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  • UberJason

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    Everything posted by UberJason

    1. idk if that'd be a good idea tbh. The account might get banned before you finish selling the feathers so it'd be best to mule them away imo.
    2. I've heard from someone that apparently there is a fix for that, but it's as they put it, a pain to deal with. I've posted about that a while back as well.
    3. @Tribal suggestion: lower the amount the bot waits to restock to to like 90-95, because I'm noticing running into other bots doing the same thing that don't wait until it restocks to 100 which slows the works down.
    4. @Nex is your script safe from this? Might be buying the script in the coming month or so if everything goes as planned.
    5. Looks nice, gonna give an overnight round of bots a swing at it! If they're still going when I wake up tomorrow I'll post a proggy. Nice to see some variation in money making. @Tribal suggestion, add profit made to the paint? Would be a pretty neat touch.
    6. Now I'm noticing after finishing an account, it's getting stuck at clicking the options icon at the start of tut island. There's an error in the debugger that reads: [ERROR]23:42:02: Exception has occurred while running! Please report error to developer if problem persists: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.dreambot.api.input.event.impl.mouse.impl.MoveEvent.handleMovement(MoveEvent.java:350) at org.dreambot.api.input.event.impl.mouse.impl.MoveEvent.handleMovement(MoveEvent.java:284) at org.dreambot.api.input.event.impl.mouse.impl.MoveEvent.run(MoveEvent.java:92) at org.dreambot.api.input.event.impl.InteractionEvent.interact(InteractionEvent.java:131) at org.dreambot.api.input.event.impl.InteractionEvent.interact(InteractionEvent.java:78) at org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.impl.Walking.clickTileOnMinimap(Walking.java:136) at org.dreambot.hashtag.questing.nodes.TutorialIslandNode.execute(Unknown Source) at org.dreambot.api.script.impl.TaskScript.onLoop(TaskScript.java:84) at org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript.run(AbstractScript.java:256) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) @Hashtag
    7. @Roma Seems to have gotten stuck on Waterfall, took me to ardy bank after doing the stuff in glarials tomb and didn't do anything after opening the bank interface. I know I have everything it needed because it bought it for me before I started the quest. Am I doing something wrong?
    8. @Roma Just curious, any other quests in the works?
    9. Tried on multiple accounts, every single one got banned after a short period of time. Tried on freshly created accounts as well as aged accounts. I suppose it doesn't help if I'm doing them all at once so I'll give doing only one or two of them for a bit a go.
    10. Do I need to have the account saved in DB and selected to get the GUI to pop up? Currently trying to use it with an account I logged into myself. I don't have it selected.
    11. Nice release. I'll get an account going and see how it does!
    12. Also, when starting the script without a txt file, it seems to start tut island but breaks leaving the cursor over the sun in the settings tab. This might be intentional, so I'll give it a few more seconds but idk.
    13. @Hashtag is this script able to handle disconnects? Noticing it breaking after being disconnected.
    14. Bought script. The one and only reason I bought the script is the ability to complete tut island with a text file of accounts. Any chance an update could be added to make it so completed/failed (invalid or otherwise) accounts are logged to an additional file?
    15. Can't seem to PM you, so what would it cost for a private script that'd kill and loot lava drags?

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