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  • PiNk

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    1. would this work with guthix rests and a 10 hp pure?
    2. QRooftops by qbots Never None Unlimited View Thread Report Issue Hello I would like a refund on this bot since it doesnt work anymore, I would glady take a new agility bot, or store credit. Thanks!
    3. thanks for the fast updates man, is there any way you can make the crafting part support drift nets? also now when crafting the jewlerry it keeps closing out of the interface where you select what to craft before it repeats it and finishes the process. also for some reason its failing to bank while mining coal at the mining guild, and for some reason the bot uses the mini map so much when the interaction that needs to be done is on the screen and the mini map clicks arent needed. sorry to be nit picky.
    4. crafting emerald necklaces at edge furnace is a lil glitchy mouse hovers over the tress when returning to furnace instead of the furnace itself then starts, same with the bank hovers over a different banker then clicks on the closest one, and repeats
    5. if only it would kill goblins and obtain another scroll and keep going 😉
    6. @Zawy was wondering if you could change the custom feature a little bit to where i can shift click what orres i want to mine if it is easy to change thanks but other running well, 8 hr proggy level 37 now. 😊
    7. everytime i start the script for splashing it just logouts or stops and says i have no runes left when i have all runes in my inv
    8. tried the trial, after 20 mins rcing body runes it got stuck by the altar just messing with the camera angles viscously , i have a clip if you want to see. thanks!
    9. running amazin...i keep stopping before i take a screen shot of proggy lol, but ive had a few solid 12 hours yew cutting, next time i will be sure to get one. 😉
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