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  • Beta Access


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    Hello DreamBot,


    As you probably already know, we plan to be releasing the client soon in the form of a private beta, which will allow select scripters and users early access to the client. Once the client is deemed stable enough, we will then release to the public.


    We will open the beta to beta scripters first, to give them some time to test out the API and write some scripts. Once we feel the client it ready, it will be released to beta users.


    Beta Scripters


    In order to become a beta scripter, make a topic in the Staff Application section of the forums with the title (BETA SCRIPTER APPLICATION: NAME) (I got lazy, sorry. Didn't want to make another section). Your topic should follow the following format:


    What is your experience level in Java? [answer here]

    How many years have you done Java programming? [answer here]

    Have you scripted for other clients in the past, and if so which one? [answer here]

    If you have scripted for other clients, list the scripts you have released, and which clients.

    What other programming experience do you have (languages, projects, etc)

    If accepted, what category of scripts will you be willing to work on (list multiple here, in order of pref):


    Benefits of being a beta scripter


    As a beta scripter, you will receive early access to the client, the API, and the SDN. You will have a head start at scripting for DreamBot. If you release a script onto the SDN, it will transition into the official release and you will receive SDN Scripter rank on start.


    Responsibilities of a beta scripter


    Your responsibility will be to test API functions as you write your script, report broken functions, and assist in whatever way you can in helping us to fix the bugs.


    For example, if you call a function and it causes an error or produces unexpected results (ie you tell it to open the bank and it runs you into the wildy instead), this is a bug. You should report it to us, with screenshots and a stack trace where applicable.


    Requirements of beta scripting:


    All beta scripters should have knowledge of Java, be able to launch the client from command line/terminal (to get stack traces), and have some previous experience with scripting.


    Beta Users


    In order to become a beta user, make a topic in the Staff Application section of the forums with the title (BETA USER APPLICATION: NAME). Your post should follow the following format:


    What other clients have you used in the past?

    What programming experience do you have (have you been a scripter for another client, etc)? [answer here]

    How much do you plan to use the client? [answer here]

    Why should you get to become a beta user? [answer here]


    Benefits of being a beta user


    You get early access to the client and scripts, duh. Upon beta completion, you will receive 2 free weeks of VIP (that's unlimited tabs for 2 weeks!)


    Responsibilities of being a beta user


    You are expected to test all the features of the client, and report bugs and suggestions. You are expected to assist us in fixing bugs. You should try to post progress reports and give feedback to the scripters. You must tell everyone how awesome our bot is. If you end up just leeching, your access will be revoked.



    DreamBot Staff


    Sounds like a sweet deal, I'm looking forward to it.


    Awesome work devs, you guys never disappoint!


    I hope I get beta access so I can help ya'll out <3


    I would like beta plz :)


    I would like beta plz :)

    go post an app :P


    Sucks i am going on vacation or i would definitely apply.


    Do I have to apply for Beta SW? I'm lazy too. QQ


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