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  • GoldenGates

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    GoldenGates last won the day on March 6 2022

    GoldenGates had the most liked content!

    About GoldenGates

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    1. gtfo scrub

      1. GoldenGates


        ok sorry not sorry

    2. Hi, I'm GoldenGates LELELE

    3. Hi, I'm iJabba LELELE

    4. Hey, i kind of need the money back.. if you got them please send me :)

      1. GoldenGates


        ofuk, totally forgot. .-. told you to remind me.


        PM me your paypal again?

    5. I guess if you put it that way it makes sense, but the way you presented the tutorial wasn't the best. A small overview would've helped as well rather than posting the code right off the bat. :/
    6. Well my second point was really long and critical so I removed it. I just don't like the fact you posted code and explained it to them. I think Java tutorials should be done separately as a pre-requisite from scripting always.
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