All discussion, feedback and complaint can also be had in my Discord:
KiwiScripts Discord
Dynamic combat & Progressive Combat
Selects targets you have previously discovered
Fatigue system - Pick a new NPC location after a random time as the script desires.
Avoids getting stuck at the same place for too long.
EVERY task has FULL Restocking & Banking support
All F2P Skills included
The Restless Ghost
Imp Catcher
X Marks The Spot
Rune Mysteries
Dorics Quest
KiwiMule - Fully supported for GP Transfers - Script is available: KiwiMule
UI as of version 1.10 BETA
The UI is entirely made in the Paint thread given some restrictions in how PSC works.
What is Budget Mode?
Budget Mode is like a simplified Ironman mode. It helps you spend less GP, slows down XP/hr, and makes you more self-sufficient by avoiding the Grand Exchange as much as possible (only for essentials like tools or bait).
🧑🏫 Example:
Smithing Iron Platebodies, but you run out of Iron Bars.
You switch to Smithing Iron Bars.
If you run out of Iron Ore, it triggers a task to mine more Iron Ore.
Firemaking, if you run out of logs, Budget Mode will switch to Woodcutting to gather more logs.
The examples keep going, and will apply for most of these tasks. It's not entirely perfect but it will ensure you spending much much less GP