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  • osrs420

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    About osrs420

    • Birthday 11/21/1993

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    1. could u please reset trial for this and any others ive done i havnt played in ages and i got a decent amount of money looking to finally stock up since i got a good pc i can run on nowbe much appreciated love ur work
    2. hey i asked about the gotr trial but could u reset this and soccerers garden aswell just want to start fresh but my already bought scripts on here
    3. hhey imm looking to buy aa few crucial scripts just checking rc ones as the4y have always been stupidly hard to get good ones ive only just gotten backafter spending along time in hospital when i was ast on here there was 13 pages now 23 or something lol but would u be able to regrant me another trail run would be amazing to see progression and everything else
    4. there is one exatly as u described that does it all
    5. massive huge grratz and i thought my soul wars mini game was guna be a mad kick to the holidays lol
    6. well just saying this is a lie of a script? supports no prayer or flicking doesnt supoort cannon system and also it doesn't even do magic every combat... come on good sir wtf?
    7. hey guys love ur scripts however this onee and spindel keep getting my accs banned has been a while since i did revs could i have a retrail to see how things go?
    8. hey i had paid for this in the past but my accounts got banned all evidneetually could i pleaase get a re trail to buy the lifetime verision if i lieke it ty ur works great
    9. could you possibly do me a retrail i did it ages ago and now its had time to be perffectedmore wanted to see how it runs as im buying 250$ worth of scripts friday
    10. are u just stupid ?? seriosuly done with this chat was ages ago the fact u kept going after being called a child for doing so shows how lonely u must be probly only time u can be a guy is when u play this or its all subs for u mate shit grow up kid. if you didnt know dreambots functions explains why ur scripts look so dodgy
    11. seriously just stop being a child i wasnt even rude unlike all ur responses to anyone whos complained
    12. lol ur sucking something fat thats for sure not a blunt tho altho u do just accept money for trash and u think ur swag u grow up in 2010? like the fk hahaha and yes unless ur guna ban this fucking application for allowing others to look at console log and have scripting helpers like the dev tools and pandoramic something or even click recorded now thats handy ;ol but legit u have options to turn on all wigets and basically anything u want to web nodes and so forth anyone can view and do this.
    13. yeah maad skills i have had an account on dreambot longer than u mate my god you can do this through dreambot so unless ur guna ban dreambot wtf u on aboout lay the fuck of tthe crack u cant take a pointer to improve no u want to ram down every single person whos raised an issues throat its prettty low mate
    14. u just cant handle anyone saying ur scripts are shit l0l0l
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