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    It's been awhile since I have been involved in the botting community. Recently, I connected to a VPN and attempt to create a new account to bot. Just to start, I installed DreamBot and manually got my account through tutorial island and started killing call to work on a few base stats. 

    Within 10 minutes of leaving tutorial island my account was banned, which is weird because I did not bot... but I was connected through the DreamBot client. Can Jagex detect your client? Any ideas why I would have gotten banned?

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    1) Jagex can tell if you are using a client that is not their own, but they CAN NOT tell that you are using Dreambot or any other bot client.  All they see is the fact is it not their client. 



    2 minutes ago, GSkynet said:

    I connected to a VPN and attempt to create a new account to bot

    This is exactly why you were banned.  How many other people probably connected and used that same VPN to make accounts?  Tutorial island is very finnicky and even using the standard OSRS client by hand on a shitty VPN can result in bans.  Proxies listed as 'residential' are generally needed but if they are overused they can also result in flagged accounts and fast bans.


    Its a lot of trail and error botting accounts from scratch, I wish you luck!

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    I don't want Jagex having my main ip, any workarounds? I don't really like the idea of relying on VPN's or proxies. I think I am going to spin up a Cloud Computing instance with a custom connection and unique IP. If they ban it I can always spin up a new VM.

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    I have experience building custom architecture designs in the Cloud and bringing the designs to life using Python3 (Lambda) backend development. I have a coding background and feel like I could contribute to the community. Do you guys have any guides on how to get started? I will read through the Java docs, but I will have to learn the language syntax because of my experience is with Python3.  

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    2 hours ago, GSkynet said:

    I don't want Jagex having my main ip, any workarounds? I don't really like the idea of relying on VPN's or proxies. I think I am going to spin up a Cloud Computing instance with a custom connection and unique IP. If they ban it I can always spin up a new VM.

    Data center IP's tend to give red flags

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    I have found similar results to you recently, Jagex got fed up with new account creation / abuse so they finally decided to try and detect new malicious accounts harder (past few months). So yes they have placed detection methods specifically targeting newly made accs, IMO when an acc completes tut they put it on a list to verify stringent parameters and automatically execute that list anywhere from few minutes to an hour after tut. If fails its ban.These are in addition to manual investigation checks. Personally I believe if you are wanting to manually play through tut island you should do it on your smartphone or on standard RuneLite (I have gotten success from fresh manually tutted RuneLite accs on VPN that I switch over to Dreambot to bot on same VPN)


    otherwise your only option to do tut on Dreambot without ban is real residential IPs, with only 1 account per IP every few hours or so.  It can be done on your home  IP because Jagex 99.99% of the time only bans accs that were actually botting, and so ur mains / alts that u play manually won't get banned. It can also be done programmatically to scale because there are paid providers for 5-10 minutes access per unique residential IP called Rotating Residential Proxy Pools, during this time you create acc / bot tutorial island, then logout and get new IP and repeat, then if those accs survive after few days resting (if the tut script is good most will) then you should be good to bot on any datacenter IP with much less banrate.

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    1 hour ago, Jackster22 said:

    20 seconds. That all it took for them to ban my smurf account...


    That's a lock, usually caused by using a proxy / different IP than during account creation, it's not client related.

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    I feel like everyone is slightly paranoid right now. Relax. There has always been bans with botting it depends how you do it. Residential IP's always been most reliable but non of them are 100% guaranteed for osrs as many are recycled. In regards to DreamBot, I havent noticed any difference personally when it comes to detection. Jagex has definitely cracked down on injection based clients but DB has only recently even started with that, and its not allowed in published scripts for the SDN rn anyways, so I wouldn't stress about bans. If you're banned its cause of something you did or previously did on a different account that caused a flag of your ip. Like yeeter said they CAN detect its not their client but its the same flag using runelite would give, which most real players use, so work more on your end and stress less that its DB giving you bans, which means its something YOU can fix and can control 

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