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  • raha87

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    raha87 last won the day on September 28 2023

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    1. pleas any help icant patch runelite into launcher
    2. and if i try manualy locate it then idond found directory
    3. https://ibb.co/WsPKPJ5 i uploaded picture here
    4. how to fix this i have tryed reinstall and restartes pc reinstalled java allso i use ubuntu 18
    5. getting banned after used this script.work well but not safe😢
    6. never had problem whit dreambot,and i have many acc were is more than 500m+
    7. hi,dosent work on macos ventura,same problem like earliel maos was,hope u can fix it
    8. too many missclicks and kinda slow but work,u would speed it up ,would cool
    9. hi ,it missclick sometimes and then wait 1min or so and trys again,cleaning herbs,other wise cool script
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