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    1. I got a girlfriend in the time I wasn't playing Runescape. Thanks Aeglen!
      2 points
    2. Pandemic

      DreamBot 3.27.15

      Hello everyone! A new version of DreamBot is now live! Changes: Clear the there's been an error message from status bar when console opened Agility web nodes will now return false after attempting to walk to the obstacle to avoid loops Stay logged in will now randomly choose between keyboard and mouse to reset idle timers Extra sleeps if mouse drag is too fast to avoid rs registering it as a click Added getter/setter for web finder debug mode Added autocast ID to Arceuus spells Possible fix for game crash on certain OS/JVM's Always remember, to be on the latest version of our client you must run DBLauncher.jar! The client does NOT update itself! Thanks, The Dream Team
      1 point
    3. cCGrayChinchompaFarm completes 1-53 hunter completes eagles peak quest to unlock box traps catches gray chinchompas at multiple available locations, kourend, piscatrois or isle of souls mules off to cCMule every X configurable hours Want to pay with crypto?
      1 point
    4. man i love this script dude. love it bro so much man i want to kiss on ur forehead just above ur eyebrows gently.
      1 point
    5. Probably a dumb question as I don't see any options for it but, I was just curious if maybe there's something I wasn't aware of that would let you increase the render distance. Some scripts try to gather things that technically are in the area but, since the render distance cuts off so short, a script might get stuck trying to click that item as it's just out of reach.
      1 point
    6. 1 point
    7. jrob

      Luxe Lite Woodcutting

      I was having it cut and burn willows at Draynor. I came back to it and it had spent the past who knows how long attempting to light the logs inside the bank. Besides the fact that it stops the bot, it might get the account banned.
      1 point
    8. I don't know much about scripting but if your using Pandemics script builder, they have a lot of help on his discord, might be able to assist you with that.
      1 point
    9. 1 point
    10. Hey guys its me again, I am here to share the game I have been developing the past few months called Ludus Legends, I am looking for some feedback on the current ALPHA state. Currently the game is only available on the Google Play Store. You can find it simply by searching for "Ludus Legends" and It will pop up(The screenshots on the Play Store are very outdated). About Ludus Legends, this game is a MMO AutoBattler of sorts, it is a player driven economy and will be the only true Non-pay to win free mobile game. All features that you would normally pay for or use gems for is instead a resource you can get in-game or purchase in the auction house. There is no way to get these items with real money. The only thing you will be able to purchase with real money are skins, titles and arena backgrounds. Ludus Legends is a mix of gladiator management with ARPG elements, this is a bare bones version of the game and still has many more systems to add as well as content. Please give me the good the bad and what you would like to see! P.S feel free to join the discord as well -> https://discord.gg/VEzPAKZT SCREENSHOTS COMING SOON!
      1 point
    11. Ran this script for 6h at a time. Was a bug when auto-logging at 6h when I used it. 1-3hr break after the 6h log. 78-99 RC achieved doing blood runes, including a pet. Thank you!
      1 point
    12. Ran this script for 15+ hours a day, 40-99 farming in notime. Thank you so much
      1 point
    13. Saw a lot of recent comments here reflecting negatively on the script and just wanted to add my experiences so far. I've been testing out Dream Bot for a few months now. Throughout countless trials, this is the script that absolutely stood out the most to me. I immediately purchased the monthly subscription and got started. a. Obtained the fire cape on the first try. b. 500+ levels obtained in less than 7 days of playtime. c. I started with 10M, account now stands over 20M. (3M+ ring not banked in the image provided) If you're asking for more trial time, just stop it. This script is the best builder available to date. You probably know this already, which is why you're asking for more trial time. Buy the monthly subscription if you don't want to risk the lifetime yet. It's only $20, and more than worth it. I plan on purchasing the lifetime once my monthly subscription expires. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the community @Aeglen!
      1 point
    14. Thank you very much @Hashtag for helping out with this! Thank you very much @Neffarion for so quickly fixing this issue as soon as you found out about it. I started the script and it immediately retrieved a normal harpoon and went straight to fishing. I love your Nano Miner btw, it has made me very many 100 mil of GP and one of my accounts has over 50M XP lol. Looking forward to extensively try this Nano Fisher as well. I wish you a great week, thank you for your time and support.
      1 point
    15. tyvm dying should should happen from early level combat (i forgot how i coded it for hcim if at all differently), however hcim do not "explore" after the end of noob mode to prevent random deaths on not-new accounts
      1 point
    16. Endeavour Zombie Pirates Script State: Beta Testing Script Version: 3.1 Features - Kills Zombie Pirates at Chaos Temple - Prayer Support (No Full Anti-PK Yet) - Supports Both Melee And Range - Loot Bag Support - Cannon Support - Auto Banking - Ferox Pool Of Refreshment Support - Endeavour Loot Tracker - Death Handling (No Item Collection Yet) - Anti-PK (Try To Escape From Pker) Features (Working On) - Anti-PK - Improving Death Handling - Grand Exchange Restocking Instructions! - 50+ Range (For Range Mode) - 50+ Att Str Def (For Melee) - 43+ Prayer - Start Anywhere Advance Loot Tracker Some Progress Reports! Soon! Join Endeavour Scripts Discord
      1 point
    17. I've got a stock-pile of stuff just waiting to be released XD! I'm just as excited as you brother! Thank-you!
      1 point
    18. Aeglen

