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  • Kiwiszn

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    Kiwiszn last won the day on October 23 2024

    Kiwiszn had the most liked content!


    About Kiwiszn


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    1. Trial has been reset as per our discord discussion. Enjoy
    2. User has been granted a week of "trial" time once his sub runs out. Which should cover any lost time encountering game breaking bugs
    3. I just pushed an update that fixes a lot of stucks. Message me if you want a bit more of a extension to your Trial run. Thank you for your feedback & patience Also feel free to join the Discord to complain about issues you may have.
    4. Thanks, its indeed made with PSC The banrates are no different from normal F2P(my script does not have a magic bullet). At the moment I dont have much in terms of P2P tasks, but you can run f2p tasks while bonded I suppose. Thats been better for me
    5. All discussion, feedback and complaint can also be had in my Discord: KiwiScripts Discord Features: Dynamic combat & Progressive Combat Selects targets you have previously discovered Fatigue system - Pick a new NPC location after a random time as the script desires. Avoids getting stuck at the same place for too long. Restocking EVERY task has FULL Restocking & Banking support Skilling All F2P Skills included Quests: F2P: The Restless Ghost Imp Catcher X Marks The Spot Rune Mysteries Dorics Quest Muling KiwiMule - Fully supported for GP Transfers - Script is available: KiwiMule UI as of version 1.10 BETA The UI is entirely made in the Paint thread given some restrictions in how PSC works. What is Budget Mode? Budget Mode is like a simplified Ironman mode. It helps you spend less GP, slows down XP/hr, and makes you more self-sufficient by avoiding the Grand Exchange as much as possible (only for essentials like tools or bait). 🧑‍🏫 Example: Smithing Iron Platebodies, but you run out of Iron Bars. You switch to Smithing Iron Bars. If you run out of Iron Ore, it triggers a task to mine more Iron Ore. Firemaking, if you run out of logs, Budget Mode will switch to Woodcutting to gather more logs. The examples keep going, and will apply for most of these tasks. It's not entirely perfect but it will ensure you spending much much less GP
    6. Introducing: A revolution in muling, a completely free script that will perform magical actions such as: Communicating with KiwiScripts instances Trading GP to KiwiScripts instances Coming soon: Buying & trading items! Why you might ask? Because you need GP and This will do it Whats good: The script will create a default profile on first launch If you want to use a different profile or listen to a different port open the folder in your DB Scripts /KiwiMule/mule_config.json It may look something like this. Either edit the "Port", "Name" or add a new entry. A new entry should follow the same format as the other profiles. Quickstart: -params muleconfig Default
    7. This is an old post, but the Dreambot walker now handles all of stronghold btw
    8. I almost bought a real mule but then I saw this was released to the SDN and had a sigh of relief.
    9. I'll try to address this and push an update soon
    10. That's actually disgusting. Congratulations to beating everyone 😹
    11. What a baller
    12. Cooks fish in F2P up until Jug of Wines for optimal experience to cost. Currently cooks: Raw shrimps Salmon Jug of wine Comes with GE support Banking & Restocking On script launch there will be a 50% chance to pick between Falador & AlKharid cooking ranges when neccessary Does not support: Muling Support if started in a members area World hopping
    13. this is tite af, buzzin buzzin fr fr on god not even cappin
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