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  • metalloy

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    Everything posted by metalloy

    1. the last account banned has over 40 hours playtime almost entirely botted with this script exclusively and roughly 600 total level, my ip is good and i only ever botted for a few hours at a time. this account has been running this script for weeks. ive made a few new accounts and tried and they always get banned in a few hours but this old account stayed safe until today. some get lucky i guess but i cant keep an account alive with this anymore sadly.
    2. bans after a couple hours. unfortunately it looks like jagex is onto this. was fun while it lasted.
    3. found an issue, it wont equip my rune platebody or rune plate skirt. i dont think it supports skirts at all and honestly it should be changed to prefer skirts (same state but they weigh less so they are better). i get you probably didnt account for dragonslayer being completed but would be awesome to at least have an option for skirts and platebodies/green d'hide bodies for weird people like me who went and did dragon slayer lol.
    4. could you possibly make it check a bank if theres one on the way or its started near a bank. a little annoying how it will go find things that are a click away when it starts.
    5. doesnt work. trying to bury big bones at castle wars. it opens bank chest and freezes. bones in bank inventory empty. inventory full of bones neither work.
    6. metalloy

      Mogy Holy Prayer

      DO NOT USE THIS!!! the chat bot cannot be turned off and straight up advertises botting. this script will get you banned. stay away. should be removed from the sdn.
    7. during the trial had several bugs. first it went to ge with cash stack made no attempt to buy anything then logged. second attempt it bought what it needed and worked alright for a bit but it prince ali rescue is bugged, it looks endlessly for osman at the jail when the key imprint is made. then when i stopped the script to finish manually it would not release control of inputs. it kept walking around clicking things and changing the camera all over. had to restart client to fix.
    8. YES more quests. would love to get rune plate bodies and green d'hide bodies without having to manually quest so much lol.
    9. quick update, still no bans from this script. just hit 500 total level on one account. i did hand do some quests to get the current qp, would like to be able to wear rune so i need 32qp
    10. is there any way to up the quest point goal higher than 14? or is that the total qp of the quests you have in the script?
    11. still ban free here since the v.11 update primarily botting 2 accounts both are well over 20 hours play time. all my accounts used sexy tut island, no vpn or proxy, i only run the bot a max of 6-7 hours a day normally closer to 4. this script is amazing.
    12. this script does not work for me. fails before setting even pop up. Edit: Im an idiot, you cant cook cooked food.
    13. since v.11 i have had zero issues. ive been being very safe and only running the bot for 6sih hours max per day, but not every day. i run it pretty human like and its keeping me ban free. i dont make any money off RS so for me its just a little gold farming for my main, nothing much. but this is doing amazing leveling the alts and if i keep going ban free its pretty tempting to run my main because the grind is so boring by hand and this is pretty efficient imo. i sincerely thank you Aeglen for letting us use this for free for the month, i will certainly miss it when the pay wall comes.
    14. over 20 hours on this guy. i do not run the script 24/7. i run it during hours im not actually sleeping or working and i havent ran it every day. at this point im just curious how long i can get it to last. i do love this script though, by far the best ive used so far.
    15. ive used your tut island script quite a few times no issues. might have flagged account that got banned later but ive never been banned while on the island still.
    16. 2 accounts i created yesterday, 100% botted, your tut island script then this one. since the latest update havent had much for issues. successfully gotten levels several levels in all stats the scrip supports. 240ish total level on both 12+ qp and sitting at 3 and a half hours current run time.
    17. accidents happen, my post came off a lot more bitchy than intended, you bot you risk a ban it comes with the territory. i just wanted to give you heads up on the issues. will definitely try it when it updates
    18. 4 accounts all banned within a couple hours 2 were months old 2 fresh. script bugs out all the time where quests will hang, walk bank and fourth from bank to a few clicks away change task and repeat seemingly forever unless manually restarted. doesnt have the ability to buy the items it needs it seems except for quests, when training combat it never grabbed a full set of armor just a chest or shield sometimes takes a pick over sword. throws an error right away usually. (edit questing is 100% broken now, scrip hangs when talking to npcs to start quest ) dont get me wrong this can be pretty good i think, but i wont use it unattended again because it goes into clearly a bot activities when it get confused.
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