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  • fallacy87

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    1. Like
      fallacy87 got a reaction from Luxe in tick manip with knife & logs   
      IDK what otherAction is but the first thing I'd suggest is you might want to use a delay in between interacting. You can use a something like sleepUntil(()->Inventory().isItemSelected(), 300, 1) then sleepUntil(()->!Inventory().isItemSelected(), 300, 1). This might actually not matter but I like to do it after actions just in-case, so it doesn't miss any future actions.
      Next, setting up a timer with the game ticks is essential for tick manipulation. You can get that by Client.getGameTick().
      Next as you stated was delays, not only delays but mouse movement. Depending on mouse speed and how far the mouse is from its destination you can easily miss a tick. To avoid this, you could "hop" the mouse to the points that you need to ensure you hit the target on the exact tick you need. This would be  Mouse.hop(knife.getDestination().getCentralPoint()) then you can knife.interact("Use") or even just Mouse.click(). Your other option would be trying to place the mouse really close to where it has to click BEFORE the tick happens. Here, instead of Mouse.hop(targetPoint) you can use Mouse.move(targetPoint).
      I barely installed/started digging through the API this morning so it might be a little off, but the concept should be solid. I've made a 3 tick barb fisher and granite like 6 months ago on another API so if you have any more questions, I'd be more than happy to help.
    2. Like
      fallacy87 reacted to Pandemic in Quick "Disable rendering" button   
      Unfortunately it's not used quite enough to warrant an icon on the main bar, but you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+R to quickly turn it on/off
      You also can set it via QuickStart if that's how you're launching.
    3. Upvote
      fallacy87 got a reaction from Luxe in Efficiently Handling Smelting with AnimationListener in Dreambot   
      Technically you can run functions that always return false inside the lambda functions to run while it is sleeping. This could give you your desired results pretty easily.
      private boolean doAntiBanStuff(){ // enter the stuff you wanna do while the animation sleep is taking place and never return true return false; } Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> doAntiBanStuff() || !Players.getLocal().isAnimating(), 5000, 10);  
    4. Like
      fallacy87 got a reaction from HowdyScripts in [Free MoneyMaker] Ring of wealth charging   
      WARNING: this activity does have a higher ban rate than others. I use this type of money maker on a fresh account that I typically start at 10AM PST with members and run it for a day or two and mule over profit at 11 PM PST to avoid any loss of GP. Logic being that within that time frame I never get banned and I can easily make back the bond + some if it does get banned within the first day.
      Buys uncharged Ring of wealths off Grand Exchange and charges them at the Fountain of Rune. Sells them for the best price once it hits 108 + charged rings. Start the bot with about 5 mil GP (it should buy in increments of 108 then place a buy order for another and might be selling another 108 at the same time.). Make sure to have a house and have house teleport tabs in bank!
      Uses Player Houses for travel (world 330 house party). If you have an ALT account with a portal nexus or Annakarl portal add it to the accounts friends list and it will use that house instead of world 330 (unless of course that player is offline).
      This script is intended for new accounts (NOT MAINS) for an easy ~1m money maker per hour that could easily make a bond per day in case it gets banned. Again, do not use this script on any account you care about. Recommended to get 43 prayer to ensure survival when walking past demons near Annakarl portal or at least complete witches house quest to get to 25 HP (If not using protect from melee check deaths domain daily to see if there are any unclaimed rings there, i might add a death handler for this in the near future). 
    5. Like
      fallacy87 got a reaction from botstig in Text above NPC   
      public java.lang.String getOverhead() Gets overhead message for this Character. Returns: the overhead message for this character if valid, otherwise null.  
    6. Like
      fallacy87 reacted to Pandemic in Walking doesn't use ring of shadows unless it is equipped   
      Thanks for the report, it should be fixed in the next client build.
    7. Like
      fallacy87 got a reaction from camelCase in Console text color help   
      if i had a book/website that taught me coding based off this I would have learned it years ago. 
      Just saying you could make millions.
    8. Upvote
      fallacy87 reacted to camelCase in Console text color help   
      + is doing string concatenation you need to provide it as the first arg to dreambots logger,
      Logger.log(Color.PINK, "penis");
    9. Like
      fallacy87 got a reaction from badramen in Bank Withdraw Method doesn't work   
      Well, I was just trying to help you out in your code, not insult you. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong (this might be practiced here, I recently came over from another API less than a week ago), but onStart should be used to initialize code that is meant to be ran only 1 time. For example, adding a GameTickListener to the instance or updating your global parameters(if params were given) and not generally used to control the bot. While your intent is only to check the equipment 1 time and that's what onStart technically does, the better approach might be to set a global boolean to false and in the loop set it to true once the conditions have been met. This allows you to control the bot way more efficiently and if a misfire does happen the loop comes back and does the action in the near future.
      boolean equipmentChecked = false; @Override public int onLoop() { if(!equipmentChecked){ // do your equipment check, // set equipmentChecked = true; once your script finds what it is looking for // return -1 if the user does not meet the requirements return 1; } // run the rest of your code once the equipment is checked // this will not run until the equipmentChecked boolean equals true return 1; }  
    10. Upvote
      fallacy87 got a reaction from Dexter Bots in Break identifier   
      When i tested it, it worked (forced a break from the client) but returning super.onLoop() stopped the loop. So just remember to do some logic and return an actual value on the loop to keep the loop going until you hit your desired conditions, then return super.onLoop()
    11. Like
      fallacy87 got a reaction from Dexter Bots in Break identifier   
      So what you want to do is create a custom break handler and add it to the RandomManager. In the "onLoop()" method you can set a code to go to a safe spot or logout or do whatever.
        public class CustomBreakSolver extends BreakSolver { @Override public String getEventString() { return "MY CUSTOM BREAK HANDLER"; } @Override public int onLoop() { Tile closestBank = BankLocation.getNearest().getTile(); Walking.walk(closestBank); if(closestBank.getArea(4).contains(Players.getLocal())) return super.onLoop(); else return 100; } } @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); BreakSolver breakSolver = new CustomBreakSolver(); getRandomManager().registerSolver(breakSolver); log("CUSTOM BREAK SOLVER? "+getRandomManager().isUsingCustomBreakSolver()); }  
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