanipples @Praye r I've reset your trial access to the # AIO Gauntlet script so you can give it another go. Thanks guys for the bug reports!1 point
1 point
Hey I have a DB jagex launcher botting and I wanted to open a regular non DB runelite. But it keeps opening DB runelite because its now patched into runelite. How do I only open the Runelite now?1 point
I'll post bugs as I test on a new account. Movement - Huge one, you just giga spam click everything and it basically locks up the client trying to move. Witch's Potion - Won't drink cauldron at the end of the quest. Waterfall - After getting book of bax, it spam clicks ring of dueling. Same after getting pebble and banking. Nature's Spirit - I'll check this more, but ran out of runes to cast spells then closed the script. Knight's Sword - Still broken in the cavern, sits in the middle until you move the character towards the blurite. Tree gnome village - Fails with the squeeze through fence and talking to the king. Also ring of dueling fight arena - doesn't save sammy on its own, once in fight arena doesn't dkknow what to do tourist trap - spam clicking while moving, didn't check book case for plans, ring of dueling Dwarf cannon quest - can't fix the cannon.1 point
MaxVyreThief Description: Do you like easy GP?? Then this script is for you. Thieves Vyres in Darkmeyer for up-to 2-3m GP/H. Features: Multiple location support. Supports using the Hallowed Sepulture bank if using locations close to this Supports using shadow veil. Will detect if you are using Divine rune pouch, Rune pouch, All combinations of runes and staves. Supports using dodgy necklaces Supports all food types Detects all types of vyre noble clothing and uses them when required to navigate around Darkmeyer (if enabled in GUI) Supports coin pouches - Detects your Ardougne diary status and opens pouches at the right time! World hop support Easy to set-up GUI. Automatically remembers all settings for next time Antiban: Script uses human-like delays and AFKing Script utilizes unique account data to randomize patterns making every account unique Requirements: Completion of the Sins of the father quest 82 thieving Food to use in the bank Dodgy necklaces in the bank (If using them) Runes for shadow veil in inventory (If using it). They can be any combination of runes, staves, or rune pouch Vyre noble clothing set in inventory or equipped. This is now a requirement as of V1.03 Recommended set-up: Completion of the hard Ardougne diary. This increases your chance to pickpocket by 10% Completion of A Kingdom Divided quest and 47 magic to use Shadow Veil. Reduces chance of being stunned by 15% Use dodgy necklaces - 25% chance to prevent being stunned Full rogues outfit. Doubles all loot from successful pickpockets. Thieving skill cape - 10% extra chance to successfully pickpocket Quick start set-up npc= enter NPC name (Vallessia von Pitt, Misdrievus Shadum,Vonnetta Varnis) food= enter food name foodquantity= enter food withdraw quantity minhp= enter min hp to eat maxhp= enter max hp to eat necklace= True/False (use dodgy necklaces) necklacequantity= Enter quantity of dodgy necklaces to withdraw worldhop= True/False (World hopping) maxplayers= Enter max players in our area before we hop shadowveil= True/False (Using shadowveil) rol= True/False (Using ring of life) muling= True/False - If true must have ring of wealth for GE teleport, and Drakan's medallion for return teleports [BETA] maxshard= Enter maximum number of shards we should obtain before muling port= enter port number for muling. This should match the mule ip= enter ip address for the mule foodrestockquantity= quantity of food to buy when restocking necklacerestockquantity= quantity of necklace to buy when restocking GUI Set-up: (The settings will save automatically for next start-up) NPC to thieve - Which NPC you want to steal from Food to eat - Which food to withdraw and eat (Case sensitive) Min hp to eat - We will eat between this and the "max" value Max hp to eat - We will eat between this and the "min" value Use dodgy necklaces - Y/N Use shadow veil - Y/N Hop worlds when populated - Y/N Max players before hopping - Once there are this many players or more nearby, we hop worlds. For example set to "1" and bot will hop as soon as 1 player stands nearby for too long. Use Ring of life - Y/N - If Yes, must have ROL on player or in bank, and also have Drakan's medallion available. Muling - Y/N If true must have ring of wealth for GE teleport, and Drakan's medallion for return teleports [BETA] Max shards - Maximum shards before muling them off Port - port for muling. Should match the same port as the mule IP - IP address for muling. Should be IP address of mule machine. Set as "localhost" if on same machine Reporting issues: If you encounter any issues with the script please take note of the console logs and provide them. If the issue is with a particular step in the script it is also helpful to know how I can best replicate this issue.1 point
Fightaholic - The scrappy AIO fightin' script Bug Reports - READ THIS FIRST To submit a bug report, please do the following. Failing to do so may result in being ignored all together. These are simple requests Ensure you're on the latest version first Explain your problem as clearly and concise as possible Share the error Share what settings you are using by setting up the script, saving your config to a file and pasting it here or PM me. Description Fights shit, like anything, eats, banks, loots, buries bones, switches combat styles, etc. Very easy to setup but a complex script nonetheless. Setup Selecting your NPC(s) is required. All other options are optional. Click Refresh to auto-fill the form and get available NPCs Click Start Troubleshooting StackoverflowError: Give more memory to DreamBot on launch (slider above "Launch" button) Images failed to download: Manually download them below this post and extract the files to "~/DreamBot/Scripts/Fightaholic" Chinese users will almost certainly need to download these Main features Extremely simple setup: simple GUI that auto-fills the fields for you as much as possible. Combat switching: supports all combat types (ie Melee, Range and Magic) Click on-screen "Switch" to switch styles whenever Right-click on-screen "Switch" to manually choose which style to use Buys missing items from GE: if any equipment, food, runes, arrows, potions