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  • Vibe Check

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    1. Could you have it bring antipoison/food for tribal totem? Just wanna throw this out there cause my HC Ironman i happened to catch at 16hp and poisoned in jungle. I had to log about 60 times to get to a bank to eat to keep resetting poison.
    2. For ironman questing, when its gathering items needed is there anyway to have it proactively pull out all the runes for all teleports it plans on casting? Noticing it likes to pull out 1 cast then castle wars teleport then grab more runes for next teleport.
    3. i know the xp/h is quite bad, but does anyone know if any mining scripts support it?
    4. not sure if I over looked it but an option to designate a skill for lamp rewards from quests?
    5. running trial as I type this..script is very much appreciated and i plan to upgrade after trial ends. Dynamic Mage setup is huge for me. Nice work
    6. I had an account sitting and after going thru my options I went with this script. You can just hit start and let it go, but to greatly improve your trips and minimize deaths allow +1 stamina potion, invest in blood fury, and set chin limit to 75 and require 75 chins to fight again, this way you'll bank and not teleport halfway thru a 2nd fight. Once I had that down this became a Phenomenal script, just got to be patient with this one.
    7. How difficult would it be to have a script mine Daeyalt essence to a desired amount or use banked essence. Support lunars, pray+altar, eating, stams/ferox, and pouch to dump essence into ourania altar for 155% xp
    8. Maxed my bank out, letting it work its magic. Price wise, straightforward no thrills/custom tabs I'm okay with the price. If I could play around with more item varieties (ie magic gear, range gear, degradable) I wouldn't mind paying $12-15. It does what it says it does though so nice job and thanks for the script!
    9. Trial. Why does it pull half my bank out and sell it to GE? So it pulled about 12-15 stacks of items from my bank, even though there was a gold stack and sold it to buy mantas and chins.
    10. NMZ - using same setup i always use. It just goes in now and stands still, dies then goes again and repeats. Log just states starting new dream...burnt through 600k in like 20 mins lol
    11. Sub Quester is just blasting thru quests for  me that I've done so many countless times over the years. Thank you.

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