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  • 420x69x420

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    Everything posted by 420x69x420

    1. Sent in an SDN update pending approval that fixes profit calculations. Updated github for local script.🙂
    2. Thank you! This will be fixed in next update. I'm sorry but I've never ran into this issue before, please make sure "Fresh Start" is enabled in your DreamBot Client settings then re-launch client and let me know if it still occurs.
    3. Just wanted to say that I made a lvl 3 acc manually, suicided it in F2P for 10 days gametime gaining a total of around 4200 xp, then decided to bond it and do the chair glitch in PoH on w330 while spamming 360-noscope on players at the altar, then it got temp banned. Lol
    4. If you created the account or played on datacenter IP then it will lock the account often like this. Its Jagex taking a bet that you're a botter mass-creating accounts with fake e-mails and don't have access to the email to unlock it, effectively banning the account from further play. But if u have access and dont mind unlocking its no problem, just keep unlocking. Or create and play on new account from your home IP or residential IP
    5. lol. Those damn UNETHICAL competitors ruining the profitability of ETHICAL rigged scamming scripts pumping gambling addictions. What a shame
    6. Generally Wednesdays in the middle of the day (in the UK) is the day of weekly updates, sometimes it breaks DreamBot and sometimes it doens't, so yes the status page is the best resource for this information, also the client update forum section.
    7. I haven't taken the time to read through and understand it but here's an example guide: Good luck have fun!
    8. 420x69x420

