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    1. Buy lifetime today for only $49.99! There's also a monthly version available for $14.99/mo! Pandemic's Automator (BETA) Save time by automating your entire botting workflow today! Join the Discord Guides, tips, and more can all be found in our Discord. Hundreds of Actions Powered by the same powerful scripting engine as Pandemic's Script Creator, Pandemic's Automator lets you automate almost anything you may need: Restocking/Loadouts (from the bank and the G.E. if necessary) Selling items on the G.E. Muling Bonding Changing Accounts Starting and Stopping DreamBot Scripts Walking World Hopping Changing Game Settings and much more! Buy Pandemic's Script Creator to Unlock More! If you own both Pandemic's Script Creator and Pandemic's Automator, you get to access ALL actions when you use either. This means you can use the Automator's Muling and Restocking actions inside of your Pandemic's Script Creator Scripts or use any PSC action in your Automations! QuickStart Support You can easily save and QuickStart your Automations by simply passing the path to the Automation: Advanced users can also pass in variables to be used in their Automations: In Editor Action Search Forgot where that action was in the menus, or just more of a keyboard power user? There's no longer a need to look through many levels of menus with the in editor Action Search (Shift+Shift):
      4 points
    2. KC Fighter Fights stuff and banks shit. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/7EEAj6wGPy Banking only supported on locations that are reachable! Start the script on the tile you want to walk back to after banking. Switches combat styles. IMPORTANT: When filling in multiple items, make sure to write them down like this: Rune kiteshield,Rune full helm,Rune platebody No SPACE after the , !! Will squish this bug tomorrow. Current functions: - Fights everything you fill in. - Task based system that allows you to preconfigure tasks so that the bot will switch combat styles when reaching certain levels. - Loots what you want it to loot. - Alchs what you want it to alch. - Banking when out of food/ppots or when your inventory is full. - 1 Tick prayer flicking support. - Normal prayer, tick prayer, or no prayer. Upcoming functions: Let me know if you have suggestions please. - Cannon support. - Prayer restoring at home altar/monestry with ardy cape. - Paint. - ????? GUI: Task based system:
      2 points
    3. ⪼ JOIN OUR DISCORD ⪻ ⪼ LINK TO STORE PRODUCT ⪻ Key Features G ANTI-PK RESTOCKING INTEGRATED MULING & REVERSE MULING ALCHING INFINITE PRAYER ONE TICK FLICKING DYNAMIC GEARING ALL STYLES SUPPORTED Requirements ENOUGH GOLD TO BUY SUPPLIES, UNLESS YOU HAVE REVERSE MULING SET UP 37 PRAYER Recommended Base 30s of combat style used ADDITIONAL FEATURES Extremely customizable and Easy-To-Use Auto-creation of default settings file with GUI QUICK START capable with settings file names - able to edit all available settings Easy-to-use SAVE/LOAD buttons on GUI to set up individual settings MULE SUPPORT Make sure you're running GMuling at the same time on the same PC The username of the mule must be entered correctly in the script GUI/settings - case insensitive Port parameter is optional and should only be used if you experience port conflicts This script will walk to the mule's location, so make sure it's in a safe and reachable position INSTRUCTIONS Can easily be run through both QUICK START and NORMAL START button { QUICK START } For custom settings, add -params yourfile.json to your quickstart file For default settings, add -params default to your quickstart file Example (Windows): java -Xmx1024M -jar %userprofile%\Dreambot\BotData\client.jar -world members -script GZombiePirates -accountUser [email protected] -accountPass password -params default { NORMAL START } Just click the START button and the GUI will pop up with the default settings. There's a drop-down to load any custom files you created. When you're ready just click START!
      1 point
    4. hilarion4

      @GE Tanning Leather

      @GE TANNING LEATHER Welcome to my very first script. Tans Leather at G.E Supports Green, Blue, Red and Black hides. Profit Tip at GUI. Afk anti-ban, skill hover, camera position. Money per hour: 1m+ Supports Rune pouch. Stops when out of runes. Stops when out of hides.
      1 point
    5. prechcik

      [FREE] BH Fishing

      BotHeaven Fishing Features - ZenAntiBan with modifications - Windmouse - Banking & Dropping - Profit tracker with live GE prices - Minimalistic Paint Changelog 1.0 Initial release 2.02 Rework of whole script - Introduced task system - Script no longer requires You to setup the area, those are predefined - Added support for more tools 2.05 Added barbarian fishing at Barbarian Outpost (requires Barbarian Rod in bank) Small fixes to the antiban Introduced script logging - details below 2.06 Added a customizable drop filter to avoid dropping necessary items - bot should not drop any of the fishing tools and will not drop any items from the list. Script Logging Feature that collects script's statistics - such as collected fish, script runtime and experience gained. The script only takes a hashed forum name as an identifier of user - it does not take any account credentials such as username or in-game nickname. It's whole purpose is to collect detailed script data. You can opt out of sending the data by unticking checkbox in GUI.
      1 point
    6. No issue! If you come across a bug please let me know in our Discord channel.
      1 point
    7. Pandemic

      DreamBot 3.25.4

      Hello everyone! A new version of DreamBot is now live! Changes: Added Mouse#getTileOnCursor Browser will also cleanup after 3 minutes if a script is already started (or never started) Added a few debug logs for no click walk and walkExact Always remember, to be on the latest version of our client you must run DBLauncher.jar! The client does NOT update itself! Thanks, The Dream Team
      1 point
    8. Fyi: It was on catherby. And another info. It seems, this appears because the camera was max. zoomed in and he cannot find the bank shelter.
      1 point
    9. Pandemic

      Refund PSC

      Refunded that to credit. If you have any more specific feedback I'd love to hear it, feel free to PM if you want to. Thanks!
      1 point
    10. Hey should be on the first post in this thread https://discord.com/invite/4UEdHfzv
      1 point
    11. 8 day streak 99 agility achieved, solid bot 10/10 would recommend
      1 point
    12. Where you at bro ? Looks like people are in need of you. Hope everything is all good your end
      1 point
    13. humblePhlipper has been updated and is now live on the SDN! It's currently at v2.73 and is available in the client! Changes:v2.73New `cancelPartialBids` param (Boolean, default true)New `neverSellAtLoss` param (Boolean, default false)Retired `numToSelect` param Time since request was made: 32 minutes, 52 seconds Thanks!
      1 point
    14. No etas, but you can vote on these features in the Discord below. The script is a hobby project and stuff gets added whenever I feel like, but most of what you say I hope to add at some point. At the moment I'm looking at adding Fight Caves.
      1 point
    15. KCBot

      Why bot?

      Because it's fun IMO. Seeing your programming come to live through runescape is amazing.
      1 point
    16. I'll add that as an option to the Buy item action I'm glad to hear you're enjoying PSC!
      1 point
    17. No ardy knights because they are crawling with real human players, who can mess it up. The bot prefers to be lazy rather than click-intensive as it's safer. Some related things will be fixed tonight.
      1 point
    18. cant report a bug if the script wont start and the client wont let you click on anything when u click start it freezes on loading resources and u cant click on anything because of the mouse and keyboard lock in the client ive had it 1 day and its broke already lmfao other scripts are working fine
      0 points
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