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  • ubberman

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    Everything posted by ubberman

    1. 100%, doesn't even have to support junk items, just do bars and basic molds to start
    2. Doesn't smelt glass? Also just witnessed it loop indefinitely opening attack and strength skills thinking it was clicking on a glassblowing pipe and molten glass, surprised this is a paid script out for over a year lmao
    3. 100% guaranteed ban with this. Screws up many clues and loops indefinitely
    4. Probably didn't retrieve it time after a kill or a d/c during a kill, came back to script standing in center of area falconless
    5. Where is the quality control on this website? This script needs removed
    6. Seems to stand there if it loses a falcon, also doesn't move to dark kebbits at 57?
    7. Am I missing where a $20 script doesn't have an ironman option? Bot just tries to run to GE, lol what an overpriced sack
    8. It's ok, around 75k an hour, can get double that playing regular. Seems better off for ironman to fish and just use regular cooking, since you'll have the food. slow on world switch. Also seems to love grabbing and putting back knives.
    9. This script needs removed, not updated, better ones out there for reasons above Cake issue Can't change brazier "Smart" fletch causes you to cap at 500~ points and rarely go above unless you configure the bot weird Literally stands at brazier if heal option isn't selected - Obvious bot behavior Rarely clicks fast enough to light brazier Pretty much never clicks fast enough to repair Starts in the middle of arena, missing extremely easy points at the start If you have clan wars selected without a ring bot goes fucking crazy and guaranteed to get banned Avoid this
    10. Damn just did Sea Slug Monday morning, Took a long time at start of black knight fortress to get out castle and went some fancy routes, but did eventually make it. Didn't get to try sheep shearer after bug fix, it would click on other side of house and get lost on way to loom - I am assuming these were the fixes Ran lost tribe and dorgeshuun no problem, on ironman if items are supplied it runs fine
    11. Doesn't get min points every game, when it doesn't it doesn't stop at min points, continues to waste swamp paste Constantly tries to stand in center lane and doesn't make it to paste in time, have to manually intervene or bot won't hit 50 Needs fixed to always stand in corner spot and an option to stop using paste and to either chop or bail when minimum is reached You also can't set it to only bail as sometimes players are so good water never gets in. for $5 i'd rather buy a beer that works
    12. Just want to say everything working great, am iron man account and as long as I start with all items it has completed quest, have not tested lost tribe or dorgeshuun, will do tonight/tomorrow, what is donation email
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