or required items are missing, it will walk to the GE and attempt to buy them Script will end if you lack the resources to afford your items Script will buy equipment upgrades when specified. Sells loot at GE: select looted items to sell in the "Loot" tab. Will attempt to sell items first for cash before buying missing items Script will only show loot options in the list, to add custom items edit the .ini file manually. Level targets: stops training combat style when your desired level is reached Drinks potions: don't include the number of doses ("Strength potion", not "Strength potion(4)"), won't use Prayer potions until your prayer is almost drained Add antivenom potion to your inventory or required items and it will automatically cure you when necessary. Optional: Check drop vials to get rid of them Uses prayer: Select one or many prayers to use. Quick prayers and quick prayer setup supported Dungeons supported: Edgeville (with or without Brass key, add key to required items), Dwarven Mines, Asgarnian Ice Dungeon, Karamja Dungeon, Varrock Sewers Equipment switching: supports switching equipment when changing combat style Withdraws equipment if missing Upgrades equipment when specified (either have it in your bank or select "Buy upgradeable equipment"), use "^" as the upgrade wildcard. "^ scimitar" or "^ shortbow". DOESN'T WORK FOR ALL ITEMS. High Alch support: choose what to loot and in the opposite column choose which items to alch and the script will take care of the rest Multiple loot options: change the frequency of looting, style of looting and what to loot Supports options like loot by price and blacklist Ironman loot option: loot only what your NPC drops Features item blacklist to prevent looting the wrong items when looting by a price threshold Death walking / Grave looting: handles deaths by returning, collecting your grave, re-equipping equipment and continuing Still zero deaths to date with this script but will handle it once it happens Option to logout on death so you can handle it yourself Collects and equips arrows: makes sure you don't run out of arrows, checks your bank for more if needed. Safe spotting: set your "Target area" to below 3 and the script will automatically safe-spot Aggro support: check the "Aggro mode" checkbox when dealing with monster like Rock Crabs, who will become tame and impossible to fight after a certain amount of time. This will do its best to leave the area, rest and return to continue the fight. GIVE IT TIME TO DO ITS THING. This will not prefer AFK training over active training but will still allow for AFK training. Buries bones: all bones supported, you can also specify to bury only certain bones. Eats food: what kind of fighter would this be if it didn't eat when necessary, right? Bones to Peaches: experimental but should work. If it isn't, please screen record it or at least share the error from your console with me. Bones to Bananas: experimental but should work. If it isn't, please screen record it or at least share the error from your console with me. Customize bank locations: set the bank you'd like to use, or just set it to the closest and let the script handle it for you. Custom random-event handler: Talks to Genie, Old-Man, Drunken Dwarf , Frog, Freaky Forester and Rick Turpentine to collect their goodies and a delay for all other randoms to be more human-like Lamps will be used to increase your current combat skill Random handler will only fire if you have selected "Dismiss Randoms" in DreamBot's settings Anti-Ban: Bunch of features to keep your accounts safe Comprehensive obstacle handler: meaning you can start this script just about anywhere and the script will navigate Gielinor to your specified area Quickstart support: Parameters: "path\to\config.ini" Example: Windows: java -jar C:\Users\USERNAME\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -script Fightaholic -params "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\CONFIG.ini" Linux: java -jar ~/BotData/client.jar -script Fightaholic -params "C:/Users/USERNAME/CONFIG.ini" More to be included in this list that are already in the script. *Temporarily disabled Script information Click "Refresh" once logged in to see NPCs and auto-fill the script. Select the NPCs you want, and their potential drops will be listed below This is the only required setting. Select the loot you want. Click "Add" to add combat level targets, these skills will be trained until the specified target is reached. If you want to set a Magic level target, you can only do that with the first level target currently (because I'm lazy). If you want to use different equipment, fill out and select "Use" per equipment setup Arrows, bows, staves, melee weapons, shield and food should automatically be detected and filled out in their respective textfields Check "Use bank" to bank when inventory is full or out of food/arrows/runes Your target area will be set to the tile you are standing on when you click the "Start" button if no tile is set. OR you can set the tile in the "Optional" tab and have the script walk there next time on start (provided you save the info) Set your target area to below 3 and the script will automatically safe-spot All other setup options have explanatory tool-tips (if you hover over them) and aren't required. Item Support These are items that will be automatically recognized in your settings GUI As of version 0.941 Progress Reports 27 hours 3 days all using overnight+1hr breaks Changelog (For updates beyond version 1.0, please search this topic for "SDN Bot") Fightaholic images.zip1 point
This will execute code more consistently around each game tick. This is additional code that would be executed in addition to your onLoop()/execute(). You could execute Sleep.sleepTick(); followed by return 0; in your main loop to mimic this kind of functionality, but that then holds your script hostage while it sleeps for the game tick. The best use-case I can think of for this, is prayer flicking. You can have the onGameTick() handle flawless prayer flicking, while the rest of your script focuses on the rest of your script's logic.1 point
1 point
Increased 'Failed to login. Please try again.' errors in the last few weeks
abouhanafy87 reacted to xalar123 for a topic
Upon further testing, it seems like this is primarily happening after a script tries to world hop1 point