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  • z10n

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    Everything posted by z10n

    1. Thanks, I also think the mouse behaivor needs some more humanization, I primarily think the mouse should afk randomly while in motion, and move slightly after clicking, which simulates human hand moving 1/5th an inch after clicking. And, while dropping logs/fish, the mouse should pause, to emulate a human hand needing to rest and stretch, and then resume. Most humans don't drop 28 fish consistantly without re-adjusting their hand or swinging the mouse around. Try to make your mouse copy a human more, please.
    2. z10n

      When is your AIO Skiller coming out and will it have human mouse?



      Honestly, I think you should provide your human mouse code to the Dreambot development team, the Dreambot would be improved with an optional human mouse using your Code. The Human Mouse could be a VIP feature, which increases VIP subscriptions in addition to Covert Mode, and then you can easily be paid from the increased subscriptions.


      Your human mouse data would substantionally increase the success of dreambots mouse humanization.


      1. SubCZ


        The AIO Account Builder is under review and should be released tonight depending on how busy admins are.

        My mouse algorithm is included in all of my scripts, but I'll keep it that way for now. I don't think DreamBot has any interest in buying anyone's mouse algorithm at the moment.

      2. z10n


        I think your mouse algo is good enough to be included in the main client based upon my experience using the quest bot. Please consider providing the code to the Dreambot admins, we need a Human Mouse.

    3. the bot accidentally uses a fish , then may or may not click to de-select the fish, then goes to finish dropping the fish, and freezes, with the mouse hovering over a fish or log to drop.
    4. Just want to add, I've been successfully powerfishing at Barbarian Village, script working perfectly.
    5. Did the second account which got banned also experience the bug? Did the Bug/glitch cause the ban or was the ban a simple behaivoral detection of the script working perfectly?
    6. Instead of using the script Resart button, use the 'Stop' then 'Start' buttons. Restart client and try again.
    7. Anti-Ban Improvement, several/multiple paths to reset crab aggro reset aggro using a few different paths for each spot. For example, in one spot, run North 20 tiles, sometimes run East 20 tiles, etc just to add variation to the script.
    8. Just bought AIO Skilling, every script works great and the bots have a great anti-patterning and mouse behaivors, very satisfied and would have easily paid double for this script bundle. =) 10/10
    9. Great scripts, one of the best scripters on Dreambot. Scripts just need Human Mouse and your scripts would be even better, perhaps ask 'SubCZ' for his Human Mouse programmatical code. @SubCZ

    10. Compare the behaivor of your script to Hashtags scripts, or any other good script. Zawy script = Clicks the tree, then the mouse doesnt move at all until it needs to click a new tree. Human palyer = Clicks tree, then moves the mouse off screen, or even just a few inches, or pixels, or rotates the camera or something. its actually hard, and I tried, to click and then not move the mouse after, the mouse/hand shifts, It's hard for me, as a human, to re-create the playstyle of your bot. because my hand moves around, the mouse moves, the bot, clicks and then is perfectly still, thats totally actually hard for humans to even do with a standard 2 button mouse, and is therefore botlike. Does the Anti-pattern work at all? What does it do? Human Mouse setting won't save/enable, so I assume human mouse doesnt work. Please fix it.
    11. z10n

      Hi SubCZ, I'd really like to buy or use a Woodcutting script from you, I think your one of the best coders on Dreambot.  is your AIO Script coming out soon?



      1. SubCZ


        There was a slight delay but my AIO account builder will be released this weekend. You can use it for woodcutting

      2. z10n


        human mouse enabled by default? :^)

    12. z10n

      Your quest bot spam clicks the minimap, its super bot like to spam click the minimap over 5 hours. Most humans click and wait, please humanize your quester bots map clicking.

    13. Hm well, if you used a truely human mouse emulation, I'd pay extra for it and it would be more human like and therefore less detectable by jagex as a bot.
    14. Please humanize the drop pattern, its currently overly-fast, humans will shift their hand and mouse, will have delays, the dropping rate is to consistant to be human. Its functionally perfect, but we AI's have to look like humans to Jagex. Also, does 'Move mouse randomly' actually work? I see the mouse go off-screen when enabled, but I dont see the mouse move randomly I think.
    15. Please fix Human Mouse here is a video of the bug: *Uploaded to remote site, too big to attach directly into Dreambot, 1.2mb .mp4 video file: https://sendvid.com/xqvfhchb Also, this bot, and probably others in the selection screen, should have more humanization, currently, the bots just click the resource, wait, and then drop or bank, there should be mouse randomly moving offscreen, mouse moving after clicking the resource, random screen rotations of random amount of rotation, etc. thanks. To be honest, this script is functionally perfect, everything works. But its super bot like. A real human player, clicks a tree, then their mouse moves with their hand, or they move the mouse offscreen. This bot clicks a tree, then doesnt move a single pixel until it needs to either click a new tree, or drop the logs. I never see humans click and freeze and wait like this bot does. HUmans click, then move their mouse around a bit, sometimes just a little, often off-screen. Please, emulate human players.
    16. When I click 'Mouse Settings", Enable Human Mouse, then Save, I go back and look again, and its not ticked, so it appears the HUman Mouse isnt enabled. Please fix human mouse option, or enable human mouse by default.
    17. z10n

      Hi, please PM me more information about the HUman MOuse in the Dreamy AIO.

    18. Do you have any plans to impliment a human mouse system into your bots? HUman mouse is a great feature.
    19. You should ensure they are all using the latest and greatest versions.
    20. A HUman mouse can be made, simply record thousands of human mouse splines, then modify the spline slightly to randomize it.
    21. Working good for custom willow powerchopping. One of the better free scripts =) Dropping log speed is a bit too fast in my opinion, but is reliable.
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