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  • wettofu

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    wettofu last won the day on May 9 2022

    wettofu had the most liked content!


    About wettofu

    • Birthday 09/01/2004

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    • Interests
      cute girls

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    1. Thank you, I'll take a look at it
    2. hell yea, but I thought your primary was being high very epic things indeed, I hope you and doggo get better soon
    3. Well, it's been quite the while since I last logged onto runescape. I guess since now my script is broken, I will pull the plug for good.
    4. Sorry for late response, I'll check on that soon I will make sure to up the prices and fix that sheep shearer bug
    5. Hmm, are you turning on queue, running any skills, or not using the queue system for quests at all
    6. Fixed, will push for update later today
    7. I never understand anyone who encounters this error, how much gp is in your inventory and what specific quest so maybe I can try to replicate the problem
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