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    1. Buy lifetime today for only $49.99! There's also a monthly version available for $14.99/mo! Pandemic's Automator (BETA) Save time by automating your entire botting workflow today! Join the Discord Guides, tips, and more can all be found in our Discord. Hundreds of Actions Powered by the same powerful scripting engine as Pandemic's Script Creator, Pandemic's Automator lets you automate almost anything you may need: Restocking/Loadouts (from the bank and the G.E. if necessary, automated decanting included!) Selling items on the G.E. Muling Bonding Changing Accounts Starting and Stopping DreamBot Scripts Walking World Hopping Changing Game Settings and much more! Buy Pandemic's Script Creator to Unlock More! If you own both Pandemic's Script Creator and Pandemic's Automator, you get to access ALL actions when you use either. This means you can use the Automator's Muling and Restocking actions inside of your Pandemic's Script Creator Scripts or use any PSC action in your Automations! QuickStart Support You can easily save and QuickStart your Automations by simply passing the path to the Automation: Advanced users can also pass in variables to be used in their Automations: In Editor Action Search Forgot where that action was in the menus, or just more of a keyboard power user? There's no longer a need to look through many levels of menus with the in editor Action Search (Shift+Shift):
      1 point
    2. Pandemic's Mule An easy to use mule script that works with Pandemic's Automator and Pandemic's Script Creator. Join the Discord Features Easy to use Securely supports external connections with encrypted requests Start it at any bank (or we'll walk to the nearest one when started) Supports both normal muling and reverse muling of GP QuickStart Support You can start the mule using QuickStart by providing the port to listen on as the only script arg:
      1 point
    3. 1 point
    4. I almost bought a real mule but then I saw this was released to the SDN and had a sigh of relief.
      1 point
    5. i'll be interested in buying it if you get it to work
      1 point
    6. P2P Master AI has been updated and is now live on the SDN! It's currently at v1.161 and is available in the client! Changes:Added coal bagIncreased mouse speedImproved skipping in bankSlightly tightened crabs timerImproved quest weightsImproved prefer slayer settingPrevented a script stop for pvm noobsMisc fixesUpdate dreambot to fix earth warriorsImproved pet detectionReset and clarified overtraining setting Time since request was made: 11 minutes, 17 seconds Thanks!
      1 point
    7. Amazing thanks @thanksss!! For next update I will check which other staffs are usually used by players so I can add them to the list 😄😄
      1 point
    8. I'm working towards getting my accounts there to see if I can create a bot for it.
      1 point
    9. Hey, I'm sorry to hear about the ban. However, bans can be a result of many things, and they usually are not immediate. They might've caught you before botting something else, but delayed the ban to make you not know what the cause of the ban is. Despite that, it's unfortunate that you got banned. The same applies to script swaps.
      1 point
    10. I'm not gonna pretend to be an expert at all, it just seems super strange that it clicks on the wrong side of the deposit box every time. The deposit box and hopper where you take the ore out are in range of each other and would be much more fluid if it was a single click i think. Again, not an expert but just a suggestion. Seems suspicious making those multiple clicks every single time.
      1 point
    11. everytime it it goes to the deposit box it clicks to the north of it and its clear as day that its a bot. anyway that can be fixed?
      1 point
    12. For any future readers @Override public void onPaint(Graphics g) { Widget dialogueBox = Widgets.getWidget(162); WidgetChild chatBox = dialogueBox.getChild(558); g.setColor(Color.red); g.fill3DRect(chatBox.getX(), chatBox.getY(), chatBox.getWidth(), chatBox.getHeight(),false); } Thanks to: @xyz111
      1 point
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