      P2P Master AI

      the idea of the script is to find its own way to your account goals, not sequentially do things one by one. Noob mode in particular causes some people to think the script is broken (although unless something is very broken on your end it should never throw errors). It is necessary for noob accounts to noob around in OSRS otherwise they get banned for progressing too fast. Perhaps a more traditional script would work better for your use-case so I recommend this refund be approved.
      1 point
    19. rsrose


      My bad ! - makes sense! I read it as the Mule distributes the current GP it has to the Slaves, didn't realize the slaves send all back to then split it back evenly. Thank you so much!
      1 point
    20. Thank you! Found out my problem was too much food. Melee with prayer flicking works great. Only problem I have at first is it gets stuck on picking private instance but then after I manually do that, everything else is fine.
      1 point
    21. It's intended, also script should miss most of the time due to splashing but it's good, higher XP/h. Windstrike only gets about 7KXP/H (IIRC) The loot option is only to look less bot like.
      1 point
    22. tree runs would be huge gang thank you for the wonderful script! will be purchasing lifetime once this monthly expires
      1 point
    23. OK I've ran this A LOT over the last 24 hours and here's what I have found to be the best setup: Some other things to note: - It sometimes needs help to get started by pausing the script and running to the sewers yourself. - It sometimes gets stuck on withdrawing the combat potion but again just pause and give it a help (this seems to only be at the start not when restocking). - If you find you don't need to eat as much take less food as the script needs inventory space for loot otherwise it will tab to Varrock and get stuck. - Annoyingly picks up arrows even with AVAs equipped. I would recommend baby sitting the script for a while just to be sure it does the restock etc. properly, but I've stopped and started it multiple times with well over 100 KC on it now and it restocks just fine for me. I'm confident now when I get it running that I can leave it. EDIT: Seems to work 100% of the time with no help needed when I start on the very centre tile of Varrock East Bank (one tile away from the bank booth).
      1 point
    24. I got it working again, it's a bit finnicky but just mess around with it. The main points I have found are: make sure all the options are filled in and spell everything right, I used the guide on page one to do this. Secondly, always start at the bank, it wants to bank and get all the supplies by itself off the bat. I did get stuck at the bank but pausing the script and starting to run towards the sewers then playing it again fixed this. Currently killing with no issues and getting ~90k xp per hour with 70 range and bone shortbow. EDIT: An option to stop it looting arrows would be nice.
      1 point
    25. I'd recommend making this a few $ per month. Gives you an incentive to keep it updates and still keeps its affordable for people :)
      1 point
    26. abnormal99