      Falador Filler

      This makes me want to run 1000 bucket filling bots just for the UwU
    9. does your code look like below? What is the folder path that you are putting the .jar in? What does your ScriptManifest look like? In the title of your post you say Can't export .jar file, yet in the post you say there are no errors when you exporting the .jar file. Did you try and fail to export the .jar, and didn't see any errors in the process? Or do you see a .jar file in the export folder?? import org.dreambot.api.methods.MethodProvider; import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript; import org.dreambot.api.script.Category; import org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManifest; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.widgets.WidgetChild; @ScriptManifest(name = "#Tester", author = "Dreambotter420", version = 0.01, category = Category.MISC) public class Tester extends AbstractScript { @Override public void onStart() { MethodProvider.log("OnStart Script!"); } @Override public void onStart(String[] i) { MethodProvider.log("OnStart Script quickstart!"); onStart(); } @Override public int onLoop() { log("Test"); return 3000; } }
    10. Profitable herblore! Run this script on a members account with money and watch it burn through the green like Snoop Dogg. This script features: -Grimy -> clean -> unf pot processing: Turns all invy/banked grimy/clean herbs into unf pots. -Level checking: won't attempt to process or buy more of any herbs above your lvl (according to making unf potion requirement) -Live price checking: buys/sells an item to know the very latest actively traded price, accounting for GE tax -restocking: when all run out of herbs, sell all unf and price-check latest herb. If still profitable buy more, otherwise re-check prices of all herbs. Also buys 13k vials of water if ran out -Undercutting the market: Customize how much more to buy grimys and how much less to sell unf relative to live checked price (default 2gp) -Profit margins: Specify how much each grimy -> unf potion should profit (default 50 gp per herb) before buying any more of them -XP Mode or GP mode: Checks price for all available herbs that you can process into unf. If any herbs checked result in profit margin more than specified they are added to list of valid herbs to choose from. XP Mode sorts the valid herb list by highest XP per herb, GP mode sorts by highest profit margin (default GP mode) -Max buy quantity: If your account ends up getting too rich but you don't want to buy infinite herbs when restocking, you can set maximum buy quantity per restock (default ~5000) -Cuts the crap and goes to work: After putting up a buy offer, collects what goes through and processes it. This way the script can keep busy while waiting for buy offers to fulfill. However if a buy or sell offer takes too long it will get canceled and pricechecked again. -Custom herb list: Select the herbs that are acceptable to you for the script to process -Bot Mode: Sets mouse clicks to be really fast to clean herbs faster -Druidic Ritual: Buys required items then completes quest. Also buys some eyes of newt to boost lvl 3-22 herblore -BONUS: This script was made for GP not XP. However if you buy eye of newt and guams in advance the script will make Attack Potion(3) and wont sell those. -GUI! Just press start to go with defaults. -Or launch via quickstart parameters. Available quickstart arguments: maxbuy=<number> profitmargin=<number> undercutsell=<number> undercutbuy=<number> xpmode=true/false botmode=true/false herbs{herb1,herb2,herb3} <---- if you specify this parameter, all other herbs will be disabled Example quickstart argument: Progress screenshots: Tarromin and marrentill are permanently banned from this Herblore script. Open source🙂 https://github.com/Dreambotter420/ProfitableHerblore
    11. El propietario original del problema eliminó archivos en su computadora para liberar espacio
    12. Can we actually reduce the timing via this method? MouseSettings#setMouseTiming requires to pass a MouseTiming object which I assume is the internal generator that is used. I don't see any constructor methods for MouseTiming or setter methods to set click interval in MouseTiming after getting it via MouseSettings#getMouseTiming
    13. Try resetting to default settings for the firewall connection access ?
    14. the y2 coordinate you put as 3240, but really it should be 3420, this made the corner for your bank area in Lumbridge goblins, and so the center was located in varrock wheat fields.
    15. new Area(3251, 3420, 3255, 3240, 0); typo woops! Change to: new Area(3251, 3420, 3255, 3420, 0); Happens to best of us sometimes, in fact so much that someone made a tool to solve these typos (10/10 can vouch):
    16. What exactly is the script doing wrong?
    17. Did you try re-downloading the client using the button at the top of the dreambot website, then launching the new client? If not, I would be very suspicious of your skills and strength
    18. Added Horror From The Deep, also fixed ~15 bugs in quests / skills that were revealed to me after running script on a fresh account
    19. Then why did u make this post lol I noticed you mentioned installing security certificates, and since this seems like a generic Java problem not specifically related to Dreambot, as well I think most Dreambot users never messed with Security certificates, I just googled some of your error codes and found this: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/sunsecurityvalidatorvalidatorexception-pkix-path-building-failed-sunsecurityprovidercertpathsuncertpathbuilderexception-unable-find-vali I as well have never messed with security certificates, and last time I botted on XP was when Swiftkit was still available lol. But if you can get it to work past compatibility issues then surely it would be simpler to use than Linux and less resource intensive than later versions of Windows.
    20. Some types of botting is relatively safe, like some well-scripted SDN scripts or most private scripts. However bans can occur at any time. The most bannable offence is creating accs / botting tut island or even manually completing on most proxies, so if you need new accs I recommend manual creation on home IP with fake e-mail and tut complete with Runelite, then just register e-mail to acc with real e-mail (doesn't matter how many accs you link to one e-mail this way) so that you can bot the acc on most proxies and if it gets locked then just unlock it with your real email. The 2nd most bannable offence is running more than ~3 accounts on the same IP doing the same thing - doesn't matter too much what it is, they just like to look at multi-logging users in general.
    21. When the client says (OUTDATED) that means that you have to close all clients and update by launching "DBLauncher.jar"
    22. I understand that a lot of different methods to get the local player's Player object have been deprecated in favor of Players.getLocal() but using the latest updated client.jar in my Eclipse libaries build path does not recognize Players.getLocal() to be a defined method. Am I missing something or is that method not actually implemented just yet? Edit: Fixed this by removing client.jar from the Build path, clicking apply, then adding it back in 🙂
    23. Well, Dreambot users are getting banned, but not anymore than they were before the 3rd party client announcement lol. IMO the 3rd party client bans were indeed to stop botting, but from a specific type of player, who likes to play legit but use OPRS plugins to automate stuff. For example Hydra plugins that automate end-game content and cost a lot of money because they basically knew it wouldn't be detected. But those plugin developers who know their stuff just spoof Runelite now anyways rofl, so much for stopping botting!
    24. Download and run Jarfix and see if that fixes your jar
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