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    Hi there, I'm a nooblet programmer from the .NET family struggling to make the switch from VB.NET to C#, believing it'll make it easier to when it comes to JavaScript, but it's not so I figured to sod the C Sharp melarky off for-now and pick up the Java books, so I can focus my other time on my VB.NET, Php & MySQL projects.

    I come here today, to begin my personal project thread, I figured this was the right place for it, but before I go on and talk about what I wish to do, I'd like to take the time to ask you all, if you could go back and do one thing different when it came to picking up JavaScript, what would it be and why?

    Also, any more fresh tips and pointers on the subject, or any questions about any of the following intentions, I'd be more than happy to hear from you!

    So, I've been working on a lot of my own tools as of late, and I'm getting pretty close to being able to fully-automate entirely independently, and one of the next steps is writing my own private scripts,, albeit, something I have picked up various times and put off far too long.

    But I get the general just of it, half of it is going to be working with the API library, the rest is probably RND.

    The kinds of scripts I will be looking at creating are seamless AIO's that can be bounced off of each other very nicely, allowing seamless transition when afk and offline from the remote server.

    X.Choppa, I want to code my own, to chop the way I like to do it, not like a bot. X.Miner, because even mining scripts are flawless, they have high ban rates so my own private script would be lovely. X.Thieving, a fully comprehensive risk-free Thieving, which bounces between doing farm runs and birdhouses. Thieving seeds in the down time and logged out during breaks or rest. 

    I have a lot of other ideas too, but quite frankly there are just much better options out there available, but once I find my feet I'll be making all kinds of quirky scripts.



    Hello, WElcome to our community!!! Relaly looking forward t o seeing what youj have to offer for all of us, im excited and will buy some if you get to that aio instances :3








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