      [FREE][DB3] BH Mining

      If you use it for too long, currently a maximum of 4 hours is recommended, although it is still risky. Surely it would be every 2 hours to rest or do other natural tasks
      1 point
    27. Phoenix Ash Looter What does it do? - Walks to the Grand Exchange. - Loots ashes on the ground. - Sells at 150 ashes and repeats. - Once 100k is reached, the script stops. - Replaces the need to transfer starter GP. If you encounter any issues in regards to the scripts' functionality, please feel free to create a thread in the bug-reports section on my discord: https://discord.gg/evE9AMvpSm
      1 point
    28. got banned after 8 hours of mining, is there an antiban system? or is it because i used it for too long at a time ?
      1 point
    29. Hello, I'm uploading this repeat style topic to hopefully show people an easier way to get up and running with Eclipse. So lets get started! First follow, https://dreambot.org/guides/scripter-guide/script-dev/installing-jdk/ and download a .zip of w/e version you want. I use 21 LTS Eclipse Temurin also grab the same version of the jre. Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from https://www.eclipse.org/ It comes in a zip format so extract it and put it where you want. Open it up and configure where you want the workspace to be, "This is where your projects will save to." Once it is open select new Java Project. This will Appear! First lets Configure JRE to our downloaded and extracted JDK folder, "I normally put this in the workspace where my projects are saved but not inside my project." Now make sure that Use default JRE is selected. Click Next! Now this will appear. Click Libraries, Click Modulepath, and then click Add External Jars. Now this will appear. Nav yourself to the default installed path after running the DBLauncher and letting it update. Select the clinet.jar and click OK Now click finish. Your all set to now follow this guide, except we are going to be using Eclipse to export our Script. https://dreambot.org/guides/scripter-guide/script-dev/running-first-script/ So nav yourself to your Package editor, and right click. Now select Export. This will appear. Expand the Java option with a folder by click the arrow. Highlight JAR file and click next. This will appear now. Expand your project name, and make sure default package is selected. in the pane to the right of it make sure .classpath and .project is selected. Browse to your scripts folder and name your .jar it should default to your projects name. Then click OK, and then Finish. This will appear now. "Not on your first export!!" Click Yes The last appear I swear XD. Click OK. Congrats check you DreamBot scripts folder to make sure it exported. Fire up DreamBot through the Jagex launcher with your patched in DreamBot on either clinet. NOTE if you patch runelite it comes with a stand alone jre @ 1.8, which gives you a miss match jre error! In this case follow this to solve it. Happy Botting!!! Up vote it and I'll make a video. I''ll get around to cleaning it up and making it more professional looking.
      1 point
    30. ezbot

      BH Canifis Rooftops

      1 point
    31. Possible Solution. This has worked for multiple people I've helped. If you are having this issue, make sure you are loading dreambot from DBLauncher.jar (the .jar file) and then clicking the patch button to unpatch runelite from dreambot, rather than clicking runelite and when dreambot opens then you attempt to unpatch in Layman's terms this will fail because you have used runelite to access dreambot. Otherwise if this does not work Find the file location of runelite, make sure this is the true origin file for runelite, when you right click it - it should not say "open file location", once you are in the folder with runelite you can drag runelite out onto your desktop, make sure to keep this folder open in file explorer, then start the dreambot launcher from the jar file DBLauncher.jar and unpatch from runelite, it should unpatch and then you can place the runelite file back into the folder it was removed from.
      1 point
    32. this script is not working. it gets stuck after starting and cycles between opening my bank and closing my bank. please advise
      1 point
    33. Would be nice to add getting barrow gloves, d defender, rogue outfit, firecape, gem bag, imbue jewelery, getting god capes etc etc
      1 point
    34. That's actually disgusting. Congratulations to beating everyone 😹
      1 point
    35. Hey, Possible to add M1D1 of some sorts? Mine one, drop one - When powermining? Also a random, M2D1 -> M1D2. And stop the camera going crazy between each mine... It drags the camera around zooming in and out like crazy. May be some overkill anti-ban feature.
      1 point
    36. works perfectly fine but i find it wastes alot of clicking time by rotating screen for no reason in p2p mining guild and only ends up mining 2 iron rocks instead of 3
      1 point
    37. Currently not. I'd like to implement those when I get a chance, though!
      1 point
    38. bout to be #1 script on dreambot Huge congrats are in order.
      1 point
    39. slackernz

      Simple Plank Maker

      can you do it for woodcutting guild plz?
      1 point
    40. prechcik

      [FREE][DB3] BH Mining

      Thanks for reporting the issue! I'll take a look at it and will try to fix it asap
      1 point
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