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  • Still not working? Try downloading and running JarFix
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  • G Spindel [Just Click Start] [Easy Setup] [Anti-PK] [3-5M GP Per Hour] [QuickStart Supported]

    Nuclear Nezz

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    Extremely customizable and Easy-To-Use

    Auto-creation of default settings file with GUI

    QUICK START capable with settings file names - able to edit all available settings

    Easy-to-use SAVE/LOAD buttons on GUI to set up individual settings



    Make sure you're running GMuling at the same time on the same PC

    The username of the mule must be entered correctly in the script GUI/settings - case insensitive

    Port parameter is optional and should only be used if you experience port conflicts

    This script will walk to the mule's location, so make sure it's in a safe and reachable position






    Can easily be run through both QUICK START and NORMAL START button



    For custom settings, add -params yourfile.json to your quickstart file

    For default settings, add -params default to your quickstart file

    Example (Windows):

    java -Xmx768M -jar %userprofile%\Dreambot\BotData\client.jar -world members -script GSpindel -accountUser [email protected] -accountPass password -params default



    Just click the START button and the GUI will pop up with the default settings. There's a drop-down to load any custom files you created.

    When you're ready just click START!

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    GSpindel has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v1.2 and is available in the client!


    • - Looting bag added
    • - Potion decanting
    • - Better looting logic
    • - Improved anti-pk
    • - Paint update
    • - Added Web Baiting
    • - Added Optional darting for Spiderling's
    • - Improved fight logic


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    23 minutes ago, dabslabsz said:

    Types in the log in when hoping worlds it just lags out over and over for me when hoping 

    You're probably the one that PM'd me about this, and I think the general conclusion of that is that  your PC is just lagging out, not a lot we can do about a PC that can't handle running the script, unfortunately.

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